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Show THE LITTLE BKOWNJUG I I AT I 1 KILDARE ! t T7 f Ml HI llllll M( IIOINON llly.lrll..ni h. Ktt MAIIISI '-r-s-1 0...tiM IA I I Tlii. Il...t. M. trl I . . n.i .nr SYNOPSIS. Tli. e . Ai.lii. .!.. 1 .. . r . . t mllll. inli... tli.l II. i.rv M o.i.. IHI.1.. I.I .i,.l. ..... ... ' l.l...M ..f Vmkiih.,. I ik. II ...... ...I ( Al. in... . III. n. .1.1 I I. .. . , I t' 1.1 i'i. "M..!!,k,. V., . Il.t '..I ' II.'-' I,.' ."..i.i'm'.m , I.'. .... II.. k-.,, , r.,..r .....I ti.. .1. I. , I" M Ii.i i.. I. ,tii. i' n I i. , w I "'. I !.. .l.i.iL-l I. i .if i l .i I .. t r I. 1-1 - I Vil'l. 1....I li- I .11. .i- .1 I.. I: .'. rl . . , -it K.l.l it.- I., li .:. . i l.l. n. .nn. u . rll. I'I iiiili'... ' i .'' n . .lt.r....l i. ..Il.iu. .1 ... . A ... I ..Hii.l .1 .,. Hi 1 1.- '-I l.i . N- .'. ,,n ,n . ..i ii ,i. '. M" T II I . . II . I I l..'l'll,' ' "' " " "' ' 1 "" ; CHAPTER VI. Mr. Grtswold ForiAhea the Academic Life. Mlc iMiorne hail n-l,. .1 (irUoli , In mm all the mil. i, in. nf Ihe thiv, im.l ' flu. Illii! liliii-. Ir Hum ... -..-, , of a j Mil llllnll. he 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1: . III. It tit I . till F tit II i Ill.tltli tH l.y I XplorlllK Cnliltnliia ' he lute 11(1. I II. mil l.nmil Mm In Ihe loi ly ruth, dial i Iiiiii l.yiinl. nlme an IIRed IHKril. letl.lltm Ihe KraVen lit II tl lllli.tl'lnim family, lemieil upnti IiIh upllile and rei lied the llrhl.'VeliientN llllll Vlrlll. H of the .1.11.1 Ah Ihe hIiiiiIiiwh Ii iikIIii ii. ,!. (irn Ml. I.I Vlllk. il till, k III Ihe lintel. Where he ii !. supper, then, rallltii; Inr a horse, he roil., lliro.mli the streets In a tiiooil of more i-iiiiii.t. iillenallon than he luul ever exii. rl. ii. . il In n ton I ii rniiiiiry; yet the very si-ems of Ihe summer nlKlit. stealltiK out from old Hardens, the volt es that reach, d him from open doorways, spoke of home. As he renrhed the outskirts of town and rode on toward the governor's mansion, his mood rhnnxed, and he IniiKhed softly, for he remembered Ardmore, nnd Ardinnre was beyond question Ihe most iiiiiu.lim person he knew. It was unfortunate, he generously gener-ously rellerleil. that Ardinnre, rather Ihiin himself, had not been pluiiKeil Into this present undertaking, whli h was iiiik Ii more In Ar.liniire s line Unit his own. There would, however, he a ureal satlsturlliin In ti lling Aril inure of his lltll'tperled visit to Columbia, Co-lumbia, III exehatiKo for Ills frl.i. .I s report of Ills pursuit of ihe Klnklni; eye. lie only regretted that In the nature of IIiIiiks ('oliinihla Is a mini i rn elty. a seat nf i-oiiimitree ns w.-ll as of government, a plaee where hank il.iirlni:. me seriously eiiui.iitfi, ami where ihe Jaunty adventurer with sword nnd ruffles Is ipilte likely to run ill. ml of the pollre. Yel his own Illumination was far more fertile than Ardmore'a, mid lie would have hulled n Iroop of mull rlml men ns Joyrully ns his friend had he met Hi. in i-lauk lug In Ihe hlKhwny. Thus, modern as we think ourselves, the b ust venture mime mining us dreams Unit some day some lin n of n street I Ol II. T w ill bring liliu fine to fine with what we ph ase to mil our fate; mid this Is th nuinltestatliiti of our Ittst ilmp ni medieval hlisiil The grit st seek or after reality Im.ki nm o iH. ,.lir in r of his eye for tit., duller of a white haiulki n lilef from the Ivh-il tower he iifT.ets to Ignore; and. In nplto nf himself, he Is