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Show I. Stop spending one hundred hun-dred dollars for fuel where sixty-five would do the same work and do it better. In these days of high prices and heavy expense it will pay you to aee whether or not you are doing yovir cooking on the most economical econom-ical plan pocsiblc. If you are getting alcng with a "fuel hog" in your kitchen and want to know how to cut your fuel cost one-third let us snow ycu the MONARCH MALLEABLE RANGE and explain to you the construction construc-tion and exclusive features that will assure you of cutting the fuel cost. The MONARCH is different from other ranges because the manner of building is different. It is not bolted and patched with putty like the ordinary stove but riveted tight to stay tight through the years. THIS I S YOUR POCKET BOOK INSURANCE. LET US SHOW YOU fURWf&PE CO. I Twelve Years of Ogden Residence is back of mv word JOSEPH CHEZ (ADVERTISEMENT). rn Twelve Years of Ogden Residence is back of my vord JOSEPH CHEZ . (ADVERTISEMENT;. UO A POWERFUL H ATTRACTION BH Though "The Lure" appoared here B before, the Globe theatre could not accommodate the throngs eager to see (t at the Globe last ovoning. This great drama will appear again tonight for the last time Come earv and ee it comfortably Your last oppor- JM . tunlty Globe tonight (Advertise- Lm i menu. oo THE SMART SET The Smart Set are the people who get all there is to be enjoyed in the pictures that possess the depth and richness. The Geo Ade's comedies appeal to the educated the Sellg WeeMy and the war pictures keen you In touch with the world's events. The sweetest story ever filmed "Good Bye Summer,-' eclipse .anything in film this season. Showing at the Isis Every reel in the Isis and Globe, this change is a selected piece ol film art; don't fail to see the finest pro-pram pro-pram ever offered In the Alhambra play houses, Thursday ' The Dollar Mark'' comes 10 the Ists. The favorite favo-rite orchestra will be augmented, 8 members offering the choicest selections selec-tions from the finest library of music in the state of Utah at the Isis theatre. the-atre. (Advertisement). If a Grocers' trust exists in Ogden. why has not the Republican Party. vUth its County and District Attorney, Attor-ney, prosecuted it? (ADVERTISE MENTl. oo 'The Lure" last time tonight. to-night. Come early. Englarged orchestra. At the Globe. vertisement. I mount at THE OG-CEN OG-CEN THEATER Mary Plckfcrd. In 'SUCH A LITTLE QfUEEN," today and 'till Wednesday, 2 P- nn to 11 p. m. 5c and 10c. oo Resort to anything to avert defeat Is policy of Morning Examiner JO SEPH CHEZ (ADVERTISEMENT). Resort to anything to avert defeat fl policy of Morning Examiner JOSEPH JO-SEPH CHEZ. (ADVERTISEMENT). "Good-bye, Summer," the saddest, sweetest story ever filmed, at the Isis tonight. Advertisement. $ THURSDAY $ mURSDAjg 8 PIECE ORCHESTRA J3f WITH TYMPANIES ' jffil 1 AND r'bJl I ROBERT WARWICK . "THE DOLLAR MARK." I A SHUBERT AND BRADY, I Highest in Quality. Lowest in Price. Isis Theater next Thursday to Saturday, 5c to 10c. $$$$$$$$$$$$$ j . TflU 1 The Morning Examiner's Boom- UD erang is Exploded the wail of defeat can is trade by the Poor Examiner. JO- You' SEPH CHEZ. (ADVERTISEMENT). I WC win My word Is good, and I am as good p. as my word JOSEPH CHEZ. (AD- !, VERTISEMENT). . lllTi Pla( WOMAN'S VIEW OF iN WAR IS EXPRESSED Jftffll m IN STRONG CARTOON j bc- l he i r XV H ore appeared in the pubLc prints, y " la attracting considerable favorable yP t i attention. The cartoon, which is one fc. s'Wur ' H a ser'os which she has just com- ?n - ' r pleted, is entitled "War the Woman Jjr Dies a Thousand HeathtL" Miss 0 jr Allender is a Washing-ton woman M , and has been identified with the fle Miss Nina Allender and her cartoon: equal suffrage work of the Con- Cork "War the Woman Dies a Thou- gressional Union sinae its inception M sand Deathn." about a ear ago. he to a jj M rtag La him THIS STORY, WHEN PLAYED ON THE AMERICAN STAGE, RECEIVED MORE COMMENT THAN ANY ht OTHER BEFORE OR SINCE. MOTHERS AND FATHERS jj H SIDED WITH THE BOARD OF CENSORSHIP BY SAY- I U ING IT WAS A WONDERFUL MORAL LESSON FOR ALL H .ft"' |