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Show T BUSY THEN. BACKBONE OF THE PIRATES The greatest jof all rings ARE YOUR KIDNEYS The kidney accretions tell if disease In' the system. Too frequent or scanty urlnatlou, discolored urine, lack of control at night, indicate" that the kidneys Is lurking Tbe wtddint rinf. If you are wearinf one of Park you ran rest axnrM that H will iaKt longer than you U! Mur wedding nng liutu ate the good tat and the good Judgment of the wearer Finest in quality newest in stle 'and design. Extremely reasonable in price. Correspondence invited. are in, LARI CITX VtAlt The Private Citizen A general has an easy time after the war is over. The General Not for very long, though. You soon have applications for your autograph und invitations to banquets TINY BABYS PITIFUL CASE The 1 -- Our baby when two months old suffering with terrible eczema from head to foot, all over her body. The baby looked just like a skinned rabbit We were unable to put clothes on her. At first It seemed to be a few mattered pimples. They would break the skin and peel off leaving the underneath skin red as though it were scalds. Then a few more pimples would appear and spread all over the body, leaving the baby all raw without skin from head to foot. On top of her head there appeared a heavy scab quarter of an inch thick. It was awful to see so small a baby look as she did. Imagine! The doctor was afraid to put his hands to the child. We tried several doctors remedies but all failed. Then we decided to try Cutlcura. By using tbe Cutlcura Ointment we softened the scab and it came off. Under this, where the real matter was, by washing with the Cutlcura Soap and applying the Cutlcura Ointment, a new skin soon appeared. We also gave baby four drops of the Cutlcura Resolvent three times daily. After three days you could see tbe baby gaining a little skin which would peel Now the off and heal underneath. baby Is four months old. She is a fine picture Jit a fat Jittlebaby and all Is well. We only used one cake of Cutlcura Soap, two boxes of Cutlcura Ointment and one bottle of Cutlcura Resolvent. If people would know what Cutlcura la there would be few suffering with eczema. Mrs. Joseph Koss-man7 St. Johns Place, Ridgewood Heights, N. Y.. Apr. 30 and May 4, 09. was American Express 24 Social Debta. "She telephones me every day. Wbat Is the reason of that. "1 owe her a call and the Is determined to collect It. disordered. Doan's Kidney Pills cure sick kidneys. J F Ha) me, 7th St , Forest Grove, Doans Ore, ea.vs: Kidney Pills saved my lite. I was In bed for wetks, passed blood and was in terrible condition Doan's Kidney Pills removed my trouble and I have not had an attack for ever a year Remember the name Doan's. For sale by all dealers 50 cents a 170 .. SALT WELL? 2 Hours to California A new electric lighted train composed exclusively of Pullman Standard and Tourist Meepcro and Ihning Cara, effective August Jtfth, will Leave Salt Lake City daily at 3:00 p. m. Anive Loa Angeles (next day) 2.30 p. m. Two other fast through trains for California leave Salt Lake City daily. 50 0 p m and II 50 p m To Los Angeles and return, HO 440 P V.W cl ally until Si plumber 30, limited to October 31. 1910 8n Francisco, CnlnnUt Rate To Kgn Jolset premo. Los Angulus, Imperial, etc , on sale August 25th to September 9th, inclusive at 125 00 from Salt Lake City. ju Tickets, literature and Information at City 1 icket Office, it Maiu Street. Befl Phone Exchange 16. ImlependtiA 1SM. A POSITIVE PERMANENT CURE FOR Drunkenness and Opium Diseases. TWra is as paklidtr, as akkom. Ladai treated aa pneately aa m tWtr ewa ksaiea THE LEE LET INSTITUTE, 334 W. Saatk Teaipie Straat, Salt Lake City. kodaks H0NU3 WAGNER. Write for catalogues and literature Developing and printing Mail