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Show 1 l l' "1,',rl '"in iniiiiiiiiiiiiii iiMMMMMMiMmaMiaMi iiiii m miii mjn jit mi iiaiiimiiiiiiiMn-ii niiiwawiiia ii'iam.k aiaiMai r M , . T r iir m f -r h ,t "' i ' mi iji iii i a iiia,M, It im h 11 i iimii mm n V. --.'. '33 Srnd Your "nri F olks l Silmol Will Drrssrd. Tliry 1 at a low profit for a good husinrss reason. Children l..-come JrKj- ?i " : will go more tellingly ami study llwit Immus belter. Besides R grown folk. We wish f.,r them to get into the hahil of Cfflr isn't dressing well a part of their education) comi.ig to our store while lliey arc young. ffjfe ijfe i 'ji?' 'U- Wc Imvc Ixiught our st.x k of clothes for little folks. I While this week we arc especially looking after those in Sjfe lJn ' ' Knowing hw they romp nut their chillies. Our tort is the I school. We arc not overlooking others. Our fall stock of Xjjf NisSft children $lore of this city. Wc sell everything for cliildien I everything to wear is full and new. VfjA Summit Furniture & Mercantile Company. i :1 ! "Xl it,':,:-'" ,3?' i.f ; ;l ' -: : ., '. ' I !' f, . , '., i - . : trr.s:'KV' :"'.--r . COMING! T(l CO ai.vii.i.i.; ; flpill'lnll LllKL'. IIH'III . ' IIikIim'Iiim .Miriielluii j 2 Nights Only ' 1 Mr. Sanford Dodge iuported ; by Miii Amelia Nickerton , j and Excellent company pie-nt- ''',; ! ing ie World's Qrtatest l'lay. Friday evening.Sept.23 . i UIL' Three Musketeers ' ' ! Saturday eve., Sept. 24 :; FAUST . . 4, Elaborate and Llegant Costumes, t . A Al' sieci,il scenery and wonderful J electrical ellecls. A Guaranteed Attraction. I Crowded houses (everywhere. I Secure your seats early, j Prices-! 1. 00. 75 and 50. j Children, 25c. j Now on tale al Coalville Timet. $100 Kcwnrd, $100. TV r-1-n r 11.1a pmprt nl b plniMt In WfH h. Irii .. I rr'm .11 tt... ii't Hot H l.UUI. Hall, I lIltlB l..rr II II,.- ,11,1, .t r.tr .,.. ,.. .. I . K.I. ft.r.U, rrilretlly. I al .r.tt l...,'.l li.'.l.',.. i' ll'.'a. lunfl'lu'r I ik. n in-,o,,il, in-,o,,il, aniMj I i, bk.-l i.l li.u.,., ri.'iiui,!t'..i n.'L.VaTV'koMriiiiv ttuunz I i'm 'ii v' "' V 'lrt'a I lkA Uali , I ,0,11, ruu iu, cowllptUoe. I in I I-. : i v l Aleymi itll I n lily ( I'm lirilllll.l by the aid ol cruii lieii or a cane'.' I t ill you liuve i,.t a limb or ltae a ih form 1 1 , il our troiilile l rheii-niaiUiii. rheii-niaiUiii. I ii it 1 1 .i, ;. .. spr ain, Htllt Jolui 1 or auyiliiui; ol like nature iihi llal-lard' llal-lard' Snow 1 .1 til in-nl .mil In iiottiue y.m can iluoit anay your crutcln " and lie if. well m any one. I'rlce i",c .'iik-and l u. , r hoiile. Sold by I John 1 1 . . i , 1 1 ,v So i. GAMBLING yuiir life iiK'iilimt eetilN Ik Jimt exiu 'ly w hin you are iIoIiik If you nekilecl a eoiikth and cold on the chet Instead of treat I im It with Mallard' llorehouud Syrup. A I cent bottle lit till nplemlld remedy will cure an ordinary coiikih, heal the Iiiiich and act a a tonic for your entire yxleln. Sold by John Hoy. den A Sou. 1 Liveslock Directory. I 1 ,ii,l. tin, I. r Hi U heu im.' at tea. i I annul, : rnt- ; t . nr. . ol.l i I plot. -I'll. .11 Ii, your I. Her. reel mid I i Ty i.t ' lif t ill pay I'l. r , i'.i I,,-'" I I , lict,..il! ,n .- I ,, all. nil, I I"' I. '. L ao III- j cl i ... I'.'-llli "I .1 I ' I tinni; I I- i'l I. KDllOL.M iv ,'vl' I, i; r ; It 1 1 I.l V III, I I l i V.I, l-l'I.K I. k l'IIAI'l.l.1.1. I lll l. K. Cut lie bran. I". I till either of llie' following bratulH; ij on left Hide on flultt ld' m "S-"! Suitable reward leaitinir to reenv. cry of vlra. Addre Knnul.M a Akin, Evniou, Wyoming. AUonteys-iil Law. P. H. NEELEY ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Coalville. Utah i Thone 41 Red. Xt't rct Sufit'tij. Coalville Lodge No. 28, ! I. O. O. F. 1 Meets every Wednesday Evening in Jones' I hill. Visiting Bi oilier s Cordially Invited. i I JOHN lil'SVN 11 N.I.I'KTKIIsilN.V.ll .1. II rolVII. laeiy. j WM. V KI.MII. Tn ii-ur.T. oinry I'lilille. C. R. JONES, ' Notary Public . Resident Agent Fireman! Fund I Insurance Companv I of San HruuciKco , Aary Ann B Oark I (at the Sliueiimkcr'ij.' I ii the Agent for Summit ! County (or ..DXIEN.. Send no rorderu I can till tltei.i for von. I'oulMlle, - - I'tal riujsiciuii and Surgeon Drs. French & Crisp Physicians and Surgeons Special woilt done on Eye, Ear, Nose aud Throat. Glasses Fitted OHlce Iii Summit Illuck, Coalville Office Hour, from '.' tn 4. 7 to H p. m. All who cull nliolllil obaervo these lioiii a near a pinniblc. Dr. W. R. Emmett, Physician and Surgeon Office Summit Rloclc. Telejihone, Office, - 56 " Residence, 22 bile. COALVILLE, UTAH. I U. S. BEDELL Barber Shop. For the man ' who cares East Side Main St., Coalville. Mtitruvtei: Edward H. Rhead AtiHtriM'tfr uf Titlt-H fur Summit County. I'iuIit f lo.tMiaMto Hmul Real Estate, Insurance, Farm Loam j Dill.'" nt H.-.I.K-ium. ClHllvlIlM, I'lith. 'I'hono Nci, AH VrDj-(MIIH 7V A veU'l.' j y Vi isj "u f' Ij V I iet eii-luw,. ly. BAMH MIPIdlMciS, I B-rtf. i ,fnta tn .tr,.,,,.. ff ihteIu.Mc twv I . rTiNr LAwvaaa, B - J a 9 CURES 'I'VlirtK CURES H Rheumatism, '&fjr'XLJ i WlalS. Bruises, Burns, n 3 Neuralgia, Av3rWt Stiff Joints, B CuU, Sores, iy4& Lmo Back, I Wounds. ItisSJ V"'"1' ElCv Try it To-day "Hl"") Price Get the VrVryV-tVV 25c 50c Genuine. 'ilSfYtftatyk and $1.00 Refu au nnlf& Per Imitations. - -t-lfg Bottle. BALLARD SNOW LINIMENT CO., ST. LOUIS, MO. IaHHHIHHB Mole and Roommndd toy aHBSBHHBSHC SoU by Joa Borsta Boa. j |