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Show Timpanogos Stake Relief Society Visit County Infirmary The Relief Society of the Timpanogos Tim-panogos Stake made its annual visit to the County Infirmary, July 9, 1929. There were in the party fifty ward officers and members, Jour stake hoard members, one stake president and one bishop. There are forty-five inmates in-mates and five employees making a total of one hundred and six who were entertained with a spicy program pro-gram and dainty refreshments, consisting con-sisting of sandwiches, ice cream and cake. Each inmate was gven a bag of goodies to enjoy after we were gone. The following program was rendered: render-ed: Opening Song "America." Prayei- Annie R. Holman. Song "We Thank Thee Oh God For A Prophet." Opening remarks by President Ella M. Cragun, who presided at the meeting. meet-ing. Short speech of welcome Supt. Huntington, who in his kindly way made every one feel at ease. Response Bishop Frank Atwood. Duet Noan Baxter and Vilate West. Reading Delilah Fugal. Solo Jane Wolsteinholm. Elizabeth Noble gave two original readings. Remarks Edmund Cragun of the Stake Presidency. Readings Sarah Walker. Solos Maggie Christensen. Reading Aunt Mary Evans, age 95, of the home. Solo Uncle John Broadbent. Remarks of appreciation for the kindness shown her at the home by Aunt Nancy Smith, age 96. Music by Louie Hasler, Jake Ovard and Maude Sharp. After the program and refreshments refresh-ments were over, the visitors were shown through the building, and given an opportunity to visit and chat with the inmates: In a recent issue of a county paper, the editor makes an appeal to the people o Utah County to visit this institution and make a thorough inspecion. We have done this and as a body are unanimous un-animous in our findings. The Inmates In-mates are well cared for, cleanliness prevails everywhere. A spirit of contentment con-tentment and appreciation is manifest. mani-fest. We have visited here many times and have always found the same good spirit present. We are sure the charges brought against the institution are without foundaion, and are the work of unscrupulous irresponsible people. God bless this home, with its inmates and attendants. attend-ants. May we as a younger generation, gener-ation, always find our greatest pleasure plea-sure in bringing smiles to these dear wrinkled faces, and sunshine to their souls. 'May we learn to more fully appreciate the lives and efforts of each other, that cruel thorns may be cast aside and flowers cover our paths. Jimmie W. Johnson, Stake Secretary. |