orders given prompt attention Salt Laka Phots Supply Ca.f Salt Laka City It is not difficult to trace the recent wonderful brace by the Pittsburg RUBBER STUMPS; l(. champions to the "rounding to" of the line Rubber Type Outfit, anil .uppliea In stock. veterans on the team. Wagner, Clarke aDd Leach Mall a.riern receive prompt attention. are unquestionably tbe SALT LAKE STAMP CO.. Salt Laka City backbone of the combination, and out of MEN AND WOMEN to Learn while those three stars were WANTED Barber Trade in Eight Weeks. their stride the club continued in the Tuition, with et ol tools, S.V They are going like mad now, With partial set ot tools. $45. With your own rut. tools 35. Address Molar Sarhor Col log however, and turning the laugh on the critics Who declared In mid season that School all year. they were all In. It Is doubtful if any HTENCILS, K,Etc.TKADK Full Book-keepin- shorthand and Typewriting, English. Etc. bait base my. 11 West First ftunth Street. Write for full Information, to C. UAVI5, Frtn. l A Sneer. Judge Ben B. LindBey, the father of children's courts, said In an address in Denver, apropos of criminal corporations: Why, even the thieves in the prisons can have their shot at these of our" jails; said to a" prisoner: Well, my friend, what brought you to this? " Poverty, boss, the prisoner awered, ,wilh-- a .sneer.. . 'I .didnt. have enough money to turn myself into a corporation and hire a corporat'oiv lawter to learn me' how Ho steal legally. , No Feeling. Does she play the cornet with any feeling? "Absolutely none. If she had any feeling she wouldn't play it in the presence of her friends The Right Way. William Muldoon the noted trainer, was talking, apropos of the Jeffrie'!-Johnsofight, of training. In training. he said, the strictest obedienceis required Whenever I think of the theory of training I think of Dash. who. after eighteen years of married life, is one of the best aiel happiest husbands in the world. Dash. I once said to him. well. Dash, old man. how do you take mar' - " ried life?" he re According plied. . n An Oversight. a superb desFrancis sert in his charming house at New Rochelle, .said of the food faddis WUson-,-ove- : According to him we must boil our milk, we must sterilize our salad, we must wash our strawberries and we must pare and seed our grapes. By jove The eminent comedial smiled and lifted up a spoonful of great raspberries. .'But... by , Jove.:Lhe..said. Jtheyve forgoUon to order us to shave these! -- A Misunderstood Genius. Mfscha EllnVan, the boy violinist, told, on his last visit to New York, a story of his eatly childhood. When I was very small, indeed," he said. "I played at a reception at a Jtusslan princes, and, for an urchin of seven. I flatter myself I ratled off Beethoven's Kreutzer Sonata finely. This sonata, you know, has in it several long and Impressive rests. Well, In one of those rests a motherly old lady leaned forward, patted my shouR der, and said. "Play something you know, dear." one of the three ever played better ball than at present, and therein Is found the real secret of Pittsburgs spurt toward the top of the ladder. The work of Wagner, in particular, is the cause of no little enthusiasm. The big fellow is stinging the ball box. Fobtdr-Milbur- Make the Liver Do its Duty Nina dac ia tea whea the Ever at Much tad bowel or nght CARTERS LITTLE UVER PILLS gently bul firmly pel a lory bear to do it duty. Cute C oti potion. Indiges- tion, Sick Headache, and Diitreaa nftar Eating. Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Shrewd Scheme Stopped Rurt. ears ago. In consequence of a commercial panic, there was a severe run on a bank In South Wales, and the small farmers Jostled each other in crowds to draw out their money. Things were rapldl) going from bad to worse, when the bank manager, in bea fit of desperation, suddenly thought him of an expedient. Iiy htST directions, a clerk, having heated some sovereigns in a frying pan, paid them over the counter to an anxious applicant "Whyr they're quite hot!" said Of the latter aa he took them up. was the reply; what else course. could you expect? They are "only Just out of the mold We are coining them by hundreds as fast as we can." Coining them! thought the simple agriculturists; "then there 18 no fear of the money running Bhort!" With this their confidence revived, the panic abated, and the bank was enabled to weather the storm b right the Saull PUL Genuine tail Dm, Saudi mu flit Signature Many Consumption Can Be Cured. A specific has at last been discovered which will positively cure con "Tubercleclde" completely sumption eliminates the tuberculosis germs from the human body. Results are extremely prompt. Even in severe rases, the tubercle barllll have been entirely destroyed within eight months In others marked improvements have been noted within two to six weeks. This improvement continues until complete cure Is effected. We have positive proof of our success Write for full particulars. Tubercleclde Co., 702 International Bank Bldg , Los Angelesr CaL Sprouting Up. Dont yen think, Mary, you are too old to play with the boys?" "No, mamma; tbe oidWlget, the better I like them. Judge. U. L. DOUGLAS HVrOC 88 imrs 42.00. SHOES 43.50, 43.00, MAO, 44.00, 45.00 WOMEN 8 43.50, 4S.M.50, 54 BOYS' 43 00, 43 50 5a 43.00 THE STANDARD FOR 30 YEARS They art absolutely tbe moat popularand beetshoea for tbe price la America. n Tbey art tbe leaden becauea tbey bald tbetr shape, flt better, look better and wsai loa-rtbaa other make. They an poettively the avory-wbe- er i ... moat economical sboea 'ryou to bay. W , L. ailpri an atamped Douglas nemo sad the valuo ruanatood. the bottom TAKK NO OMTITOTI If year dealer cannot supply yoa write lor Mall Order Catalog. F ol thi paper to bay anything advor -bni te h eoioaut rfteuld inaMt upon having what they adt lot, refilling all HOWARD E. BURTON, toilvor, Load, fl; Gold, Hpcim9 Ir1ri! Hold, Mold, Me; .tee or Copper, fl. Msttin, and full pHeo list lent oto Apfrilntiniw Hirer. Slnpe oil ompfr work AolUttod. .xfevfcoaato Notional If Affitotod 21 Aura SM, LrfMMivUl Buk. Thompsons EjaWatir DEFIANCE STARCH S2S!2.wortw,rt4 You Feel This Way? Do Speaking of First. again in the style that made him the a brother of United Roy Bone, of best wonder In his the batting age Do yoa led all tired oat ? Do yoa eoatetimea He Is comfortably over tbe.Bl4tM District Attorney Harry Bonn, days. think yoa Jut eent work swy et your prole- .305 mark row now and Is still cliurtw Niml years ago waa A reporter on or trade eay longer P Do yoa have a poor epo the Wichita Beacon. In going to a Ing. and ley eweka at night enable to sleep f Are lira one of the members of the fire denerve all gone, end your stomach too ? lias boee a was thrown from partment ahead in the world left yoa P If so, yoa well pat a stop to your mleery. Yoa can do it if SLATE SEYMOUR FOR MIlORS cart and killed. Bone wrote a bead, might With this as the first deck: "Gone to yoa will. Dr. Pierces Golden Medical Discovery will make yoa a different individual. It will act your lacy liver His Last Fire. Manager McGraw Will Aak fof Wslw to work. It will act thing right in your stomach, and Into the paper and Tbe got piece era on Plants' Former Star Batappetite will eome back. !