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Show J. L. Firmage Elected Member Of Walker Brothers Bank Board Following the monthly meeting Thursday, July 11, or Die board of directors of Walker Brothers Bankers Bank-ers in Salt Iake City, it announced announc-ed Dial. J. L. Firrna ;e had been elected elect-ed a member of the board of that instil in-stil ii f ion. Mr. Firmace jis District. Manager of the .7. C. Penney . having supervision super-vision ovt that company's operations throughout l'l;ih, southern Idaho and western Wyoming, has gained a reputation rep-utation as a successful merchandise eecut i ve. Mr. Firmage Is also a director of Hie Knight Trust, and Savings Bank of Provo, 'he Bank of American Fork, the Peoples State Bank and the Pacific National Life Insurance Co. of Salt Lake. |