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Show PACKERS TO STAND TRIAL. High Officiate of th Swift, Armour and Morrla Companiea to Face Chargea. 1 C1iIcko. The federal itrainl Jury. ' which haa been lnvetlKalln Chlcaao .' packera. late Monday returned Indict-ni.'iita Indict-ni.'iita nmilnat ten l.leh .,ff..i..i ... Swift. Armour und .Morrla i -crna. There are three ltnM.-liii.-ntH .-ikiiIiihi each, charulnit ciimblnatlon. coni,plr- ury and Ml.-cal nopoly. The Indict nt In d.all charKea all d. feiidania with iik:ikIhk In coinhlnu-linn coinhlnu-linn In restraint of Interstate trade In fresh mcata. The aecoinl charitea con Hpliacy. The 1 till , chnrKoH the ilefetidanta with muiiupiilliiiK the trade In frean tneatH by unlawful iu.-iiiih. That the purpose nf the tnnul Jury was ihe liiill.-liii.-m ,,f Individual.! lailnr than the packlnit cuipunillouH was shown when .ImU,. lamma. tn iiious lor the l.'ii.nn sti ani oil I1"1'- la lied the InvcH-lKatliiii. |