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Show PLEASED WITH HIS TOUR. Former Pree.dent Back Home Again After Three Weeka of Strenuoue n..l.,.n j 0)ater Hay After an al,H.,re of llhrie weeka. Colonel UooH.iell I. j home aitaln. Wear) from IiIh weatern Tip. but well HatlHil.-d wlih the reault j lie enjoyed every iiilnuiu uf II, Ii I Kal.l. I TI lonel reached New Vurk nt Hi nil. n k Sunday ni.irnllm frnm I'Hta liurK III. Ural orders were that no une Hh.iuld Ii permlti. il to Invade the privacy a.f Haitiuuoc.. lull, an.l fur the day he r. 'lapsed Int., the cuiiiforta and aecluHlun of hla family life. Ili-fure he aiarted on hla trip. Colonel Colo-nel ItoiiHevell ha, I said little on public mailers, but tu the people of the mid die weal he declared hlmaelf on nl-most nl-most all the iueatlnna now before th nation. Ilia utiernncea were accepted aa hla political creed, and were received re-ceived wllh KnilKlacllon by many In-.llll!. In-.llll!. -Ills allhoiiKh Colonel It.Kiaevelt himself lii a speech at Kansaa City rltiHHed tiliiiself as a proKresHlve. |