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Show MINES AND' MINING SUCCESS IN DEVELOPING PROFITABLE SHEEP FLOCK The mining ind tatry the locality is s. mated about nine nt'lt-- fiorn Emmett, is tak uig on new life and 'at the present lime here is ronMderab;, activity A grtat future is predicted for the Profile and Hig creek uni;u camp In Idaho county, Idaho by iui Jud son Spofford who Irxs just returned from a month s sojourn in that die trict Recent prospecting work ptrfotmed of the Peacock upon the proper!) Copper Consolidated company, la Beaver county, Utah has added won derfully to the value of its unusual surface showing of lead silver ore A four foot streak of almost copper glance has been straight opened in the large ote body which is being developed in the Strehlke lease, on the Ely Calumet property, accoiding to advices from Ely, Nev. Greenwalt and Sevens, who were among the early operators in Jar bidge district Eave made a rich strike in a new d strict forty miles southeast of Hope, B C, atcoiding to prhale advices received in Salt lake In abtut lVail Idaho which s Farmers Must First Get Away From Ilellef That Animals May lie Kept as Scavengers Start With CANTALOUPE -- Ewes. Well-Bre- d reelect I oiv. M-- If me make a success of keeping a on our farnia we must get away from the cotniiiSnbelief that thorp may be kept aa aravengera While it Is a fart that sheep will lean up weeds and briars, and man age to exist on prior pasture, yet this Is only incidental ' If we keep a fork of sheep aa arav engera they soon asaume the appear anet that their purpose would signify Their fleeces appear seedy and. full of fork of sheep burrs and briars, and they show the ttie inditllurtla and rant mg that they are K WELL OF YOUR ael. cling .CITY ory of a Young Man's Experlencs That Points t Lesson to Citizens to of Every Community. can make intelligent selections even The Toronto Mail recounts th from his owu flex k of a young man, a citizen of When we observe the quality and prj e Dominion, who recently visited surround conditions which the study fveral cities of the states He the average farm flock we do not wonlought back with him some lmpres der that the majority of farmers make 4ms of one of our cities In particu a failure of the sheep business IT Minneapolis, Minn and In tha It is really astonishing to note the flnlon of our contemporary Canadian waste of opportunities In the sheep les might consider hls views with feat profit. The truth Is, the lesson should f this young mans expertc-ucfove as Interesting to communltlet this as on the other side of the Drder. It amounts to this, that gerybody he met In Mlnneapolir Of the many foke well of the town yople he met there, aaya our In trmant. he found not one who wae pt enthusiastic about the city. Tht SnveAation seldom ended withoul e other party giving It a turn tc fe popular theme MInneapells j"Now, this young man not only fctened In Minneapolis to praise ol tbrl t dftppMvo cantaloupe! $ places of Interest, its progress, Its How a u lifting Uiy tint frospects. Its advantages aa an In Anufi !i pt fcstrlal center, aa a place of rest Tl u i ii pt with i gUam and glint 1 at Hiijuif tin m Southdowna. knee, and ao on, but he stored these m wind kled fieldt it In hls mind, took them ever tc VS hereTrn lifts up its ppuars and shield, tings business Any Intelligent farmer who tbronto talked to the editor of the mi i tH urn Is a Student of the present economic fall and Empire about them, and got dam In thfoiiwh rhn sun and shade conditions cannot fail to sec thut the (toheit In a ihniiHrHid Jo ace made. telatter Interested In them to the future of the mutton growing and f.it etent that he sat down and wrote an tenlng business affords an attractive O bufie do!ffuI tiintalnupe' Mltorlal extolling handsomely the outlook for the farmer who lb In a VS hen fur u p rfurned olln taste dvic pride of the Minnesota city " vainly position to handle a farm flock of Thou fair within '"ir grasp art placed The lesson the editor draws frotr from one to two hundred well bred And we hth tflttd ot Be young Canadian's enthusiasm wt fmd shall renewed ewea fteiieying llther th cause of it Is that pride The savor with ull spice imbued tl city Is something that would, die That on e we had Relic of Barbarism. When In the days that are no mor loth becoming and useful on this sldt A Texas paper views It this way We tarvtd thy tore tf the line While Minneapolis Is noi "Mud roads are a relic of barbarism Be only city In the United States melancholy cantaloupe' and always indicate a people of slow O On