( will purify your blood. your Kansas was "fired. Bone promptly 11 there i ter and Outfleldar. any tendency in your family toward ooasumptioa, City Journal. it will keep that dread destroyer sway. Eves alter can-sumption he almost gained a foothold in the fora of I That Cy Seymour haa played bis Doss Engineering Work. lingering eough. bronchitis, or bleeding at tbe lungs, it will bring about last game for the Giants and will be cure in 98 per cent, of all oases. It is s remedy prepared by Dr. R. V. Pierce, Mile. Bandurin Is superintendent of passed to one of the minor leagues la of Buffalo, N. Y., whose mJpict U gforu frn to ell who wish to write hinti Hie Umpire Colllflower Is said to resem- the gist of a statement at Cincinnati an engineering firm In Russia. She greet suooess bet pome from bis wide experience end varied practice. ble fonals Mack In appaarancs ami the other day by ManagefMctJraw'of was graduatad fruin tbe Women a dealer into taking inferior substiDont "be wheedled by . - -- - actions. that team.. McGraw aald Seymour la Technological Institute In St. Peters Dr. tute for Dr. Pieroes medicine, recommended to be just as good. experience Frank Arellanos has been released through with major league ball and burg; 'and "bar had practical Pierces medicine era or a mown coHrosmoN. Their every ingredient printed in engineering. She built a on their wrappers. Made from roots without sloohol. Contain no habit- by the Red Sox to the Sacramento that he will ask for waivers In a few for an army forming drugs. Worlds Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y. (Cal.) club. days and then send him to some minor society, has been assistant . .President Hedges of the St Louis , ,saMwictr3a5w& a across the ln building a Americans has released Pitcher Neva and has done other Important and Outfielder Fisher to the Den'lit1 work. ver club of Abe. Western league Red" F'aber of the Dubuque (lowa) team tied Cy Young's record, allowing $100 Reward, $100. no hits and no Davenport player to Tto ffAdtrA of this paper will t pleased to NATO (hot Lbsrt W At Nasi one drauied dtermso tbet srteeeo game reach first In a sod tbst a hu brao obs to cure to All itsM sutes. Uw only pneitlv OAlArrtL Halt's Caurrh Cure twenty-tw- o handled Leach Tommy Ufilfiff) sure aow known to tbe medics! fraternity, tsurrh chances without bet nc a constitutions! disrate, requires a constituout of twenty-threCure to taken intreatmeut. Catarrh tional Hsll'a any hesitation in the recent Brooklyn ternally. actlof directly upoo tbe bkiod and mucous turtaces of tbe system, thereby destroying tbs games. "Tommy the Wee is playing foundation of tbs disease, and giving tbe pstlent The Rayo Lamp is n high grad lamp, sold et n low price. a grand game In the. outfield strength by buikllng up tbe constitution and usist Thra arcVnmtc$4k4 lamp that coat more, but tt era It im betlr lamp mad gr inf Inf nature In doing Its work. Tbe proprietors here of kiltd brat; BldFl alalod easily koptclotin, aa American league fans have practicprtca. se much faith In Its curative powers that they offer u ny room In an? bouM. Tborcla nothin known to tho r onBant tail tl ease It One that for to PhilaHundred Dollars tb any conceded of pennant Ihnl can ad4 to tbcvalnc of the R4 TO (amp as light ally ire. Send tor list of testimonials dvvtcw. If But at yours, write luff giving Rvcry everywhere. dair Address r. J CHfcNEY A CO. Toledo 0. delphia. The slump Boston has taken descriptive cl rcwlar to t be nearest agency of tba SoM by sit Druirrtota. 7fte. on It western trip has practically setCOMPANY OIL CONTINENTAL (lacorparatMD Thkc Hail's Family PUis for eoostipsi tled the chances of he Beaneaters. T Not That Meanint Jimmy McAleer thinks the Athletics Bill was will win from the Cubs If they play The doctor said drunk when we tooi(. The poor fellow In tbe worlds series Manager Jim bad stuff never cure, of Pax to have hie head attended to last thinks the Philadelphia pitchl .g staff 11 only make bowel move behas a little something on the Cubs Better and more economical night after be felT" "Doctor never Bald anything of the than liquid antiseptics pitchers. cause it irritates and twe&ts them, kind! Baker Borton of the Ottumwa CenALL TOILET USES. a waa been It team like poking finger in your eye. The best has tral association Dldnt1 hear him? Said signed Jagged.