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Show Turkey Apologizes For the I Hostile Acts in Black Sea I 4 W9S S f London, Nov. 2, 5:25 p. nr The Grand Vizier of Turkey has apologized for recent events in the Black Sea. H Washington, Nov. 2. -Russia has ordered all German and Austrian subjects to leave Russia within the next two weeks, according to a notification today to the H United States government H ALLIES MAKE GAINS AGAINST GERMANS I H GHENT IS NOW CUT Of F FROM ALL COMMUNICATION WITH OUTSIDE WORLD !, IE OF BATTLE FLOWING AGAINST THE GERMANS IN WESTERN ARENA 1 No Important Changes Are Reported But Slow Advance of Extreme Left of Allies in West Flanders Is Claimed Ger-Z Ger-Z mans Not Yet Ready to Abandon Attempt to Reach Calais Allied Forces Are Reported to Be jnZ Within a Short Walk of Ostend. f KAISER CONFIDENT ALLIES WILL BE BEATEN . German Assaults Continue With Almost Unparalleled Fury Sacrifices of Life Are Enormous Berlin and Paris Of- - ficial Statements Both Claim Satisfactory Progress Russia and Great Britain Defer Formal Declaration of War Against Turkey. London. Oct 2. 12:34 p. m. The Turkish ambassador U . to England Tewfik Pasha, was handed his passports today. IT Berlin, Oct. 2, via London, 10:55 a m In addressing the Brandenberg regiment in France recently at a point behind - - the fort, Emperor WUliam closed his speech with these words: "When the war is finished we should see each other again. 7 Under all circumstances, the enemy will be beaten." This in- - formation is conveyed in a letter received in Berlin from the ' front. Berlin, Nov. 2, by Wireless. The battle in progress be-tween be-tween the Germans and Russians in the Suwalki and Augusto-wa Augusto-wa regions, according to an official announcement issued here today continued undecided. The Austtians in an unofficial report claim a success in the Macva region of Northwest Servia, bounded by the rivers Save and Drina. Petrograd, Nov. 2, via London. 2 p. m. A dispatch from Sebastopol says that the former German cruiser Goeben's bombardment of that Black Sea fort was put to an end by the Constantinowskawa batteries, which forced the warship to immoni withdraw. The shore station subsequently intercepted a wire- prod less message from the Goebcn which said: "Damaged. Will fi return to Constantinople for repairs." 1 Rochester, N. Y , Nov. 2 A private cable received to- Uo'tt!- day from Para, Brazil, reports the destruction of the British of steamship Van Dyke by a German cruiser. The passengers efllnw were put ashore. The Van Dyke plied between Buenos Aires m S and New York. o ! hof' Washington. Nov. 2 Martial law was proclaimed to- dd day by Great Britain throughout Egypt. An official notifica- oxim'1 tion by the British Charge d' Affaires at Cairo, was delivered lt0 to American diplomatic agents there. On orders from Lon- y.pToV don, the commander-in-chief of he British forces took com- 10 2 mand of the General situation with orders to suppress all out- ,vetis breaks. . Paxil Nov 2, 2 -IS p. m The French officlul announcement given y" out In Paris this afternoon says that ur f yesterday the Gorman attack on the d French left wing, particularly between Rfl Llxmude tad the Lys, continued With .i . great violence. In spite of the coun-ter coun-ter attacks of the enemy In this re plon. the French made slight progress pro-gress The text followB 'On our left wing, the German of fensive continued yesterday with the same violence in Belgium and In the north of Fran , partlcularl) Dlxmude and the Lys In this region, In spite of attacks and counterattacks on the part of the Germans, we made slight progress on almost the entire front, excepting at t lie village of Messines, a part of which again was lost by the allied troops. ' The enem) undertook an important movement against the suburbs of Ar ras. This resulted in failure as did other movements against Lihons and' Le Quesnoy-en-Santerre. , "On the center In the region of the Atsne, we made slight, progress In the direction of Tracy-le-Val, to the north of the forest of Algne, as weil as at certain points on the right bank of the Aleve between this forest and Soissons ' At Amont-de-Yallly an attack directed di-rected against those of our troop6 who are In possession of the heights on the right bank of the Alsne also resulted In failure The same outcome out-come attended several night attacks delivered on the heights of the highway high-way Des Dames. ' In the region of Rhelms between the Argonne and the Meuse and on the hetehts of Meuse, there was noticed no-ticed yesterday a recrudescence of activity on the part of the enemy's heavy artillery. The bombardment of these pieces however, did not show any appreciable result "On our right wing an offensive movement of reconnaissance by the ! enemy on Nomeny was repulsed. "In the Vbsges, in addition to the fact that vo have recaptured the heights which dominate Mount Sainte Marie, we have made progress In the region of Dande Sapt, where we occupy oc-cupy the positions from which the artillery of the enemy has been lom barding the town of St. Die Pari- s, Nov 2, 6.50 a. m. The allied al-lied