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Show nil Tkodore I 1 ' Mendacious Journalism k! ! y-T'"", V" ''"" ":!'-' '' TVn''"r l?""S"slt in Th. OiHPrnk ,p. t ; " it..,lli. tit will, I Its ll,,tl..s f which 'Hi..,. dors l(..tvrlt Is CnnlrlhullK F td.io,. irriiiit, itie. br in. nuiioou t- t,.,. uiaiu. K.r..a V- 1 11 the New York Kvelilllg Post of Ktbt.iV. August SB. there III I esred 111 n o, in,, rial article th. follow lug slate lilt tils I " I will make His cnrpurslltitis etime ; to time.' limited llnosevrlt to the 1 mob Hut did ha nut l.sllv mean I that he would, make them come down with Ihe cash to elect llllll, SS l e ,11,1 I before? Knr a man with Mr Itoose. j veil s prmeil record II Is simply ills-I ills-I C'ls'l' g humbug for tltlll to runt about I Ihe i-i.rri.r.it l.il.p iiim.ii thnnn Ireaslir-! Ireaslir-! ers he fawned when he was presld. nt j and wHtiieil their money for his 1 1111 I pl.'gll Hues be think lh.it nobody bss a mommy which goes back tn Hie life Insurance Irticdig itlnns. nml that everybody bss fotgotten the f.'iniin Isketi from widows nml oiphaii. unit S.t.t.d tn Theodore It. hi.i ell's polll : b sl corri.i tlnn fund I'hl he not liike ' n big cluck from the It. of ti.i-1 und i sis, I lo gel 11? And now I... Is going to lllllke the corpnrtltlotis en" no 10 lime' nee can have respect for n slip 1 cere radical, for mi hiuiesi famine, for sn nr''ntnr or lender who t.ell.-ves thai he Is doing Hod's will; but II Is ' hs'il I.i be patient with a ttimt who talks h'g tint acts mean, whose eve Is I alwnys to Ihe main chance pollllcallv, snd who lets no friendship, no gen -cro.i'y ,, tirinclple. no mural scruple stand for a moment between liiin.. 'f mid the goal upon which be has set hl.t overiltnslerllig suihlUnt! "Ttils chmuplnn of purltv, this roarer roar-er for political virtue. Is the mini who was lor years, when In political life, , hand In glove with the worst political .orrnptlnnlslN of his day; who loaded to I'lnlt. who ptalsed Uuny. who paid rourt to llnnna: under htm ns presl dent Aldrlch rose to the height of hla j power, nlways on good terms with Roosevelt; It was Honwevell who. In loufl. wrote an open letter urging the reel, etlon of Speaker f'annnn, against whom miilterlngs had thru begun tn rle; It was linns, tell wi n n.ke.l liar-rltuan liar-rltuan to coma lo the Whlto llousa eprelly. whn look his tnnru y to liny vo'.s In New York, nnd who after-wsrds after-wsrds wrote to "My lsr Sheruian" ye., the same Rhermnn- revlllrg Ihe capitalist to whom he bad previously wrl'tcn saying: "You and I nr.' practical prac-tical men."' Thn Kvelllfg Post fs pel In Its' If Sllf rh-loiitlv Itiiporinnl tn wurrrnt 11 11 answer, an-swer, bill as represi niitig a c!ns w ith whose hostility it is n s-ity lo reek-on reek-on In sny g-nuin'. intiveiuci-i for decent de-cent government. II Is woith while to 1 ss"k of 11 Th'r" are plenty of I wcpliv 1 le lii 1 1. U country, and of Iniell-'i luul 1 sogers on of wialthy pen-; pen-; pie, who are delighted to engage In ! any movement for reform w hich does not touch the wickedness of certain great corporstlnng nnd of certain men j of gr. ul woilth I'eoplM of this class I will he lii fiimr of nny nesthetle move. un nt : (hey will fiivnr any moveitient j against the stiuill grafting imlltlcliin. ngnlmit the grafting labor leader, or any man of Hint stamp: hit! tiny rati- rol In- trusted till. II lllille thill Ihe re form iissumes suftb-h nt dlnioiislons lo I )..,,. ni.'lro so much of Ihe ,-stnl list, oil ord r of things ns gives an unfair ami 1 In ti.it a.lvimtiige to the great cor Is i, i ten. mut In llmse illroo'lv nnd In ' -. 'Iv responsive to Its wishes nnd j ll' pelldelit ll.ll It. 'ItlO KVelllfg I'o.t ' snd liners of the same kind, nnd Hie I f'o who... views they rctTes.nl. wn'ihl fiimr si'-tcklng a gang nf su nll In..-, s vim wl-h In rolitiol Ihe lie public; t. 1 sill - hul they would, lis the Kvot'ltg !'' 1 liiis sliuwn, far rather see t! ...... si. t,l bosses win than see 11 if 1, veto. -nt tiiomph which iiluis tint nu-e'v nt lb" ovtrlhiiiw of Ihe stniill poilllcul bos-, hul at depriving the cor.i";itl.ui ol its Improper Influence over lolllici, depriving the mini of j Wenlth of III,)' Hdvilll'llgii lie.olul Hint I whit ti b.