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Show By W. U. Telegraph. THE I'KKLlNUltUYSliN 11 ILL. Washington. D. 0.. 17. The following fol-lowing is a synopsis of the Erelinghuy-scn Erelinghuy-scn Utah bill aa reported in tho Sen-ato Sen-ato on Saturday. Too Erchnghuysen Utah bill was reported to the Senate from tho judicial committee yesterday, with amendments which rclato more to matters of detail than otherwise. As it now stands, it authorizes tho appointment ap-pointment of deputy U. 8. Marshals and assistant District Attorneys, for each of tho judicial districts of the Territories. The U. S. Marshal is required re-quired to make a list of lUO mala citizens cit-izens of tho United States residing in tho Territory, aud from theso, grund and petit jurors are to bo drawn. Each party, either in civil or criminal cases, to bo allowed six peremptory challenges, but no challenges to be allowed al-lowed on ground that tho jury has served at a previous term of court. Theso jurors aro to act in all cases arising either under the laws of tho United States or of tho Territory. All probate judges and notaries publio to uo uppoimcu uy mu uveiuoi, uuu subject to removal by him. The pro-bato pro-bato courts will bo allowed to try civil cased involving not more than $ 1 (JO, but not to exorcise any criminal jurisdiction, that being exclusively lodged in tho district courts, which havo also exclusivo original orig-inal jurisdiction iu all actions for divoioo, alimony, eto. Tho district courts aro also declared to be Territorial Territor-ial courts in all cases arising undor the Territorial laws. These provisions of the bill will be seen to give tho United States marshal tho selection of all jurors in the Territory, aa there is no restriction upon his choice- of names which he sends to tho clerk of the court, and it also allows him to uso the sauio jurymen in different districts, and term after term in tho same dk-triot. dk-triot. Tlio bill also jjiupuaoa to tako away from the probate courts tho power to issuo writs of habeas corpus. Tho bill repeals all Territorial election laws, including in-cluding the woman suffrago act, and forbids the naturalization of persons living in or practising bigamy or polygamy, poly-gamy, and this last provision is not limited to Utah, in its operation, so that porsons who hereafter apply for naturalization in New York nor elsewhere else-where must neither live in or practice bigamy or polygamy. It also provides for tho discharge from a Mormon marriage mar-riage in tho same way as from lawful marriage; that is, on proof of bigamy, adultery, or polygamy. Among the Territorial acts which it is proposed to annul uy dui are an ordinance incorporating incor-porating tho Church of Latter-Day-SaintS.tbc judiciary acts,for tho organization organ-ization and government of tho militia, the act concerning property, rights of mrrried persons, all acts incorporating cities or towns, all acts providing for the election by tha legislature of tho Territorial marshal, attorney general, auditor, treasurer, surveyor general, and wardens and directors of penitentiary. peniten-tiary. All theso officers are to bo appointed ap-pointed by the governor. This bill ia one of those favored by the Republican senatorial caucus, and therefore is likely to come up in that body this session. ses-sion. It will hardly bo acted upon in tho house. |