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Show NOTABLE CEREMONY IN SIAM Presentation by the King of Yellow Robes to Priests of Bud-hist Bud-hist Temples. fines a year, sais a writer In the Wide World MiigiKine, all the lludil hist i. tuple In Slum are visited by the king, or his deputies, In til ing Hie I'hni Kiilhln (yelinw rob. si. In mil funnily with mi ancient ciiKtoiu hy which Hie priests Were lliiide In sick their apparel fur Ihe ensuing year liiirlmt Ihe nr. lime ol Hiiddlia. tiiuiik. mid .nest, w,.re sun nm it, b, g p,r old. cast off garments, which wore iifliru.ud dyed yellow and pat, lu i) togotli.r to form th,. ro.pilio.l loh.s. This nieient in, -11.11111111 custom grinlu ally gave place lo I lie pi. s. i,t one ul makiis Hid giirmeiiis In. in u. w cloth of u nrlght canary yellow, proiuiod by Joint iiililill, ml, ,n 1,1 hil l., princes, nobles and couimiiners. Tli.n ike king ,ie In thn royal throne lunge lo present the robes In poison he diss 10 Willi ,r.-iil pomp nnd ccie-mony. ccie-mony. The piiestly ga1111. nl... folded 111 hlllullcB, 1(( carried In thn dour of the tcuiplti t awuli 1 lie ii,i. iiriiiii-u of hh. majesty und his suite. 'Unking, 'Un-king, un niyivliiK, lakes 11 priestly robe und pi , ,.s t on u d.-curiiteii Bllar. The ahh-f priest tin 11 lays hlf hands un tho garment und 1 hauls ub ackiiuwl. dgUieuU J |