thee thou w hit there the young Canadian might have sepulcher and If a habits unprogresslve We moon and fcund a similar measure of local pride eyellde blur stranger should ride over all the roads And udd n t ind enthusiasm, there are many cities Aa we reflet of any county and find them all mac ta this country, be it said with regret, -lone muahrm mush1 Tpon plain Ye, bet of whhh In bvhooda adarrtlzcd, he- - would trrwhlrh public sentiment Is so tine glorious rush on thesuperlir Intelligence and enWe tmild expect tired with criticism of ever) thing ' lightenment of the people, whether The golden pulp and honeyed Juice local that the visitor is led to won That liner gave our hopes abuse. he met a single one or not The roads 4er why, under all the circumstances of this county can be greatly Improved the complaining residents who talk Hence, groenlv grievous cantaloupe! by the road drag and now la the time Thou fastest like unto a cake tor those) places do not move away. Of foundry soap' to do It " "It Is rather a trite way of putting Thou art a striped antfr speckled fake. we know, but this does not prevent ft, No luscious hoard Of toothaumIt from being true, that a city Is what may hide hury class of fowls which later were known thy bleached and wan inside. Its citizens make it. If a city Is not Thou making gourd! as Rhode Island Reds. When this shat It ought to be, this Is generally What const thou say In thy defense? breed began to attract notice the re- Unreal mot Ike fault of tbe citizens who content go hence! kery, gion was visited by scores of buyers, themselves with criticising It. who picked .un.tYJu'jr. decDt colored "' Th Strongest Impression. bird at fancy prices, putting thousands HOUSE BUILT IN NINE HOURS of dollars Into the hands of the farmAnd you enjoyed your sea voyage?" ers that they could never have had we ask of the friend who has reQuick Work by Members of a Los expected for the demand at more than turned from bis trip to Australia. market prices. Angeles Lodge In a Spirit a. he well, say Very If fifty farmers In a neighborhood of Brotherhood. on You were quite a long while the would unite on almost any poultry sea, werent you?" A ualquo record in home building breed there would be no difficulty In Many weeks. waa established In Los Angeles reA great many finding a market. "No doubt the constant communing cently when 100 members of the breeders with a reputation and a host with the worldwide of sweep Woodmea of the World erected a four-rooof regular customers would be glad to with their ceasele3s waves and cottage on East Fifty second know of a locality where they could their mysterious swelling and sink- street In Iris than nine hours. extra what to stock fill buy they need ings create a strong Impression on From top to bottom, from roof to their orders. TNe farmers could eaa one , WfTTnrTOclTttnnmrpt'tlmftigtr It does sewer connection, gas pipes, plumbing one of their number or through one of One must become Inspired with and even the painting was completed the New York or Itoston concerns the awful majesty of the ocean, with long before dark and the little house which make a specialty of purebred the of Its eternal unrest, of was ready Where thought stock In large quantities It Is not a .unwivable ragged-patcit mysteries .a been .had., ln,.thft,, morning very' difficult niatfer" for 'fh'e' farmer Yes, he does think of that; but of corn and ugly undergrowth to learn to sefl hls stock on bla own that wasnt the as cozy a little cottage as one strongest Impression by night acrmiftt. Fancy birds will- almost-se- t) wish ouId for' poked its- - tittle - red Fgof themselves No And what was the strongest chimney skyward and Its doors stood impression you had? Invitingly open. "The absolutely utter impossibility Love and the spirit of brotherhood and Improvement. Progress It Is a well known fact that In all of faking a walk down the street after made possible the seemingly impossible. Tbe house was erected by the dairy regions where dairying has been dinner to get a cigar. Woodmen of the World for their felcarried on for a number of vears the low member James Harvey and hls farms are all In a high state of ferThose Dear Girls. mother, Mrs Margaret Harvey Harthe farmers and prosperous, tility vey, is thirty five years of age Many with means for progress and Improveyears ago he became a member of the ment order and was a hard working and popular member. Five years ago he Best Ensilage. was stricken with chronic rheumatism - Various kinds of roughage such ns that may make him an Invalid foe the clover green