-loi g to him as a simple Aluerl.iiii oilmen. They would he I ngnltisi corpiirallotts only lifter such ori orilHem I, ul In CI caiigbt III the rnnlost kind of crllullillllly I I live In lor for one IIIIIIIU III fount- ed 111. .11 th" support of the livening Iv,: .r of those whom It r.piesonts In l! ffori lor oloiit.lltiess nnd ile- i-i tn y will In tl... Iti-inibll. an party. I.e- ril .S-. Ihe l-'u 'illig Post would Slllitnirt i siioh 11 movement only on condition ! Hint tt w-.s no' part of a larger movi un M for ihe betterment of lal con .inn. ns Hut ihls Is not all In tin' struggle fur In. nest politics there Is no more a place for n liar than there Is fur th" thief, 11111I In a movement di s'gtieit lo put sii end (o the dniiilulun of the thief bill little guild call he derived de-rived from ll... assistance of the 1 lit r. f)f course i.blo.'tliin will he n.nil.. to my use of this lung uige. My answer Is that I nm using It Pioicly sclenlltl rally ami descriptively, ami becnusu no other terms express the fuels with ' the 11 -ssary precision. In Hie nr- Hole In which the Evening I'oat comes i...,.,..iiS,. to the defense of those In present con- ' , trol of the Republican party In New 1 York shite, whom It has affected tn 1 . oppose In the past, Ihe Kvelilng I'oat through whatever editor personally wrote the article! practised every ' known form of niendsclly 1 Probably the Kvenlng I'osl regarda ' ' the ilecalogiie ns outworn; hot If It will turn to It mul rend the eighth and ninth roinniaiiiliiietila, II will see thai hearing fnl.e witness Is roudemneil as sirongly as 1 lief 1 itself Tn Inki. hul line Institute out of the nisny In Ihla article, the evening Post ssrs "11 was lloosevell whonskeil llnrrltiitin lo come to Un. White House secretly, wtio took his money lo buy votes In New York, and who nllerwards wrota to 'My liour Sheriusn' yes. Ihe earn Sherman - reviling the capitalist to whom ho had previously written, saying: say-ing: 'You and I are practical men." Not only is every Important statement In ih's sentence false, hut the writer who wrote It knew It was false Aa far as I was concerned, every man visited the While House openly, and j Mr llarrlmnn nnionrt Ihe oth.ra. I took no iiionev from Mr. Iliirrltnan ae creily or openly to buy votes or for any other purpose. Whoever wrota the article In the Kvenlng I'osl In question knew Hint this was the foulest foul-est and basest He when he wrote the t'onlence, fnr n i, tntes the snme let-nr let-nr In which I had written to Mr. Mar i rltnnn as follows: 'What I have to . say to you can tin said to you as well after election as before, hut I would like to see you some time before I write my message " t am quoting without thn letter before me. but tha quotation la substantially, If not ver bully, accurate.. That statement In thla letter to Harrlman la nf entirsa un Ita face absolutely lucnmpatlhla. with any thought that I was asking, him for campaign funds, for It la nf course out of the question, that 1 could tell htm equally wall what I had tn ssy after election If It referred In any. r.. possible way tn gelling money befoftf election. Thla la so clear that anv prc'cnie. of misunderstanding la proof positive of the basest dishonesty In whoever wrote the article In question. Aa a matter of fact, when Mr. Hank P'e catted It was to complain that th national cnusmlttee would not turn ovi r for the use of the state rams pnlgn In which h was Interested: funds to run thnt campaign, nnd ta ask me to tell Cortclyou tn give him aid for the stste campaign. Mr. Cor-lelyiui Cor-lelyiui is familiar with the facta In other words, the statement of tha Fvss nlng I'osl Is not only false and msll clous. Is mil only In direct contradict Hon of Ihe facts, but Is such that II could only have been made br a man who. knowing the facts, deliberately Intended to pervert them. Httrh an act stands on a level of Infamy with the worst act ever performed hy n corrupt member of the legislature nr city nfu.lnl, and slsmps ihe writer with the snme moral tirnnd that stamps the bribe taker. I have seen only a telcgraphle abstract ab-stract of Hi" article, apparently containing con-taining quotations from It. Practically Practical-ly everv statement made In thesa quotations Is a falsehood. To hul tine mure shall I allude Tha article steaks of my having atlnckel ciupni'iiiliit s, and, referring directly to my Ohio spi eches. of my having "sought In Inflame Ihe uiub and mnka mischief" III I hose speeches thn prime stand I took was aintlnst mob vlol.-nce us shown by the labor people who are engaged In controversy with n corpnriitlon. My statement was In effect that Ihe (lrst duly of Ihe staler nnd the first duty of the elllrlals wns to pu' down dlsiirder and lo put down , i iiiuh viulei.ee. nnd that after such ail Inn luul been taken, then It was tha duly of ofl'i liils lo Investigate the cor- f, poriilliiii. nml If It had dune wrung to Iiuike It ny the penalty nf Its wrongs Iv ' and to provide against the wrungilo- L'. ! Ing In the future. It la but another 1 ,' Instance of Hi. peculiar baseness, tha f.' peculiar mural nbllnul'y. of tlx. Kvo J( '. nlng I'ost ihst It should pervert th ! ; I truth In so shameless n fsshlon. '-': ' THEODORE ROOSEVELT. L V rh.-yi.itii,.. W... A.irust r. tint, ,. |