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Show Political Cards iCardt lntrld under thit heading, regerdleit of party affiliation, for five jcenta per line per itiue. For County Attorney J. E. JOHNSON, of Park City, IteHpeetfully aniiiiiiueea hllimelf aa a candidate for the nomination for County Attorney, auhject to the voice of the people to he expreaaeil at the Bumtiiit County Kcpiihlican Convention. For County Recorder J. E. CARRUTH. Coalville, I (.P. I herehy auiuniuce inynelf n candidate can-didate fur County Iteconh r of Summit Sum-mit County for a Hecoud term auhject auh-ject to the ilecinl f the I) cratle County Convent Inn. For County Treasurer. J. S. CALDERWOOD. uf Coalville, I'tah. IteHpeetfully mitiouueeH kiuiHelfiu a candidate for nomination for the i. Illce nf County TrellHlller, hllhject to Hie voice iif the llelegllleH to (he liepuhllcmi Coiiuly Convention. Ihayhaat"'"! nipped ,v t,,, fr, ! Moat of I hi'ing piiMure.l. ' The irrtJn crop .,,. tin.-, heing cut Jnt 'hi.- i" avoid the lr.,,t. Jlllld Ml'ch. II ..f Whip. H.,ck in visiting bre. II.. i, port- the crop, on the r. r;itt.,u - looking line. An Indian nam, d I'.hi. k Jack mi. here III ii l. of hi. ., Ui, hut he failed to linl lo-r. r ,,ui hi.ya e.corled lim to the ..p ,.f the. In .c and hIio"I I nn "the :iy to go home." |