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Show ITALY WANTS TO ENTER THE WAR Berlin, Nov. 1, via Amsterdam and Loudon. A dispatch to the Taebglati irom Constantinople says that the Turkish fleet wln n It bombarded Nov-orossyak, Nov-orossyak, on the Hack sea. tvaitk icurtfen Russian transports and de Strayed several warehouses, oil res- rvolrs and a wireless station. At Odessa the Turkish shells set afire flv oil tanks and damaged five trao ports. Ixtndbn, Nov 1 The ambassadors of Great Britain. Russia and Franco have received their passports and have quit Constantinople, and Italy Is aflame with the war fever, demon-illations demon-illations in favor of entering the European Eu-ropean conflict becoming so violent In a number of cities that troops wem called to suppress the riotous scenes. These are the most startling developments devel-opments of the newest phase ol the International struggle the entry o! Turkey into the war :md the prospi of the participation ol italy in ordei to maintain the balance ot power alone the Adriatic. Negatively tii r- are two feature I t!i-j situation which are important , These arc the continued failure of any power officially to declare war as the next step after the official announcement that diplomatic relations rela-tions have been ruptured as between l urkey and Russia, and the absence Ol any action on the part of Turkey in response to the demand for an ex planatlon of her naval activity in the Black sea, made by the triple entente powers These are significant in that they hold out a hope for peaceful so-lutlon so-lutlon ol the Turko-Russian questions, thus averting further extension of i ostllltles. Dispatches from Rome today de clared thai Ihe Italian people are almost al-most unanimously with the war party and are clamoring for the immediate entry ot Italy into the war to pro-keel pro-keel the nation's Interests. The resignation of the entire cabinet cabi-net In a body after a stormy session. In which the ministers failed to agree upon a military propram because ol the strong representation of the peace party, has brought the situation to an acute stago. Thr army Is now mobilized to a ir.'iisth of 1.000.000 men and th-' Meet Is ready for action. It is only left for the war cabinet, which is certain to be appointed, to decide that Italy 1 1 1 1 1 t longer remain neutral in 5 he face of the situation In Albania-War Albania-War Party Argument. Italy would be seriously threaten. :! it Austria or Turkey were to attempt to seize Albania and If Italy were caught unprepared, the war advocales arguo, the damage that would be Inflicted In-flicted befort She COUld recover from ithe shock of the attack would be fa more extensive than could be indemnified indem-nified by the amount of the war appropriations ap-propriations sought. Activity of Turkey on land Is reported re-ported from Cairo. Large bodies of troops bent on invading Egypt for the purpose of re establishing the control the Turkish government, which, under the British dominion, have become be-come mere pretense, are reported to be moving. Bedouins have crossed tho Sinai trontler in great nqmhere rom Akabah and Gaza to mobilize with several army corps al Mosus and Damascus. |