OCR Text |
Show I Nagel to Go on the Bench. Wushliiutun - The ban t ChuileH Niik.'I, serreiary uf c, ,111110 ,',- ami labor, la-bor, has replaced thai uf 11,.. I n,. So-llcltor So-llcltor (i.-ni-riil Mowers in ibe kohhIp of Wasbini!ion on H xp-cied up l olniineiiu 1,1 the pr. .,111 an, I proa-pectin, proa-pectin, vacanclia In th,. supreme court. Some substance Ih Klvell 111 III 111. pili. 11 of Mr. NaK,-l I ause be I, alia ' Hi'' KlKbih circuit, which 1,1 llioiiKh Ii cmhtaecH ihlrle.n stateH w.i of Die Mississippi, has been without a representative un the mi- pleme III hell SllUe Hie ileal h ,f ,,h. lice lin-wer. i |