oats, peas, etc, have rest of hls life He has been unable been used for ensilage, but corn fodto do any work since. der makes the best. That Is the alThe house Is 15 by 34 feet in dimost universal verdict mensions. has four rooms and a fully equipped bath, hot and cold water and gas. It Ik valued at more than $1,000. takes considerable time for a man train his eye and touch so thai he It e i A Pan of effect of mismanagement and neg loot It la best to start with a few well bred w es and the best ram that can be found at a reasonable price, and graduullv build up a herd of fine ewes In this way the new breeder can make a closer study of the indlvldu allty of his shoe p than Tie' could If he was working with a latger number A more intelligent selection could be made of. the rams that were brought to uate with hia ewes, and he could be all of the time Increasing his knowledge of the business as the size of the flock Increaaed, until he would be capable of wrestling with many of the more Intricate problems that would come when the flock was near A great many fall Ing perfection. with sheep because they undertake to work with too large a number Kvety sheep looks alike and they cannot make an Intelligent study of IMPROVING THE POULTRY ROCKS .?. Rtwlts Could Be Had Farmers la Given Locality Would All Keep On Brad of Chicken. SWtter 1 The community Idea might be aorked a great deal more than It la In. the pure-brepoultry bualneas Hotter result could be had If the farmers In a given locality would all Veep one Dreed of poultry. If they would unite on some good, popular, fag? selling breeds they would find buyers much more easily than wtTere each man keep a different kind pf stock, (ays the American Cultivator Vlth dairy cattle this plan has w erked w ondcr;ful!jr well. for, certalu groups of farmer In various parts of the country In Wisconsin there Is a salt? C Hi (err tw re almost everybody keeps Guernseys In New York state there Is areglon where dozens of farmers keep llolstetns In northern New Jersey there Is another Guernsey "enter, and In various parts of the countr j there are Jersey and Ayrshire In all these localities dairy centers there are hundreds of pure bred animals. which can be seen In a few Such a condition becomes hours known all over the country, and buy ers travel hundreds of miles, knowing that If tloy do not find Just what they want at the first farm they visit they are likely to find It further on In the aame neighborhood In southern Rhode Island breeder in an accidental way kept a native PLAN OF i I h CRATE City The Seven Troughs Monauh company's tunnel was ex'ended Un feet during August Something uiuie than 10U feet bar been made every month slnie the work was btgun the bora having been dtiven 37u feet in five months The average price of silver for August was higher than for many In months before, excepting July the New York. market the Jrlgh was and the low wa closing at 52'c. the average for me month having been 52 The new welt of the Iondon and San Juan Oil companvJss,, yjow n 2U0 feet, ijaid work Is being continued steadily, according to advices trom Bluff, Utah Alieady considerable gas comes fiom the well and theie la a good showing of oil The Democrat group of four claims four miles ninth of Gilmote, Idaho, Is being developed bv a crorscut.to tap the vein 250 feet below the collar o' the present shaft, which is 125 feet deep, and in lead silver oie of excellent gTade and shipping quantity. The Columbus Extension Mining company has commenced taking ore for shipment from the recent sttlke in Its 4,000 foot tunnel, says 'he Salt From present appearLake Herald ances production of 25 and 30 tons a day should be maintained indefinitely. F. Curtis, a former crack player on the University of Utah football team, la one of the owners of a property near. Carson City, Nev , In which a rich gold strike has been made. Th property is being exploited by employes of the McGill concentrator, where Mr. Curtis has been employed for some time. With the long tunnel of the Utah Metal Mining company driven about 4 000 feet from the Tooele side of the range, and with perhaps less than 2,000 feet further to go to tap at great r depth Important bodies of are which has been developed from the surface, everything is looking loyclj for th s Toole. county property. Out of a total of 500 000 shares outstanding 403 688 shares were represented in the stockholders meeting of the South Columbus Consolidated iJc lead-silve- Mimag-ccrmpany- $48,-10- Vl -- i few farms are breeding found Where boars of different ages god sizes are