buoy. -it hy the i hope that siime day a hnrn will sound for him over the neatest hill Miss Osborne met hlui in ihe n-n.n till Mops. Illilnol'S U lllllllilollll llli.l l.l.iiio sttiii k up the merry i-honls ol "Hie Kiiiiiw fllrl." "My young sisters have eompatiy j We'll sll here. Ir you don't mind" i She leil the way to a ipi'.et eortior llllll titter they Were Se.'lteil she was Hint a miiiin tit. while ihe light rroui the windows ihou.il elearly Hint her perplexity of ihe morning was tint yet 11 all ellll lie felt thill she was serf rtusly anxious mid I ii.ul.leil. and he wished In I,. 1.1 loll her If he t Ill Ihe soft illlsk lit the fllltitly lighteil om. r fold. . I her In. lie 1 1 . . . t . 1 whls pereil III his heart a nutu'ii (list mini if the woman lie Is ill si in. il to hive, In vx lib li he sets her apart; ntn.ve ami le-yonil all ntln r wniti. nkln.l - . lie Is II rt r. nt ; she Is not like other woin in! It Is nearly nine, she said, her "ohe thrilling through him. "My lather la-ther sh. mid have h.-.-n here nn hour iig.i. We have heiiril nothing Itoni llllll. The newspapers have telephoned repent, illy to know his w heleal.oiiis I In. v.- put them off by Intimating thin lie Is away on Important public bust-less, bust-less, and that his purpose might be lleleiiletl If Ills exact v. h.-r. iilniuts were kiinwn " "I have mi doubt In the world Hint Ihe explanation you gave the uewspn-tiers uewspn-tiers Is the truth of Hie mutter. Youi rather must he absent n great ileitl It Is pnrt of a governor's business to k.-ep In '.tuition. Hut we muy as well 1 f i. - I'' f i. ll nt ,u :,'. . - ,- i-t I. n ! n... -i . i. I nr., --in i I In- p I l. w. irM ii,, ill, , I .i- I,, , h i-n-.s. J l.'iil 11 Llll ll. to h.-ltl.lle II propel l j I li.in if. PH.- voir lull:, r S flltllfl IIS H I put. In ii, ,.. Ii . ix itl p.inlnli in.'. I w.i il.l - ii-g. t Mi ll tin le must I i- ! ""..- on., w'.nm ,,. ..nt t.iki- ll.to lour . nllliilel.t ,- soil e tin till, some I .mi lii imir tilth, is a.liiiliilstrntloti that I., i , ;,n rely on "V. s, lather has tn. my frl. mis. but I i iiliiu.t consider a. know lodging tn anv one ll, .it r.ii'i.r has dls,ip..iire, when inh ii mailer as this Apple-w.ltht Apple-w.ltht in... Is mi Issue through Hie state No haw. II ghl of eiery on., this nil, r tt It would he a pa. niiil thing i..r his best friends lo know what Is what seems lo he the tlilth' II. I mice wnmrcl a Utile, I. tit she was I, tale ui.,1 he was aware Hint she striiik-!iten..l h.rself In her chair, ami wli-ll wayward gleams of light fell ,. iniii h. r fa, .-. Unit her lips j Were set resolutely "You saw Hie attorney goto nil this i lm. rtiliig. - ph.. w.ni on "As ymi sug gesl.,1. he would naliirally he the one to whom I should Iiiiii, toil cumuli do It I -there Is ii le.isoi,". ami she lalti red a mum. in there are sci suns why I ciiiinnl nt, p.al t,, Mr llos-worth llos-worth nt this lime ' She shrugg.,1 h.r shoulders us though tl, liming i.fi a ill. tgr. enhle topic and he that u re wa in. ilcng .,,. . s:,l. on this point. Ills heart h. ats unli k, n. .1 ns he renl I '. .1 Hint .lie was appealing to htm; "lit II eh he was i.tilv the must l il.U.il a. ,11.111,1. ill, e sh" trise, him A- he i i.ii.i. r.