OCR Text |
Show Additional Local The illatrle' m-liiinU of I hi .ri-clnet .ri-clnet liixt .Mniiilny Willi I lie , fullowhiK iitti'iiilitni'i. : rrlli...iil ('. A. Willie, 7lli nmlNlli Kr.l. . .. Mln l,..wl. Mh runt illli trritili-o. 41 Mi l'ki.t. :ir. anil lili nri.l.. Mia I'M rnw.. rili. '.'ml icrmlx, '.'.'I. MInk J..Iiii.iii, l i;llili"l anil In (rnilo, M. HpritiK ll.illnw MiHuCliniiil.iTlnlii nil Mix Ne. lry l).ni'lii.rn, M. tliaa Creek -Mr. WrlKlit, Sti. At tha Deiiiiieriillu SIhIb ('unveil-Hun ('unveil-Hun held in I'ruTu yenierilay Hi f.ll in iliitfurin .ulm wre l.,iieil : i .suite w hin prohibition. Kxeluxluii of i lie liilmr itml work Itlvtli'M eulllpellHIllloll net. Direel prlnmry law, unci eleellon if t'hlleil Mllle nelmllirn liy Hie Vole u( I he people. I The InltlllllVr, rererelllllllll mill reeltll. I HP III rulive)ani'e nl rleetluIlN, I eneepi fur erlppled ur illheil per- ; tlinllnilon uf I'liiiipHlKH pellxea Hllll pllhlll'lllloll uf Kit Cotiiiiilanluii form uf Kuvnrnineiil for I'illell. Coimervnllun uf Hie iiHlurnl re. milirceit uf III" flllle. 'i I IT eminiil.loii In nellln the tariff iii llon. Al a I adjourned eHilunuf the elly ciiiineil held on Hie I'.'ili, J. II. Hnl-iiiiiii'h Hnl-iiiiiii'h lild uf l,:i'.n.Ki furtheeuu-Iriictlnn furtheeuu-Iriictlnn of W,Nl Hipiurn feel of nix llli'll cellli'lll aldewiilk. Iiieliiilinir all KradliiK. w im uimnitnuiiiily aceepled. Another matter taken up at thl nieeiliiK wan tliu ri'adlnir uf an nr-iIIiibiiiii nr-iIIiibiiiii irrnnlliiir a friineliUii tn the Union I'a. lllc Kiillrniul Co.. euver-ln euver-ln the npiir lo the Whi-iiU Ii mine. On Wedm-mliiy nlKit thekiilil ordinance ordi-nance punned Hit Kcoonil mid I lord readlnit" and wax iiiiniilinouly piioH-ed. piioH-ed. The tinnier of a new mnuke-utaek, mnuke-utaek, to replace I Im un recently blown down, wan referred to tin eluctne lilillt culllllllttee and lln mayor, with power to piiri he one. and have It pill In place. The eom-mltleii eom-mltleii on pnvloK wan niven power to have contract drawn up between the cliy anil J. II. Salmon, and have lh name duly nlKtied. Cuiiucil nd-Juuriied nd-Juuriied lo Del. :ird. lulu. |