used to mate with sows of dilTerenl ages anJ shea, Only, on If he seta out to do ao, A plan Is here given which may be adopted oraised as a guide to model after In making a crate of ones own ' ' design. factory. a breeding crate becomes necessary. In many rases farmers sell boars that have given excellent service and the best of pigs, simply because they were Money In Sows. too large This Is a great mistake, fifty dollars Invested In two good and should be overcome by making sows wl! earn five times as much as bi eed it gx rates! Nearly anyone can the money would In Interest-o- n -- a lot I e a breeding crate that Is satis- - mortgage. Jt SaUJUika pro-ptse- d - crate heki-i- n- City, and 356,330 of the shaies represented were voted In favor of the consolidation of that company with the Alta & Hecla Mining company The Midway old fleiu. In Southern California has not a well which Is producing less than 1,000 barrels of oil dally, and from that amount the production runs up to the phenomenal output of the Ivakevlew gusuer. The oil occurs mainly In strata, or (issues, rather than In pools or lakes, so that there is slight danger of two or more wells tapping the same source of supply. la a compilation of the dividends paid during the past eight months, .he Mining World finds that 120 American mines and metallurgical works distributed among shareholder 333, which added to the dividends paid by these companies, previoualy me! Charley hnswrlt "Congratulate the Henpecked. ghellty their tojal disbursements up to bring len a novel antUTt has been accepted, returiTWf Irieit Hunter 'Wright, In an article and he has made so much money that on the death of Rr Frederick James $6150(0.569. a 119 per cent Issued combined their $531,124,957 . me to he has sked marry him Ftirnlvali, throws this new light on "With all my heart' When I re the home life of the poet Shelley: Seven metallurgical companies have Jected him he had me repeat the Dr.- - Furnlyalls father was a surdemonstrated that profits en this dewords four or five times said R geon, but touched -l- iterature at one are seemingly not of mining partment would make a strong scene In hls attended Godwin Mary point be low metal prices, influenced by greatly He found It no story Shelley for a time for they show a considerable increase wait that to She upon lady privilege aame period in was forever ordering Shelley about ia earnings over tbe Mora Explicit. declared Dividend 1909. by these like a slave, and wearing bis life out this far so even Hr was as busy as. s bee year total companies whims and was It with her tempers 600. Think not he stood alone $11,8(9 'Shelley do this, or Shelley do that, one (treat mark of Industry-li- e The Nevada Douglas company Is w 1th never an was. In truth, a dtone fyom morning to night, Its road, th Nev ada Cop- word and seldom a constructing polite endearing Belt from ohe end to the other one. So tbe elder Furnlvall decided on per Municipal Rivalry. some advice for Shelley, and' though of the Yerlngton (Nevada) district W hat Is ibat pecullar light asks not a - manof phases, - he spoke -- hls tha xoad- naw.ha vlngJyseng rdedlo the native of Peoria. 111. of hls frktd mind aa best he could one day when the mouth of th valley in which th In Canada the poet had dropped in to watch him Nev ada Douglas mines lie.or : ' P.ans are Heine made-f"ThatTJnrThat IS the make pills. ala?g borealis, explains the Canuck, with a Deuce take 'it all, Shelley, he extension of development and operasmild of toleration for the visitors said. You're putting up with too tions on the Jcffinnie mine, at John, Ignorance of the display of northern much nonsense from your wife. You nie, which is controlled by AI.,D. light ought to ahow some backbone. Youre Myers and associates. The ahaft. now Aurora?" exclaim the Peoria man a man, Shelley why dont you make 900 feet deep, is to be sunk to 1JM Well, if a town like Aurora can put her behave? without stopping, according t feet T cant, replied the poet; aha jup an Illumination of that sort, aa the Goldfield , Tribune. aoon as 1 get home Im gsjng to iront its impossible! The Leadvllle mine at Gilmore. Ida., tate a plan to have our b.y council Then you ought to divide th Is bulldng a platform at the G. ft P. make an appropriation tq supply louse with her HowT asked Shelley, naively. Peoria borealis that will make the depot of 250 tons capacity. As soon as Aurora borealla look like a sputtering Why. Jn the Irishmans way you his is completed several hundred tons r . ore, broken from th candle. eke the Inside and give her ths gf In th upper workings, will b tutslde" (topes tout to the Salt Lake smelters. "f -- , lead-silve- Makes th skin sort aa velvet. Improve any com plea Ion. Bea shampoo made. Curva mo kin eruption rare dandruff. Htr Munyon half frow, Hopg hatr from ftlluiK oiit,or u Utmt trouble, If you har Dynpejmi see Munyon e Paw Paw Picls They cure all drive and impurities ConstipationMUMTONS HOMEOPATHIC from the blood HOME REMEDY CO.. PbilaSelphia, Pa Try KiuRircE led. Weak, eye !Y Weary, Watery Eye Marine Doesnt Smart Soothes Eye Pain Drwisti LI Maria Er kamady. UeU, ZSc, SSc. Jl.SS Mnrlsa Era Salve, fas Assam ToMee. 