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Show LOCAL BRIEFS Court Matters Judge James A-j A-j Howell helng occupied with court affairs at Morgan today, hearing of I the probate and motion calendars ; were postponed for one week. Bud Ryan Case The case of the ;Clty vs. Bud Ryan was taken up in the municipal court today before Judge Reeder and a Jury composed of Herman Kuchkr, Oscar Couch. William Will-iam Doyle and D. McCarty. I Fire Sparks from the chimney a the Smith Mattress companv factor m the Canyon road set fire to the i roof of the building. The fire de- I partmrnt was called at 2 10 p m and extinguished 'he blaze before anv material damage was done. Marriage Licenses Marriage licen ses have been issued to Theophllus Meister and Anna Git7. of Tremonton. and to Robert Hey wood of Ogden and Afton L Child of Rlverdale Settled Out of Court In the divorce case of Pearl Edwards against Charles Fdwards the case ha6 been dismissed in the district coun The parties settled their differences out of court. lam H. Manning, an instructor in the Weber academy, will be held Wednesday Wednes-day at 1 p m. in the Hooper ward meeting hou3e. Bishop James R. Beus officiating. Remains may bo viewed at tho Lindqulat chapel this evening until 7 o'clock and Tuesday until 12 noon. Interment in Hooper cemetery. |