-.i tor ,i moment, a lla sse,g,.r rOle llllll Hi" gril'llllls, l. Ml.s llshnilie sllppeil away mid lllel ill" boy ill ihe steps She came hack nn. I op. i.o.l ii nd. grain, reading the in. - .go at i, j,,. t,i Hie windows An 'int' ju.inl exoiauiiilloii escap.il her. nn. I she i iiiiii, lo, I ihe paper In lu-r I, nnd "The Impitili me of It'" .1,,. ,-, olnliii. ,1 lie had il. ii. ,! , w lm tied tn hint with anger ami scorn deepening h.T le illllllill i nlnr Her ,,r' ''h "i.i ml, hlv : her head was lilted Impel ii,.y; ,.-r lips ipilmred Sllgllll) lis she spoke '"lilts Is , llll ljv llallgerllehl ( , v.el llu.igiue n man nf nny cluirncter nr ie. em y s. tilling nil Ii n iii, .s,,ng to Hie glilelllnr of aimlher slllle'" She wall III ll llllll IIS he r. iiil; It . I. lull. N. C. The ll...,,.,.,!. I.. II,,, ,, .l.l,.,,,,,.. iliiv. rii..r ef H..IUI, .,ir..liu,i. "' ".hla. H ! : ll.iv.. willt.n l.y t.i nulil'. , Ari. pi. . igft in ni. , v. , .,,, tt H.I.IAM I.A.;i:tii ii;i.ii Hoi. rtmr of N..III, i-,,,,,!,,,,, "What do ymi lliliik of ihut?' she demiltlileil "I ihluk li s Impertinent, iu ,ny ,. least," he replied gillirdedly. "Iiiipertlnent: Us the most contemptible, con-temptible, outrageous thing I ever beard of In my life! (lov. Hunger Mold tins dillydallied with that euso for two years. Ilia administration ,ns been marked from the beginning ,y tho worst kind of Ini-oinpetent-e. Why, this man Applowelght nnd his gang of outlaws only come Into Siiiilh i nro-llna nro-llna now and then to bide und steul, "Whst Art Our Intantlons?" bill they ,, null, Ii most of Iholr (rimes in Niirih I'liriillim. und tiny always have Talk lll.iilll a 11 1 1 111 I 111 u course! I'lilher I. ns never taken slips In ar-H'St ar-H'St those tii.-n out ur sheer rcglllil for liov Imtig. rth lil . he thuught .North t ai'ulliiii hint sot,,,. pti,,.. ami that her g, n.-i nor wnelil rotor to lake cam nt Ins own i rlinliials Whal do you Mlpll.'C Applewelghl Is 111. Holed fur III this slat. ? Knr stealing ntie ham --one singe ham lion, n fa r In Mingo ciiiiuiy, ami he's kill.-. I half doen men In North I'nmlinu " She paced Hie corner of the VIT-ll VIT-ll n.lll llligflly. while (irlswrihl glnpoil lor a solution of the problem. The l.'legraiii from llnieigh was certainly lin king In dlphiiu.'itli- suavity Ii was patent thai If the governor nf North Cariilinii was mil tromcnduiisly iiroiisul he was playing a great g,i of bluff: nnd on either hypothesis a prompt tospotisc must be mad,- i his telegram "I must answer this ul mice II.. must mil Hunk we nre so stupid In Ciiltiinbiii that we iinn'i kmiw when we're Insult. .1 We can go tl, rough Ihe side door 1. 1 father's study ami w rite the message there " nnd she led the way She found ii blank and wrote rapidly, rapid-ly, without asking suggestions, with this result: The II. il... ml, I,. Willi. on Iiiim. rth hi. Huli .gl,. N IV Y. ur .-x.r. nielv diverting l. l. s-t nm In Xppl. weight I.- U. .1 .mil 1,1. . -HAItl.i:S IHIIIItlNi:. She tii.-t (irlnuolds uhvloiis disup-I disup-I uiiiiinohi with prompt r- x 1 1 1 a ii .i 1 1 . , ii "You see. the Kolertllil nf South raiolltia i .i ii ii. .1 stoop to un ext limine ,,1 'illlliigsg.it,. with an underbred, per--ou like that -a big, solemn, cuncelled . routine In u long frock-coat und a al ' ' 1.' . . ! ., I lunging i- , i die-Mil I lo !., ,, ,, wli-n I: f, ., , . . , ... In III1SI.- r ' I ',.. .. I ill llll " "1'xc. ,; m '.. . ... 1. 1 ,- ,to, and ' ' I " ii the , ul, ., . l.i Hons, ti.i r, ,. ,,, . I turn '- t'.