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Show ; AFTER j DOCTORS FAILED ! LydiaE.Pinkham'sVcgcla" ; ble Compound Cured Her 1 Knovlllc, Iowa. " I suffered with pains low ilim n In mjr rlHlil side fur a I your or more and wu. so weak aiiiI tier- Yuiis Unit I niiiM lint ilo my work. 1 I w rote to Mrs I'lnK- -v hum mi l took l.ydla y W. K. I'lnklllim's 'l g"- sJjO?t? table ' o m po u ml mill Mw 1'ilK Bin! L . L? mil glad to say t tint t f yiir nicdlelnes and . " Llllll letters of ill. A "5" rcitloiu liavo done ' if morn fur tno than rfWa, anything ele mid I nlfiW' ' the neat Pliysl. . I ' i,ti, " elutis here. 1 enn ' I-1" my work and r" t a-ell nt nldlit. I licllcve there I IP'tli-lug IP'tli-lug like the rinkliatii remedies." Mm. ci.aiia riiANKn, n.y.i)., 'l. 8, KllnlVllle, IuWA. The success nf I.rdl.i K. riiikharn'i Vegetable Compound, made from runts lid herbs. In unparalleled. It may Iks Used Willi rfcct entitldcnce liy women ho milTrr from displacements, liitl.iin. timtlou, iilriTntloii. lilirold tumor. Ir. regularities, periodic palm, kukaolu ls'arltig-diiwti feeling-, llutiilciicy, In. II-(r'Ktioti, II-(r'Ktioti, dlulncss, or nervous if"5tr.v ll"tl. For thirty years I.vdlaK. rinktinm'ti Vegetable ( i in nl bus bri ll the ttiiuliinl remedy for female Ills, mid miUcrlhii women owe It to themselves tout least "tve thin medicine a trial I 'roof I iihiiiiihuit that It has enro l tliousan Is of others, und w hy should It not euro youy If jntt wnnt special niivlc-r write II r. I'itih lm in, I ,y tin. 1 ns for 1U ItLifruouuiiulwuyn lirlful. Brings Cheer to the breakfast table Post ! Toasties with cream. j Crisp, golden-brown "crinkly" bits, made from white corn. A most appetizing, con-venient, con-venient, pleasurable breakfast. j "The Memory Lingers" 1-o.liim O rr1 Co . 1 1.1. |