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Show Death's Harvest Very iBtpr. -ne ,. t.- 1 1 1.- funeral ; acrvlecH h-l.l toi- . I t i.ln i niter-noon niter-noon nvef the i, in im- .. ., ii. W. KrellCh. ho ,,, , ue.ihiy eleu- lug. Pr T. I.. All.m. ol tin. city. and ltev..t Hem ,,( ptk Clt. were till '.ake.. Mi., .lu.llili AmleraiM f...u.. and Mr.. V ii. Kinher, of (V-.len. t autiliilly e,i-. dered Hiikii. The il.ov. r, , r.- many mid vnr'l naillul mid the house wa llll li.'rll....;iig ith fneii.U' to pay tfc' ir hl-l r. .peClklll the de- A ahiidoa of ih epe.t gloom wan cast nvnf u r quiet htile tow n on rueHllll.yi'"iig, Sent. I llli. when It hecmiM know n that Mr. II. V. Kreucli I n. I Hinldeiily and uuex- pecleilly plli.l.e,l to Hie er,. ylul. I Appearenlly Iii the h.-t of health. I with a hoi II. on In r face, he under-I under-I vieut a aaiyical operation which Ih lint coimMrreil at alt dangeroiiH, and I while lin k r the tnl'u. m f the i antlHeptlr piiH.ed away. Mrn. IjIIiiiu Ir.n.'li wiih the j daughter ( Mr. nii.l Mih. Jacoh I Killilheck Ol lloapera, Iowa. Where the fainllf ih widely known and: much rrtliecteil. She wan horn In 1 1 oh pern, Jan. LHIh, I -TH. and piiH.ed her happy girlhood In that pn tly little town. Ill lMttnliu wan mnrrn d to lir. O. V, Krenrh mid iiitnc with 1 1 1 lit the Hiime yearlo make their home In Coalville here tiny have alnce renldnd. I Hcreitied wan a wntiiiiu of heauil-ful heauil-ful p.THOn. a lirlghl and aunuy iIIh-poaitlon iIIh-poaitlon Unit en.l.ared her to all. She counted her ftieiulH hy the people Hlit met. Iter l.caotiful home wiih alwafa open to her frnndn, w here p.'-aiit Hiuilen and cheery word ever greeted them. (Iciiemua allium! tnl fault, ahe wan ever ready to help tin poor ami unfortunate. ThoHe win knew her lu-t loved her most. I'tuiMiially aytiipathetlc. No one applnd to her III vain. Her (lentil, ao unexpected, wiih k evure ahuak lo her three beautiful ehlhlren, w liii Idolized her, her I, in,-hnnd, in,-hnnd, who wan devotedly ntlnched to her. and lo relative nml n wine circle of frietidH. Tl ntlre com. uiuuiiy Hmpathie uiili the n. reave.l .hi.'... Life llll HIIUHhllle it t Hhail. all '.a.piue without M.iron, all pleu.ure without pain. Were not life at all -at I. n-t not human life. Inke the lot of the hlippi. .1 - i. , mixed atory. It ih ma. Ik of ...rrow- nml J..y; hereiivetiieiit. and .e..ing, one following anoth. I inaklng u. ad and hie-h. . I hy turiiH. Hut, when death coiuea. we do not philosophy we only feel. The ey.Htlial ale fail o teiirn no not nee, though Ihcouim-of Ihcouim-of lime they nee iiioi. clearly and hrightly than lima.- wha have never known Horrow. In tiuien of Horron. to.il U m ar, MlH vlgiU never ce l.. Iii. tender, loving ..lcc I hear. "In im- , e !)ha!l have peace." I'lllieral Hi rvlci-H over the r. malm.' of Mr.. Margaret J .lni-.l..u were1 held In the Stake lion... hi.t I rl.luy under the direction ! the hi-hoprlc ot IhU ward. The p. al.. r were !:. II. Kheau. I'rank Croft and Thoiua. C.-ph-y. Mu-.li- w an funnelled hy the ward choir. II .l II A I'll l-A I. -Kill II Margaret JoIhihIoii. who..-maiden iiaim- uiih Margaret Itennle, wnn horn at Sterling. Scotland. Juno It. j ls-.il, making tn-r M y. ar. three ! InolitliH and three dain old when nhe died, oil Sept. 7th. She wan the I daughter of John and Margaret Itennle. Wan mauled In Andrew John-ion In the year 117 or Ik, and I wan haptled a ineiuher of Unchurch Un-church of Ji-hiih ChriHt of Latter , iay Saliitn ale. lit Co- year I '. I'.iii- igrated to the I nlteilStaten wllliher hunliiind in the year IxVI, and lived iln Virginia a Hlmrt time when they v.-d to Hold. Mile, I II., w here they 1 lived till iMil. when tlM-y moved III j Florence, iiml from there to I'tali ' the na year, crossing the plains -. j with Josepli Young'H ox train. 7 ' j They Mopped nt II, ,yt. villi-, thla f j county, w here they resided ahout v'.. I year mid n half, they then iimvi-il ; to Coalville, t tln-n Chalk Creek i and ' r. .side. I lu re until herd. nth. ' J She Was the motherof eight child- ''''V' n il, nix hoy n mid two gliln of whniii t, . ' ,' two sons survive her: grandmother . v, ' j of tweiii-four i hihlreii hih. thirty. ; two great grand children. y ' , ' S-.I f the , urly sell lets will re. ),';' lueinher that in the year InU. when L ' . the two and a hall year old ami . of Mi. Johnston strayed away from k - I i" and was I...I for six dasaml '-. . live nights, and loiitul hy Itichanl T , hire'' two and a half nill. n up thn j." ri canviin hiiek of Hot i.i .1 S; '. This I. one of the many trials horno ', hv the deceased, lllld nftetl npokllll t'' i ' of hy her. '. |