-.s i,, ,,,, ,,. ,,) , , ,,, I,. , II deck- 1, .1, In ; ,t .h.,,,1,1 h. , and he "is piop.it., I,, all-a , r uh.n she ntk I u ith ..ti . ti,pliim..tii ,,f th, pron.sit H ii p;. ,-i,i,i iv en, ph. i I, d their r I..' iuii-' , "Wi,i a, I mt.nihns- "Wl in. g,.,lic ,,, ,,,,,, ,x,,,. welglH. Hi., I s th. l. ., ti,,,,,. and nn III w go. h,m w. ,.. g.,,,,,. , K, .., our o'i , .. ,i ,., ,, ,. graph l.'.n.k nnl I win tM t,,v hunt ni l,Hig I'm on ot ' ll,. ..it down in Hie gov. '.nn s ohnil ,,-k. .1 the lis-pi of th . . ,i,lv s. al ol Mi, and suit, wlthiwl . i.i in,. ,,r lioulalioli tine tliesslg" T.. lh " . it ,.f m . ... , .,. X r , I. , .. H ,' . Mk ..... . ... I.', , n.,,1 I..'.- int., i, M't ' ' .' I .... of hi- g ll.g Win. "lei ..",.'. ', a"'),, Tr' 't'rl.",',!,," o ..... I,. ,., ,k,. Il.l. 'i "rl'' "" v " 1 t.,,rt 'I t - - -, "... i '.?., V. ..'Jn,sV.l!'i' n.s. . i in .. .. i ,.. i., 1. 1. ,., ,,,i, "Thn ,Ullo .ill, n the law," slid r.rlsW'-Id. h inning I'.alhala Ihe lues snge: iiii.I we might ,,s w. II p.il II,,. thing Hun ,,gh nt ,..,n, ,,, n B, Hie telegraph I on, pain In hold open the line to ruin, r ,-,,,, M, lmll H,e sheriff in .wis " As I', ii barn t oad Ihe message he saw h-r .l, imir.. In the ,g.il. k coin pressh ii nf her lip., in,, glow In her chcolp and Hun the bright glint of her b-.uio Iuiiwii lies in. she fill Ished "Th.ro inn. I he t, mistake, nn fall lire." ihe said i,il. ly "We lire nnl going to full; We nre gnlmt I" carry Ibis through' Within thr III. 4 we'll lone ... Weigh! Ill a North t iiiolliui i .il or a Hying fuel live In liov I 'a ii gi t th . id 'h leri lini v And low these t.l.gtallis must lie sent, ll might I... belter h.r you lo go til the t. loglnpli elhce With me. Ymi must r. member thai I nm a pilgrim and a stranger mid H v might tpt.-s Hon niv tiling oili. ial messages " "Tint Is perfectly true will gn Into town with ymi " "And II there's mi i.llh h.l con, h thai everybody knows as yours. It would allay (iispicinns to hum It." mul while he will still speaking she vanished lo order the carriage In Ihe minutes It was lit the side door, snd firlswold mid liarluirii. for tilled ky Ihe presence of I'ho. bo, left tho gnfcrnor'e study. "If tliey diui't know me, everyhisly In Hoath Ciirollnu knows rtimbe," m ii l.l I'strhiini. "A twpltnl Ma. I can sen fjr hr eye that she's built for eotisplrncy." nrlssolil'a horse wns to be relumed lo town by a hoy; and when this had been arranged the tin iil. reil Ihe carrliige. "The telegraph nfllee, Tom: and hurry." CHAPTER VII. An Affair at tht Statehouie. Ilnrhnrii tiled the messages herself with Ihe malinger of the lei. graph eomiuiliy. who llflerl t. green shad,, from his eyes nnd smlletl upon her. "We rush llllll. Miss llshnrtie Shall I telephone ihe answers If Hu e come lo night? No; your flit her likes Ills It h grann dellvend I remember " "I will rail for tl ' s.ild tins-wold tins-wold "fiov Osborne was only nt home a few hours this evening ami lm left me In charge of lie so mutters" The manager's face expressed sur prise. "Hli' I didn't know the governor was nt hoiue," he r. nun kml, as lie Mulsh, d counting the words nnd charg lug lli-m ngnliisl the slate's ucciiiiiit. "I will send them myself, mid ask the operators at Ihe other end to l.s.k lliely about the unsworn Ymii are Mr--" "fills 's MnJ. firlswnhl." said Pur- bars Iferrltig the title with aliigiii. fooling thai ll strengthened In r cause "Mnlnr." repei,t.., ihe innnag. r, nnd he im.l. I.il to (irlsimid with nn sir Unit Implied his familiarity with of-llcla! of-llcla! secrets. "Yon will cull? In a couple ol hours, imilor " Tn Hi; i iiS'i'im imi i |