25c. 1.00 EYE. BOOKS AND ADVTCE FREE BY MAIL Murine Eye RemedyCoChlcago Use your gentI would say to all lest voice at home Elihu Burritt Mr Winslow forcbltdren uibtntf Arc m n.ellarv M Lay Hoof nine fiyrup. kuium uttnih Wind px,) p OUTM OUUC. rvuucrwln- UjlUW There is genius and power in sistence Orison Swett Marden. per- J)r Plerr w piranant PHIai rure constipation ( ura uusILmof raanv dlf a1 i to Utka. Constipation i tb euro diaeata. baay Um uum and you Tib much to wound a foe, 't is more to save him and to win a friend Eric Mackay. Faith is not a blind, irrational abset, but an Intelligent reception of the truth on adequate gronuds Charles Hodge. Hardly Worth While. Scientists state that the he continue to give out amount of heat for 30,000,000 "That makes a two weeks look piffling, eh?" sun will present years. vacation Local Enterprise. Tourist v.ny do you call this avol cano? I dont believe It has had an eruption for a thousand years' Gnlile Well, the hotel managers In this region club together and keep a fire going in it every year during the season. Meggeudorfer Blaetter Not Impregnable. Horace AvoryTK C, just appointed a Judge, TITbne of the mordant wits of the British bar. One day cross examining a recalcitrant witness he asked "What axe you? A retired gentleman, proudly asserted the ex cheesemonger. "Well, snarled Avery, when you achieved the position of gentleman, why did you retire from It?" - Vermont Thrift oxHtar of Robert 'Uuevln-O'iMiBoston Transcript, is a great admirer of tbe thrift of the Vermonters, but thinks sometimes they carry It too 'ar. OBrien was up In Vermont last summer and went to dinner with a friend who had some political aspirations. As they tame to the door he heard the lady of the house say to the hired 1 see Mr. Jones has somebody girl: with him for dinner. Take those two big potatoes down to the cellar and bring up three small ones The Wish Is Fatner to the Thought. Dr Robert L Waggoner, the president of Baldwin univeibity, said, in the course of an address on peda gogy at Berea, O : "And one of the most remarkable changes In the last 30 years of teaching 'tr the abolition of corporal punishment. A boy of this generation Is never whipped. But a boy of Ibe last generation well Dr Waggoner smiled The boys of the last generation," he said, must have believed that their Instructors all had for motto. the The swish Is father to taught PRESSED HARD. Coffees Weight on Old Ago. When prominent men realize the Injurious effects of coffee and the change In health that Postum can bring, they are glad to lend their testimony for the benefit of others. A superintendent of public schools In a Southern state says: My mother, since her early childhood, wasin Inveterate coffee drinker, had "been troubled with her heart for a number of years and complained of that weak all over feeling and stek stomach. "Some time ago I was making an official visit to a distant part of the of country and took dinner wUh-o- ne the merchants of the place. I noticed a somewhat peculiar flavor of thereof; fee, and asked him concerning It. He replied that It was Postum. I was so pleased with It that, after tbe meal waa over, I bought a package to carry home with me, and had wife prepare some for the next meal; the whole family liked it so well that we "t, discontinued coffee and used Postum entirely. T had Teally been at times very anxious concerning my mother's condition, but we noticed that after using Postum for a short tlme sheTelDso much better than she did prior to Its use, and had little trouble with her heart end no sick stomach;- - that the headache were not so frequent, end her general condition much Improved. This continued until she was as well and hearty. a the rest of us. know Postum has benefited myself and the other members of th family, hut in a more marked degree In the case of my mother, as she was a victim of long standing Ever th ahwre letterf A era from tlm ta time. Th ar smlH, trw, tall ( latere t. u ml ul huu |