troops, according to official In- formation here, still are determinedly determined-ly meeting the latest vigorous offen- Silve movement of the Germans in Belgium Bel-gium and in France. To date the French and English assert that the balnnci ol ralnj is In their favor and tiny look to see the failure of the German offensive In this section Indicated In-dicated soon bj :i general and defln He withdrawal of the enemy on the right bank of the Yser. W hile It Is admitted that the allies l have uot regained all of the lost i ground In the valley of the Yser, their I know n gains in that region give every promise of a general success. In the viclnit) 01 Nleuporl and Dlxmude the enemy has been repulsed beyond the railroad while the Inundation ef-Fected ef-Fected between the Yser and the Nleuport-Dlxmude line has rendered the ground there so swampy that tho German trenches have become uninhabitable. unin-habitable. This last feet Is noted In the latest Belgian official statements state-ments Alll8 Hold Important Point. Referring to the developments on the line from Dlxmude to Ypres. tho Belgian statement Is precise In Its announcenvut that I'oalkapelle has been surrounded by the allies. Poel kapolle h an Important point, as it in tho center of the net work of com- munlcction of routes and railroads between be-tween Dlxmude and Ypres. Roulers and Thourout, The French sa there is more slg- nificanoe in the announcement that in one week 7. '.S3 German prisoners base been taken than appears on Its faee They assert that when such a number can be gathered in it Indicates Indi-cates that the German troops are becoming be-coming worn out or are suffering from normal depression Sanitary measures to avoid epidemics epidem-ics are being taken on a large scale by the French league Six thousand communes in ! ranee, which nre seeing see-ing the ravages of war. will be visited vis-ited sooner or later. Of this number num-ber there are eleven hundred where hygienic supplies will be Immediately taken. Lieut. Col. Roussett. the military critic, in reviewing the recent opera tions, declares It is impossible to sa how long the war will last or whether Germany still can find enough men to prolong the contest. He believes he Is able to affirm, however, how-ever, that they have made their strangest efforts. Servians Repulse Enemy. Nlsh, Servia, Saturday, Oct 81, via London, Nov. 2 9:8 a. m A. semiofficial semi-official note has "been Issued here as follows; "The enem operating October 29 in the direction of Gutchevo bombarded bom-barded our positions at Emlnova and , Ranja from 7 o'clock in the mornlnc until noon. At this hour they attacked, at-tacked, but were repulsed by our troops. Our counter attack developed into violent bayonet combats In which the enemy, sustaining heavy losses, was forced to fall back In disorder leaving three officers and about 300 men on the field. "The enemy delivered another at tack on our positions in the evening, but was again forced to retire with heavy losses "Nothing of Importance has occurred occur-red on the remainder of the front." Turks to Proclaim Holy War. Evidence accumulates that Turkey intends to proclaim a holy war. Ample Am-ple measures, however. It is asserted, have been taken by Great Britain and Russia against this probability, and It Is evident that the first trouble-Is trouble-Is expected to arise In Egypt, where, it is 6aid, the Khedive intends to ask for an explanation of her attitude towards to-wards Turkey Berlin claims that Turkey was forced to throw in her lot with Ger man because the porte recognized that an entente victory would mean the disruption of the Turkish empire, with Constantinople, Armenia and Turkestan going to Russia, Arabia to England and Syria to France On the other hand in the event of the defeat of the triple entente nations Turkey was to be guaranteed territorially terri-torially to be given aid In conquering the Caucasus and Egypt, aud be given, perhaps, something more. The usual charges and denials are boing mBde as to the responsibility for the attack In the Blacksea, but these are Issued chiefly for consumption consump-tion by the neutral countries, since the Inevitability of the confllet was recognized by both sides The prin Ipal actors are not greatly concerned over which nation fired the opening shot Advances at Fearful Co6t. Tho battles aloug the Belgian coast still nre dragging on with paiuful mo notony. Advances by either side are for only short distances and are at fearful cost. Further east the allies claim to have penetrated to the north and to the east of Lille which Is be-lleved be-lleved to have been re-occupied by the allied troops. Other reports claim that the allies dally are creeping nearer to Ostend. which even now hardly ran be sal-1 to be occupied in a military' sense but as long as the Germans hold the river the town does not need any considerable force to retain It Another unconfirmed special report also states that large German forces were cut off from the main army when a Belgian bicycle corps blew up o bridge and that many thousand of the Invaders surrendered ("Additional War News od Hage iTl |