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Show Send Your Young Folk to School Well Dressed. They will go more willingly and study their lessons better. Besides, at a low profit for a good business reason. Children become We wish for them to get into the habit of grown folks. education? isntdressing well a part of their coming to our store while they are young. We have bought our stock of clothes for 1 , While this week we are especially looking after those in school. We are not overlooking others. Our fall stock of folks. little Ed their clothes. Our stork is the Knowing how they romp out We sell everything for children childrens store of this city. &' ' iM everything to wear is full and new. L Summit Furniture & Mercantile Company. The Coalville Times Published every Friday. V. J. PETERSON. - - - Editor and Manager. P. O. Box A Bell phone, No. 20. Additional Local The district schools of this precinct opened last Monday with the following attendance: Principal C. A. White, 7th and 8th grades, 82. Miss Lewis, 6th and 6th grades, 44. Miss Paskett, 3rd and 4th grades. 46. . Miss Farnsworth, 2nd grade, 23. Miss Johnson, beginners and Isl grade, 63. Spring Hollow Miss Chamberlain and Miss Neeley teachers, 63. Grass Creek Mr. Wright, 80. . At the Democratic State Convention held In Provo yesterday the 1 following platform points were adopted: State wide prohibition. Exclusion of coolie labor and work men's compensation act. Direct primary law, and election of United States senators by the vote of the people. The initiative, referendum and recall. Use of convejances at elections, except for crippled or disabled persons; limitation of campaign expenses and publication of same. Commission form of government for cities. Conservation of the natural resources of the state. Tariff commission to settle the tariff question. At a t adjourned session of the city council held on tne 12th, J. H. Salmon's bid of $4,320.90 for the construction of 28,806 square feet of six jnch cement sidewalk, including all grading, waa unanimously accepted. Another matter taken up at this meeting waa the reading of an ordinance granting a franchise to the Union Pacific Railroad Co., covering the spur to the Wasatch mine. On Wednesday night the said ordinance passed its second and third readings and waa unanimously passed. .The matter of a new smokestack, to replace the one recently blown down, was referred to the electric light committee and the mayor, with power to purchase one, and have it put in place. The committee on paving was given power to have contract drawn up between the city ana J. H. Salmon, wfiiHiave the same duly signed. Council adjourned to Oct. 3rd, 1910. Fair Dope in Brief Next week 1 Fair week COMING I Nights Only Amelia Nickerson by Mi and Excellent company present- promises the public a rare treat. He has been rounding up some very ing the Wodd's Qreatest Plays nasty buckets and several good riders. Friday evening,Sept.23 Three Musketeers Saturday eve., Sept. 24 Besides the broncho busting there wilt he the potato races, both for ladies and gents. There will be a $16 prize for the team winning the race for three days. A gents team will eonsistol six riders,and ladies Jour, free. Send The Times is the county paper Only $1.50 a ear in advance. Sub scribe today. your,, against 25 cents is just exactly what you are doing if you Notice to Contractors, The undersigned school trustees of Castle church-notice- s GAMBLING life neglect a cough and cold on the Physician and Surgeon Drs. French & Crisp and Physician Surgeons chest instead of treating it with Utah, will receive bids up to 12 m. October a school house of 1910, the 18th, (or building Ballard's Horehound Syrup. A 25 at Wahsatch Station Each bid must be work done on Eye, Ear, There will be a base bail game be- cent bottle of this splendid remedy accompanied with a certified check of 28 Special cure an will Nose aud Throat heal ordinary cough, tween tlie north and south end of per cent of the amount thereof as a guaranthe county. The best players in all the lungs and act as a tonic for your tee that the accepted bidder will enter into of same, Glasses Fitted n contract for the performance towns in the county from Wanship entire system. Sold by John District Rock School Summit County, Boy-de- be forfeited to said Office in Summit Block, Coalville All proposals will be opened at 2 District, p, ill. on the Mtb day of Octoter, 1010. The trustees reserve the right to reject Office Hours, from 2 to 4, 7 to 8 p. m. NOTICE TO WATER USERS any and all bids Specifications onn be had AH who can should observe these State Engineers Office, Salt Lake City, on appplicatlon Dated at Castle Rock, September 12. 