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Show MOUSE BUILT IN NINE HOURS Quick Work by Membera of Lot Angelea Lodge In a Spirit of Brotherhood. A utlipi rprord In hotn hnlldlnic traa ralnlillahpd In Ia Aiix-l.-a r-CPtltly r-CPtltly ahpn 100 ItlPllllii-ra nf Hip Woodm.'t nf tho World prpi'ti'd a four-room four-room rottiiKii on Kaat Klfty aPi ond ltr.t In Iv.a thnn nine hunra. From tuft to huttotn, front roof to fmitulnlltin, front purrh. front atppa. tpwpr rontipiiliin. ttn I'lpp". pliitnlilnn and pvpn Hip pnliitlna waa rnmplptpd Ion at h.-fur.' il.irk anil th llltl.' huiian waa nady fur tMrnpnniy Wlu-rn In thp morning had tn-pn ll niKu.-d pntrh of inrn nnd nitly nnilpritrnwih hy nlaht a. rozy a little rottitKP na onp rnnlil wlah for poki-il Ita little rd rhlninry akywnnl and Ita ilnura atnod Invlt UiKly nppn. I Ixive an. I th aplrlt of tirothprhiaid mad poaslhl th. arptntuKly Hiipua-alliln. Hiipua-alliln. Tim hnuae wna erei-teil hy Hip Woodmen uf tho World for thi'lr fpf low mi.mli.-r .Innipa llnrvpy nnd hla ninth it, Vra MntKnri't Harvey. Ilnr-py Ilnr-py la thirty Ave ypara of niin. Mnny year ngo ho hepiiiiie a member of the order and wna a hard wnrklntc nnd popular meniliiT. five y.-nra nitn tin wna atrli ki'ti with rhmnlp rhi'umntl.ni that may mnkp hint nn It, mil, I fnp Hip reat of hla llfp He bna I, "i n unaliln to do nny work alnrp. The houap la IS hy St feet In ill menalnna, hna four rimnia nnd it fully equipped tiath. hut nnd rnld watur nml ana. It la vnlued nt re limn fl.liun. Shelley the Henpecked. Frnpat llunlnr W'rltht. In an nrtlrle on thp dpnih of Dr. fTPdnrlrk .lnm.' Furnlynll. thrown thla new Httht un thn home life nt the pupt Hhi'lley: "Dr. FnrnlvaU'a father wan n aur Keen, hut toui'heil lllpratitre nt oti point he attended Mary li.nlwln Shelley for a lime lie futind It nu prlvtleK to wait upon that lady Sim waa foreviT iiiiIitHik Shelley nlmiii like a alnvp. nnd wparliiK hla life out with her wlilnia and tempera. It wna 'Shelley do thla.' or 'Shelley do that.' from mnrnltiK 'o hlxlit, with never an rndenrliiK word and aplilom a pnllto nne. So the elder r"tirnlvll dechl.-d on aoiiie ailvico for Shnlley, anil ihoiiKh not a man of phaaea, he apnUe hla mind aa heat hp i-otld one duy wh.-n the poet had dropped In to win, h him make pllla "Deu.-p take It .ill. Shelley,' he aid 'You're puttltiK up with Iik aiueh nniiHeii.e front your wife Ynu ought to bIiuw tnine l,nekhnni. You're a mull. Shelley why don't you muku her hehttve?' 'I I'uu't.' replied tha w't; the non't - It's I in penal h!e!' " Then ynu miKht to divide tha inuae with her.' ' How?' aaked Shelley, nnlvely. '"W hy. In the It ls4iman'e way you ake the lualde and give her tin lutald' " (MINES AND MINING 1 i T! - ti. tut, I Iti'l i.try In Mi l-eatl it. ' ' !' ml I i , ,,, i,i. !, i- ..in it.., ; It uilie til I" a r,"-n l.l:.:i" ", I. Mk j ma nil In n 1:1" .11. I ,f tli- j,f ."lit ' ii.,p -U-t- In -e..ti,! n- : Hull ; lit. .1: f.it .11.