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Show Klrrtrical Kffeclt in Fau.t. ' ' Ml. Sauford liodgo han apan-tl neither i xpeii r work In his ,.(. form to give a llrnt-clann production of "l-'nust." The following are aome of the . lecirleal elfeeiH shown iii thin won. derful play : Tin- Vinton of Marguerite, Marguer-ite, The Signing of tin- Itotul, The i Traiisforuiniion of l-'aunt. The Winn cup of I ire, The IllllluitUllell (Tona, I'l'lie Klectrical Harden. Tin, Invocation Invo-cation of the I lemons hv lire. Thn ! I-lecirleal Sword l-'ighi'. Tin- I'lr.i- I Mies. The Illuminated Skulls. The Itllill of I'ire. The Apotheo.ln, mill I many other original and nlnrlllng letfectn. Iion't lulsn seeing this great play at the Coalville Opera II. nine, Sal unlay evening, Sept. '.'I. |