1910 hours as near as possible. Utah, August 16, 1910. Notlee Is liereby given that Jacob Land Josrpii S. Ball, Chairman, berg, whose post office address is Marlon. Ei'uene Wickkl. Hecy, Utah, has made application In accordance David Ei Mookk, Treas. with the requirements ot the Compiled By order of the Board of Trustees Laws of Utah. 1907, as amended by the Session Lausof Utah. 1909 to appropriate three (8) cubic feet per second of water from Aitorneys-a- b springs in Summit County, Utah. Spring a' Is situated at a point v.lileh lies 1 vw7 feet south and 1,820 feet east of the north east corner of Section t, Township 2 south Range t east, Halt I,ake base and meridian. Spring "b" Is situated at a point fhlcb lies 1.820 feet south aud 429 feet east of the, corOffice Summit Block. ner above described. It Is the Intention of ATTORNEY-AT-LAthe applicant to construct a number of dams In the natural channel of the stream, where Telephone, Office, - 56 the water will be used during the period Residence, 22 blk. from January 1 to December 31. Inclusive, of each year, for fish culture purposes- After Coalville, Utah has lng been so diverted and used, the water COALVILLE, UTAH. w 111 be returni il to the natural channel of the stream, at a point which lies 2,8h feet west and 2 ICO ftet south of the north-eas- t Phone 41 Red. cornerof Section 8, Tow nshlpfsouth. Range 8 east, Salt Lake ljn.se and meridian. This appllcntlon is designated In the State Engineer office as No. 8100. All protests against the granting of said south and from Hoytsvllle north ACADEMY NOTES The Summit Stake Academy had its formal opening last Monday, and ttie registration list was more than double that of last year. The seats of the assembly hall arenearly filled and a new arrangement will necessarily be made. The instructors and board are greatly encouraged over the outlook this yesr for it is expected that the attendance will exceed the hundred mark. The work in the Domestlo Science room is nearly completed. A new mailable steel range was Installed this week and several new sowing machines, i The choir was organized this week and work on a new operetta will begin in the near future. Dr. W. R. Emmett, Law. 1 W - U. S. BEDELL Secret Society. $100 Reward, $100. Th. Imdrra of thia ptrf 111! to ptnw & that there to at leaat one dreailnl dtoeaaa that anenot has been able to cure In all He etane and that to Uktarrfc Halt's CatarTb Cure ft the only poeittre cure do known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh a eofiwtaiittewal treatment require dm. Catarrh Cure HUe a -- Coalville Lodge Nor28, O. O.F. aaoiutu-tion- ternally, acting directly upon to urtacee of- - the lywtcm, thrrrfry dftroyUm the foundation of the dtoeaee. and giving the patient etrencth by building up the corwtttuUoa and aa toting nature in doing iu work- - The proprietor have o much faith to IU curative power that they offer One Hundred Dollar for any eaa that It Xhift 10 eure. Bend for het of teettmontole Addreea F J CHI VLY CO, TofedOb Bold by all DruggtoU. 75c. , Taki Hail Family rtt ft for cotaUpaUeo. - 19. Win. - estate s Emil in TO WATER it' Office, 18. Iltlh j;ut USERS JOHN GUNS.N G N. J.PETERHON.VG East Side Main St., Coalville. J, Jl VrA'uUCH. aecy. Halt Lake City, W M. Is hereby given that William lutvls and t.i!l e address is llenefer, Utith, made uppltiailon In accordance with . ,i hojt Are you just barely getting around by the aid of crutches or a cane? Unless you have lost a limb or bate a deformity if y our trouble is lumbago, sprain, stiff joints or anything of like nature use Ballard's Snow Liniment nd in no tune you can throw away your crutches and be a well as anyone. Price 25c 50c and $1 oo per bottle. Sold by Cordially Invited. NOTICE Notice j lOP For the man who cares -- A HGPP1TY Barber Shop. application, stating the reasons therefor affidav It In diiplleate amt filed. In this office within thirty (Shi das after the completion ef the publication of this not Ice I. -- Cat. Tavjjsv, State Engine! r I Hite tif first publication August 19. twin, Meets every .Wednesday .Evening date of completion of (publication, Scptcin-he- r in Jones Hall. Visiting Brothers y ft taken Inblood and mucous a Physician and Surgeon P. H. NEELEY Bill of Sale in book form for sale at this office. 25 for 25 cents. betne otherwise the amount to A Son. ELSH. Treasurer. Abstracter. Notary Public. the Compiled Laws of the reqiiliem nt-Utah, Ivm7 a- - amended hy the Session Ians s i S) of Utah liti, to appropriate of n euble-fno- t p r second of water from an n, utinttimd spring In Summit County, I'inh Said spilnir Is situated at a point which 2U degrees east 858 feet distant corner of Sections, from the north-weTownshtp8north, Rangel east. Halt Resident Agent Firemans Fund base anil meridian The water will be diInsurance Company verted at the placewhere It Issues from said spring and conveyed hy meansofapipe line of San Francisco for a distance of l.luu feet and there used John liuyoeii & Sou. Deduring the period from Junuarv l to cember 81 Inclusive, of cm h year, for doTh's apmestic and municipal purposes Probate and Guardianship notices. plication Is designated li Ihe State Engineer's Office as No. 81 lo (at the Shoemaker's.' Consult County Clerk or WwUrt Signer. A U protests against the granting of said the Agent for Summit . lor further lulorntaUoa. application, statrng the reasous therefor, In lie affidavit made by County for dupllcateand In the Dtutrli-- t Court of