- 1- !:, !. j f,,r the ' Pi,, III. .it,. I 'ik ,.,. . ' I,,,,,,,, ; lu fl.ilui 1. unity, ,ah,i hy 1 u, ,,-l j ...it .SpufTiinl whu lu. j.i.t rulurtiedi frur.i a ttu.ti'ha t",J,,urn :u that .lla j trl.-t H.-i elit pr..-i"i-tlti w.,rk p. 1 fm iiip.I upon tin- pr..p.-rt i.r th.- I'.-u.-u.-li ; 'upper fnti.nlii d eunipmii. In I lli'iver c, iiitt'y, I'tnli h.ia ad, led won d.-rfiilly In Hi., vn.ii,. ,,f u utiii.iial auilap hIimh lliu; nf pj.allfr ore. A f,,ur f.,t e'r.'iik of nlmnat airniKhi p.ipper tt:iir In. hi-n npeii',1 In Hi., lump hip bn.ly whl.h! la Ii.Hik dpielnp.-d in the S'rehlke 1 Im.e. .,n the Kly fiiliitnet ptuperly, I nei-iii U,lU In u-lil, ". trulii Ely . Nev. j lii.enwnlt an. I S'pvpii.. who w.-ra moliK Hip pntly upi-riitura In Jur ImUe ill.tilr' h.ii" tnmle n rleh atr,kp In a tu-w- 1! ..tth t f,ry ml lea aoiithi.'i.t of II'. p" II f . 11, i'"l .tin K tu ' prim'.- mil In a i. r. lie.l In Sail I .ike flt. The Seven TroiKlia .Muti.in h rniii- palli a t'lllliel WII. X en, I. ,1 "., leet .lurinic Aui:u-.l. Snliii'thiliil iii'.ip than Inn le.-i h.t. I1.-11 mil., ei.-ty mutitlt .Hue Ih.i work waa l..,ni. the lime liuv lnit hl'Vll di Iv .-ii .'.To f.-et In live tliulltlln. 'I'll" uiet.i.'p ptlip ut a.lver fur All- I'UKt waa hluli.-r than .r luany III, ,1111,. hefnle. except 111!,' .Inly III the N.w Ynrk tiiirl.ei the hlxh waa .':! V- and the luw wji ::,'. cl.,iint at .:' .e. Ih" av. -ran.- fur me month ImvlliK I"-' 11 T.J .1'. The new well nf the l.tnlun nnd San Ju.itt oil euinitalii la iIi.aii ui) Let, nnd work I. h.ltiit ruuttniii-d i-teaillli. 111 enr.lliii; to u.lvli'.-a I10111 HIiHT. I1.1I1. Alien, ly inn.l.let uI.Ip mi i-iitl, ra I, "III the well and llieie la a l(uud allowing uf oil. The I , III, ,1 u ' Kliiup uf four 111 III four itnl". uoitli of f.iltuuif, 1,1. il,, 1, la hehm ileV.'Iupe.l hv II ct", .cut to UI the vein J.'." feet ll low the collar ,,' Hie ptea.'tit shaft, whicll la 1:.'. lei't ,. i p. un, I In lead silver ote of nei'l-lent nei'l-lent 1:1:1, le uml .hlppiua ii.iutit. The C'lillnl,,!- KX'ellslotl Mllllll cuuipatiy ha.s cotiimetic.-.l tukltii: ure for hlpini itt ftuni Hie recent an Ik III Ita i. font till I, any 'lie Salt l.nkn ll-rahl Kioto procut app.-ur uttcea ptuiliicilnn uf '1 and an tune 11 day altuuld be maintain.', I Iml.-tl-nll.'ly F. fitrtla, a former erack player on the I'nlveraliy of I talt lo.ithall team, la onp of the ownera ol a proptrrty near rnraott f Ity, Nev . In which a rich Kohl Hlrlk" jiaa lieeu made. I he property la heltiK pxplolted by em-pluyea em-pluyea of the M 1 (ill I concentrator, where Mr. (ur:U haa beau i-iuplo)cd for ..Hue time. With the hum tunnel of the L'lah M.