-lut-to play first bkse for the Brooklyn NaCaecaret. Bowel Medicine tionals. Horton first attracted atten-tio- n "user should Oil Castor and Every Salts while playing with the Centr&lia to Mothers Important and try CASCARETS White Sox. Examine carefully every bottle of gfl's box ol M CA8TOR1 for ace. sure and a safe It Youll Is does not remedy A, say Hugh Jennings them just once. Infanta and children, and see that it Gives one e sweet breath , clean, whit, hard luck that lias kept the Tigers CaacaretO 10c bos wash Wsatmeeit. loath ontiwptically clou genn-fr- a ID down this year, but candidly admits All druggists. Biggest seller ia end throat puriRea the breath mouth ; World - Bullion boss a IBOUUI. it has .been poor playing,, Overconfiall disagreeable after amoldng dispel dence was the start of the downfall of perspiration and body odors much apla Use For Over 30 Years. A quick the "champions. women. preciated by daint The Kind You Have Always Bought. Latest reports from Addle Joss, the remedy for sore eye and catarrh, The best investment possible is a A little Paxffne powder die- star fllnger of the Naps, are that he Is pg 3 solved Idol. A Fallen hot water ot in gl s Is but there little Improving slowly, make a delightful aotieptac "What makes you so 6ure the Amer be able to pitch Cy Seymour. hope that he will .lean public is fickle? poaewmg extraoidmanr Addle is this yearmowing club. again used clesndng, germicidal and healwho He a The that of says player several the In reception home Toledo for lawns at his keros-jeing power, and absolutely KNOWN THE minor league managers have told him to bo on the home team gets when he . , 'WORLD OVER these days 50c. t e ' Sample. Try a come gOoiT maiL y'wilt 'visiltngr prlce'for" Robison Bey or box ol by VTeporo'havel mour to use In the outfield druggdt Stanley Urge and have bought the Terre Haute club of the asked him THI PAXTON TOILTTOO., Boeron, Maes. to let them know Sore Good for when he Eyes, Central league The price paid Is said W. N. U, Salt Lake CU, Nor38-131- 0. the fida whowas one for 100 ymtw J'ETTIT'K To be $15,000, amT the' Cardinals will ts positively cured eye diseases evervahere use the new property as a farm to the leading batter of the leagutf'and All m druggists or Reward Bros., Buffalo, N.Y. one of Its greatest pitchers and outm-Mgrow big league players for his St. fielders. he is in great need Louis team.-whe,'vKecp' thj fcpipdle' bt&ht and Keep your face always toward the of them. and the shadows will fall BilnHhine, jrae- - from grit. Try' a box. George Cuppy, former Cleveland First Bass Recruit for Chicago. tiSold-byjiealar- s behind ou. M..B. Whitman. to everywhere, taken has trap shooting. pitcher, Ted Anderson, first baseman for Hq. is president and captain. of the Flint In .the Southern TOlg Co- Elkhart (Ind ) Gun club ami Is the league, has been sold to the Michigan tineprpowMwOJ ;; ; ' Chicago He weighs 200, White Sox for $1,500, club's best shot. V to an which is 60 pounds more than when announcement by the according Flint managehe pitched for Cleveland. He has ment. Anderson will at the waxed wealthy as proprietor of hotel close of the Southern report sea " Michigan fibers TJmti dr la h.r eosdt krlgMer and taster color, than an, sthor duo. On 10c sackag color, in Logansport, ,Ind. son. to Da. Bleach and Ml Colors. , MONROE DRUG CO., Qwrtojr. s" ' Write ter Irgg booklet-- Ho am-for- ge penny-grabbi- -- e e Kln-sell- i&fitaiR)' o' -- ACtO nine-innin- g J e g Salts and Castor gSSSS'l tin. tat a roa u " ' - er-ervl- "W a. re Continental 11 d sm Itnasnt uitKsst r lotting gpart DYES |