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Show OAKLEY NEWS. ( I'.l. I late for hint Ihhiiii.) OAKI.FV, Sept. 7-11. ll.Stevelm conteiiiphiteK moving in Salt I. like in the near future. C. Jeimeti ami (I. (I. Steveim were mlHtakeii in the ihite of the county rDlllllllHHiilllerH meeting. J. M. Porter I here ready to take charge of tl e m-hoiil. The threHhlng niaehlnn Ih to commence com-mence work In a few day.. (leorge V. Willi..' faiiiil lias the typhoid fever. A man driving a hurro In a Milky I" h hi the Htr.'eU dally, hut IiIh . himlnen h unknown a he dnca not apeak to any one. Krult peddlem are plentiful here, hut fruit Ih a high in. ever. J. I.. Krazler'n hoii tnelw ith a very painful aeeldeiit on the It'll while lopping out a grain Mink he Hlipped I and fell on a Make In the rack. It I indicted a wound admit four inchm deep mid It Ih tn he hoped that lie I w ill mi. .h he utile to he around, j N. II. Snnpp turned the pimt olllee lll'er to ( ienrge M. Xlx oil the.'Ird limt. Mr. Siiapp Iiiih mtviiI t'nele Sam for Is yeni mid two m. ml Im ua poHlmilHler at ()a I, ley |