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Show Will American Fork Celebrate July 24th? There seems to be an undercurrent under-current of thought advocating a July 24th celebration in American Fork. It is to be hoped that city officials or church leaders will work out eome phase of celebration to entertain those citizens who remain at home that day. Why not keep American Fork's resources re-sources within American Fork? The following outlined program pro-gram could easily be followed that day and would do a lot to lend dignity to tie occasion and keep the public's patronage patron-age within the community: A community patriotic program pro-gram to be held in the morning, morn-ing, with music and a distinguished dis-tinguished speaker as the outstanding out-standing features. Children's races and candy shower. Baseball! game with one hundred percent Support from American Forkers. Band concert in the evening. Besides the above activities, it would be a wonderful thing if business houses and residences resid-ences would decorate for the celebration. Flags along the main street furnish a perfect sotting and at least symbolize that we do not forget! Next week we hope to publish an official schedule of the day's events for ' American Fork City's July 24th celebration. |