-ial Mlnllln eoiiipanr driven abutlt loini fuel fiuiu the TuopIp aide of the raimp, an, I with perhupa leaa than J.Oilit feet further to ko to tap at K'eat ilrplll Imporlunl houlea of l.-ud allver ire which h.ia bei ti developed Irom the Hiirfiicc. "i.-rylliltK la l.x'klii, lovely for Hi a Toole eotinty iirnperiy. (Jut of a totul of .".ini.iHiu aliaiei ou'--itaiidliiK I".', t'.Sk shun a were tepru' sputpil In Hie aturkhiild.-ia' m.-.-t Iiik uf the Smith foluml.ua f oiianllilaleil MlnitiK rnmpatiy. held In S .It l.ako fliy. and :i:.i;.:i.ln nf the aliaiea r. pre-. pre-. titp.l were voted In favor of the pro-pi pro-pi .id cotiMillilailun of thai ,,,tii,iiuy with the Alta H lle.-la Mn. llu cum. p.iny The Slinwny old npnt. in finuinerii falirnrnla hna not a well whlih la ploililclliK lesa than I .') hatt'ela nf nil dally, and fruin Ihal uiuouti Ihe prn.liirllmi run. up tu Hip ph.-uoiiie-ital 0111 pin of Hip I nk, -view uii.itei'. Ih'- nil ",-c ma mainly in sttatu. or llasllea, ra'her llllin lu pnula nr lakes, o that there la alluhi ilaliKer nf two ir mote well. tappltiK ill,' aantu suitiee of aupply. In 11 rompllHtiun of Hi divldemla ,!,! durum the pu.t eiKhi monilii, lie MlBllllt World Hilda Hint ll'O A r- U uii mine nnd tin-t nllui t al work llatrlbutPd anintia ah.irehnl,pra IIK.. 101. which added to the dividend nravlnualy paid hy theae cniupanlea, arlniia tlielr loial dialinraeniaiiia up to ..F..i.ro ,.;. a lit) prr cent returu on their r.!l.l!4Df.7 ciiuihllied lulled cap. italiinlluu. Seven inatnllut Klrnl cnmpanlea have jetiioutlLitt'd Hiul iirntlta an thla d.' partmrnt nf niiiilnt are aeemlnnly nut teutly Influenced hy Inw metal prlc-a, fur Ihey show a comldarnble Incieaae la earuli.Ka over th aaine ppilod In ln. Dividend declated by theao ivon onuipanlaa u tat thla year total I11.XIM t,ull. The Nevada -Ikiuclai cnmpatiy It rnu'truc Unit Ita road, the Nvinla Copper Cop-per llelt trout mm end lo Hi other nf the Yerlnnton t.Navada) district, the ron, nuw liavlnx baen ittad.-d tn the tui' ith of the valley In which la Nemiln ll ui tin tnltiea II lan. un heltif. tnn'lp fnr a lnrne I'jtu-nshm uf ili'vplupmeiit and opeia-ttona opeia-ttona un the Jnhnlile mine, al John, ulii, which la i-untiolled hy Al. , D. Myera ami naanclntea. Th abaft, now tmu feet deep, la to be aunk to 1.2vi0 feel wtiltout stniiilna, accurilitiR to the GoMtlahl , Tribune. The l.eadillle mine at Ollmnre. Ida., I IiuIIiI'iir a platform nt Ihe (1 tk P. ieput of jO tuna capacity. Aa inun as hi I completed everal hundred tun af lead silver ore, broken frntn the llnp, 'i In Ihe upper working. wIP te but to the Snlt Lake smelter. |