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Show : DENOUNCED AS UNFAITHFUL ' Democratic Member, of Calllnger. Pinchol Invetligjt.ng Commute Condemn Secretary Bellinger. j MlnnenpnllH -That lllrhard A Mai HllKer haa not been true tn the irtlHt repnned In him IIH Hecrelary of the interior; that he la not d.-.crutiK of piiblle conlldeiicr. and that he hIiuiiIiI be naked by Hie proper auih.irlll.-Klo l"KlKll bin iifllce." 1 Th fori-K.iiiiK HiiiiiH up the lliuMni-. f the four li.-uio.-ralle uiemlieiH of i ihe HallliiKer i ll,. Imi i niiitii-HHiniial In-vnatlKtiilnK In-vnatlKtiilnK iiiiimlttre. made iiublicnn' Krldav. The Itepuhiican m,.Mt.rH Ikxh.-.I no report. I .Xn inilepelulent report 1. (Jllen nut l.y .Mr. M i.Mhiiii. the lii.nri;etit lie pillilliilll fiutu KaliHan. whirl, ,1. , lar. H nlnn that Mr II., limit. -r "kI Id mil Im reinlned that he waa an unMlthful irimte.i of the public int.. rent, an en emy of ronHervailuii; and Hut the eharKea of (!ifT,,t, Plm-but nhould be auatnllied." Theae llndlnKH will he printed and lll.d with cniiKreHH. The di-elHlun of the four lieimicriitlc iiieiiibera mid Mr. Maill.ou to make the repnrtH public followed an 1111- u""l Inn. Three of th Itepiihll can iiieiiibera of the cotumltte re-fiiaed re-fiiaed to attend th incetlnK, while the chnlrmun nf thn cnmmltt. Senator Nelaon of Mlnnenotii, left the commit, teo mom and fulled to return. Chairman Nelaon nave notice a incclliiK would h held In Chlcnijo Sep temlier KI. The lieinocriiilc iiieiiibera adjourned lo meet In WnHhlnumn on fiecember ;l. |