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Show TINY BABY'S PITIFUL CASE 'Our luby when two luuntha old ana aufferlng with terrible eciima frnm bend in foul, all over her body The l.nt y luoked )uat like a akluni-il riihbll. We were tumble to put dm Ilea Inn her. At drat It . . in. ,1 to be a few n, atten d pin, plea They would bri nk the akin and peel off lenvlng the tin-j tin-j derm-nth akin red ua thougli II were acalda. Then a few ninrn pluiplea wnuld appear nnd prend all over the body, lenvlng the baby all rnw without akin frnm head In font, tm top nf tier head there a,ieure,l a heavy acab a quarter of an ln.ii I hi. k It waa aw. fill to ace an aiiinll a buby Imik aa ahe i did. Imagine! The doctor waa afraid lo put lila hnnda In the child. We tried aeveral doctor' remedlea but all failed. "Then we derided to try Cutlciira lly ualng the Cutlciira Olntmeui we nflened the acub and It ramp off I'n der thla. where the real matter waa. by waahlng with the Cutlcura Hoap and appljlng the Cutlciira ointment, a new akin toon nppenred We nlro gnva baby four drop of the Cutlcura lleaolvent three tlm. a dally After three dnya you nail. I ne the buby gaining a Mule akin which would peel off and benl underneath. Now the baby la four mnnthaold. She la a Ann picture of a fut little baby and all la well. We only used one rnke of Cutlcura Cutl-cura Bonp, two bote of Cutlcura (lint- nient and ono buttle of Cutlcura lie j aolvent. If people would know what Cutlcura la there wnuld be few Buffer In I with eczema. Mra. Jnaeph Knaa j niann, 7 Rt. John'a lime, Hldgewnod Helghta, N. Y , Apr. 30 and May 4. '09." |