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Show flTriiy f Quh FHE DEVOTED TO T E INTE EfSTS OF SUMMIT COUNTY THE PEOPLES' ADVERTISER. J03 'I WORK NEATLY DONE 1. VOL. XVII. ('OALV1LLIC, MaaMWHMiBuuvHBaiaiiai Tin r- - i- - taiU uf 1' C0111U11.I' mnl the rail- county mail company to bail- a Mtbwiii put at I'clm. Tin in at tin- oiosj-intcertain crohMiitf is dangerous to extent, to say nothing of the of ha mj.r to u ait for fri ight More than once trains to 'clear. has the editor of this paper I ail to toj that br4stop there ami iti-wis! tin lie the hell, signal until railroad company and all wete in hades. At small expense this i,tin- ance can he abated, anj the travel-- ( ing public, in other wouis the long coiiiitiii-hi'iriei- s - - he plot- - U" Full "sA T pt Wilt' r No. I.K 1. ' lift HU tli ml u - at Tillies otllce. it ' DAY. SEPTE.MI JEU .'!. l Mentioned inii-- Merely illpllle foi-ee- cards tot tl lo suit all. iens and show y our likes County l'a.r. . 1 1 . VU x 't Mr. Will St'luiim, of S".!t in tins cm on husiness. e-- l Mr. George Thacker king of Cioyden was yesterday on M. R. SALMON, business t 1.1 I Little Things Heard Here anc Visits and alse. Is iere 0 f About You and I aeeount veu iiilt make it Our ilOlK isrVvu tUMah, UOiA Visitors. Can net have decided to build a new WANTEb tliool luuise nearWahsatch station. Miss Mury Williams Ite adr. elsewhere in this issue. sanuninroroi Pinter your ar'icles for the Fair Psrk City will cross hats with (he i tasli. urlyuudav-.ilevils Slide team at We Slide next Miss Lottie Lusty, of Evanstoq, linday afternoon. Quite a number . will spend the otn here expect to go and see the Miss Efflo Cr.rrrth left for Salt ini.. Lake Wednesday morning. Paul Barber, son of Mr. and Mrs. 1). Barber, broke his collar bone re Mr. and Mrs. Goinar Thomas lit Tuesday. The member hna Salt last from Lake turned Saturday semet and ' he is gettingnslong Mr. and Mrs. Ben Toone of Ech sry nicely. were in the countv seat on businesi Mrs. C I. Wheadon, of' Morgan, 1' Wednesday . here to attend the funeral of Mrs. W. French. Also Mrs. Carl A1II-Mis Inez Itheid left for Garland of Ogden, and Mrs. Lillian yesterday, where she will teach school this season. ight of Salt Lake. retain?! Mlsa Mrs. S. M. Huhlusi.n from Evansum, on Tuesday, whert Test Giles, teacher at the New school, is stopping at Mrs. she spent several days. ihoades, and any information Mrs. Annie Wiixiuson, of Salt the school will be gladly Lake, is viyltlntr her parents, Mr. irnlshed by Miss Giles. and Mrs. Win. Boyer. Politics is beginning te be talked Bert Blondin has returned to, ad several candidates are In the Coalvillo again. He has been in ield for various offices. Some t ni ir.iplo, f T i W i p !.t W .1 Lfciitl Co. at Boy, Utah. teniselves, some are afraid te. Why this backwardness? Jack Haddow Is back again after Miss La Von Bagnell gave her spending several week in the east ern part ol the s'ate, wonting at on nends a birthday party lastThurs-aof the coal mi nr 0 ttenr Price. Ice cream, cake, fruit and were uts served. In the evening trustees r.oeh o' Ci tb The pror. Bagnell took the party to the cture show. be the day te (J On your way to see the new be sure and see my complete line of school supplies, books, etc. dormitory, 1 -- . 1 per Saving money acts on the mind like exercise acts on the nuscles. It sends new ideas through the brain. Start that savings account now. We will pay you four per cent interest on the money you put in our hank and compound the interest every three months. . The First National Bank COALVILLE, UTAH. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $30,000.00. ALFRED BLONQUIST, FRANK P1NGREE, Cashier. JAMES P1NGREE, President, B. BLACKMAN, a Vice-Preside- nt Vice-Preside- Ethel Lee of Hoytsvllle, hr tisroum undwthgitniwDfeii VWwfWWw tj a a ar onday,Sept.I9th wiv ere BNrwie JUST t$ a- - osteopath. Her friends will be pleased Vo learn that she Is very much improved in health. Sheriff Coffee passed through this $3 city Wednesday on his way to Provo a delegate to the Democratic etate Convention. Mr. Coffey will asp(re for the nomination of sheriff on the Democratic ticket. on Mens and Ready-to-weClothing M Add dignity, independence, safety, to yourtelf and to those who depend on you. Get out of the rut of living beyond your income. stTeturped from California, where cent tih vA y. Miss 1 .x jr-or- ng M.R. SALMON, MILLINER. Gommencing-- X w'nb-r-herc- line of Most School Hats, Scarfs, Sweaters, etc., etc. up-to-da- 4uec4A. mm' 3rUtnoiYi , . Milliner fwMfltadd&j(tt(r ut. Jmtfwig Au&mfh cattle Coah il! lie will :7 -- ineon-venien- llun't AO. MAKE A5TART ! mAaii you ftart a flank, .!! IT - : l(i. 1010. .... b.l-- .l 1! it- - All. F I Vw TrW w Wtw eYWwwieW W New Assortment of School IN--- A Hats, Ranging in price from 50 cents to $4.00. n X u MRS. M. E. RHOADES, MUirier, PHONE 41 BLACK. Good In this issue will be found a card announcing the candidacy of J. E. Carruth to succeed himself as county anythiiig' in, re card you you ERwooif, BsTie ls: traw ti' has a made here, splendid officer and will no doubt get the nominathe line of fresh or salted meat-be- ef, mutto-ition. FOR SALE At a. bargain. My - .pork, ox hacon. mercantile business, store and goods Also three headof horses, oue young milch cow, 25 head pure bred Liu Wc know what we are buying; therefore know what we arc sottn,; and we would like to have rn know how tn cut it vo, coin ewefi. and 12 head of pure blood " J Iambi-.'I. as vC11 as wc 1hi.v "ir February Lincoln Ham or call and see for yourself, t live. H. Wkst Hoytsville, Utah. Mr. and Mrs. U. 8. Bedell left the fore part of the week for the east Bagnell & Ball, Prof a. to visit Mr. Bedells parents and hie . T xT I"-- v old home. They will remain there a his absence about month. During Mr. Jinkins of Salt Lake is handling the clippers and wielding the T razor at the Bedell barber shop. a Mr. and Mrs. Win. Covey and family of Salt Lake, ermeout to attend the funeral of Mrs. Oveys A grand mother, Mrs. Margaret John-- s M spells economy. ton. Mr. Covey is still on crutches ns as the result of ihe accident at Salt-ai- r It will a a last summer, in. which he nearly lost Lis life. His many friends here work. not are pleased to see him getting along as well as he is. chances this season in Ready for, err' when .need , ham . SUMMIT MEAT CO., v Coal.:. Go where you will and when you will, you Weber Coal cannot find better clothing values than we offer at Our Regular Prices. Try 1-- our Famous $5 Colored Oxfords, $335 Boys Knee Pants for - and well known Hats. $3.25 now Kingsbury $1.62l-- 2 KING HATS, $2.50 Now $1.25 $2.00 $3 Black 45c $2.00 65c now At Boys CorcLPanU, $135, Bt th Mens We are making this sale Stock, and assure you very unusual values; School $3 sizes. and Boysall to make room for our now at- etc., etc. ! 90c Fall and Winter that the goods offered at these prices are - - Co-o- p We Keep the Best and Always HareTt spark from the eook tove at home of Mrs. E. Simister, last Sat urday, started a Are in. the attic of the house, and only for the prompt action of neighbors and citizens, A , would have undoubtedly resulted As.it was the Are disasterously. was discovered before It had "gained much headway and with the assistance of hand chemicals, was put out. ..with.. but . vt.ry Jittle damage done. Mrs. Simister wislii s to thank all who In any way helped ioquelch the flames, thus sastngJmr home, WANTeI) Cosmopolitan do take the ton; Do tons" Here is your chance to gave 33 3 per cent off our regu lar prices. If you want to wear better, clothes than ordi- nary, without payin g as much as usually tasked for the common kind, you want to attend this SALE. Many 'of - any matter of fuel; Goal that- produces the greatest amount of heat; coal that burns to the last ounce; coal that is all coal, and the ash of which is evidence of its heat energy thats the' kind of coal we sell esBen-Who- le ft ft ft ft ft ft ti 7TYi.i Zi v'f - Maga- zine requires the services of a representative in Coalville to look after subscription renewals and to extend circulation by special methods which have pjved unusually successful. Previous SalaryJLnd commission. nee desirable but not time or spare time, with references, H. C. 11, Cosmopolitan Magazine, roadway, New York City. Hi YiV R m Mines ot COALVILLE, UTAH. ft rS ft ft ft ft ft ft fly - 1 |