the Third Judicial must District of the Mute of Utah. Within ami lib din this office within thirty IA1 day after the oomph tlou of the publication of Summit County this liotTci MIii the mailer of the eitate of LouV Caleb Tahwer, Rlc hardlRunot deceased State Engineer Order to (ho cause i,y order of sale of Dati of first? publication August 19,1910, II real estate should nor jpe made. of publication SeptemSend m It appearing to the satisfaction of the vlateofiompletlon r orders I can dll lMlo 19, court from the verified petition of Joseph ber them for you. A. A. Billiot, administrator of the Cetateef Utah Coahilie, lelulse Richard Buiwt, deceasodr on Hie w herein, that It Is necessary to si 11 Ihe hole of t he estate of ald deceased K35SfiSOEBB Cards under this hen iing at reaIt Is ordered hy the Court. Thot ail perCURES sons Interested In the estate f wild lemlse sonable rates jn-tinr. A card iJ Richard ihmot.awar,P,mr i. ...... :n.- - protection lo your tntor. restR and Q Rheumatism. Court of the oimty of pii.iiintt viate of the recovery Vf onrn i i tiT wtli pay Neuralgia, Utah, at the Court Room t her ad la said for the si ce ior at it as' three years, 3 lverv i a richer and cv tinman in County and Mate on UigUHi ,1 iv if i of C. R. JONES, tmo-lenth- rheu-matisi- Edward H. Rhead Notary Public st Abstracter of Titles for Summit County. Under $10,000.00 Bond Real Estate, Insurance, Farm Loans Office at Residence, Coalville, 'Phone No. Utah. , I . EIlls. too Ml. pfrmtptlT obtained tn all eoantnc TftADf MARKS, CtTtaH and Copyright fci nd aketrfa, ftodT or Fhoto, I. ftMrwL IMPOST on ptntbtiity. Pitettinto t HClttT4?ly. SANK RCMSSMOCS. Send ffntt tn utamp for Inralnahto honk Ml NOW TO OftTAIft and FATCNTS. hick ft om will py. How to partno! iafonuauo fttoat law simI ottwr Mil Sill id D. FATtMT ,303 Seventh St, e - i - 1m , J till d lVrina given o'i r. advoi using icu.ion to EDHOLM & AKIN ka gk:LAiiilliakh hii am r ppkb Oil AlKLLE CREEK. t'attie brainld with either of the C., CURES Bruises, Bums, Stiff Joints, Lame Back, Sprain, Etc., Cutt Sores, pit hi le I'1 'IliJ'l Washington, 0. as I -, h CO. LAWVKKS, KBBinBBKy Livestock Directory. r SWIFT 1 -- 68 Mary Ann B Gark There will also be cowpony races, and ponies must run under saddle. A pf4e n $5 will - be fcWwfded 1 he lain, nt tmi o chs k to Ihe fnonn of fastest horse of each days meet and said day. ami then at mere to sis w enu-If lire, have why at O'dayd Elaborate and Elegant Costumes. the winning 'horse drops out each forBuy lithe p. U.l!ii,!,j!d ,,t ued lo day. Get ready, boys. Anlil mtiulntstiftirr to ' tale, if All special scenery and wonderful There will also he a series of base said estate, at ell h, r putitlr nrm mn ; o ale so'e ball games and the winning team for the put pis' nieuii, nM lo t',electrical effects. ;illon, as he shall judge for t,i will be awarded a prize of $10. Interest of said estate, and of the part1' interested Teams competing must represent A Guaranteed Attraction. towns in the county and the plavers therein; Crowded houses (everywhere. It Is further ordered. That a copy of this residents of the town they represent. order be published at least once a weekfor' Secure your seats early. Be sure your exhibits are in before four successive weeks In th Coalville 10 o'clock a. m., Wednesday, for the Tlni,i newypapyr printed and published Prices- -$ 1 .00, 75 and" 50. ' la said county. Dated this 13th dty of September. 1910. judging commences at 2 p. m. Children, 25c i- Go G. Aatosatoao. School childrens' day at the Fair Judge of the Third Judicial District la and Now on sale at CoalviQe limes. will be Thursday the 22nd. All lor the County of Runout. Mtate of Utah. FAUST We print them in. hc-pa- to and. pre- parations for a grand exhibit are near completion. The shed are in readiness and it is expected that there will be a much bigger exhibition than that of last year. Entries for live stock are steadily coining in and it is expected that the sheds will be filled to their utmost capacity. There is one thing 'ta very commendable, and that is, the farmers are taking more pains with their produce and stock so that they will show up in the pink of condition. Many have been preparing TO COALVILLE their horses and cattle for over a month and it Is expected that the Special! Engagement High-cla- n Attract ion live stjck exhibit will reflect great credit upon the farmersxif Summit 2 county. Mr. Sanford Dodge supported Will Mooie has arranged his pro 4 a school children will be sdmitted at half price, 5 cents. There will be various sporta for children to par iu. One feature will be a relay race run by a team of four boys. Each team must represent a district a prize school iu the couoty,-u- d medal will be awarded the winning team. Wound. . following brands; on left side on right side left on both Hor8eB shoulder sides. Suitable reward leading to recovery of estrays. Address dholm a Akik, Evanston, Wyoming. 1 V3 ra x Try it y Get the To-da- Genuine. , Refuse all Imif.finnf, BALLARD SNOW LINIMENT CO, ST. LOUIS, MO. Sold and Roommndwd Bold hy Jhs Boyisa a toy Boa. |