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Show I REPUBLICAN TICKET November 3, 1914. The Party of Progress and Prosperity. STATE TICKET. For United States Senator REED SIVtOOT. For Congress, JOSEPH HOWELL. For Justice of the Supreme Court, WILLIAM M. M'CARTY. For Supt. of Public Instruction, j A, C. MATHESON. LEGISLATIVE TICKET. For Senator, EDWIN DIX. For Representatives, JAMES J. BARKER GEORGE D. FOLKMAN JOHN C. CHILD JOSEPH H. FOWLES. COUNTY TICKET County Commissioner (4-Yr. Term) MORONI SKEEN County Commissioner (2-yr. Term) WARREN G. CHILD County Clerk and Auditor, HARRY HALES County Treasurer, JOSEPH E. STOREY County Assessor, JAMES L. ROBSON County Sheriff THOMAS A. DEVI NE County Recorder, ANGUS E. BERLIN County Attorney, JOSEPH E. EVANS County Surveyor, RALPH S. CORLEW. CITY TICKET Constable, ELI AS S. KING. For "SAFETY FIRST" Pull Republican (top) Lever. Fcr information as to Registration and Election matters call Republican Repub-lican He3dquarters, No. 2419 Hudson Ave. AdvertisemenL ! 9 M Niftiest fall styles in j 3 H clothes for men. rSlL I ' S too snappiest V'W B $1 m model same img$ir 4j9 g prices as the suits. jjg? r" p From the many designs 1 n 1 ' gSjj and color combinations bterffjfe that wc can show you in , r-y1 " nf IJ m Rugs and Carpets 1 jS--om fftl you will be sare to find just j ) kg exactly what you want, no (lx2jQl j 0 C WMK matter which room yoa may J f-S'A HH? wish to carpet. n,. 7 And Wc. Gucrrantzc Bund- ) ...V. har Villon to Please and v They will outwear any other - '4 IIMI rug; their coloring is perma- naggsT"''"' Err' nent; they never mat down , gSB$Ss. jt::v?J wrinkle or curl un at the gv BBS edges; and their price is very Vc have nearly half a hun- Bft fljps, dred size; for you to choose Cjffffifrai! xyS ' jjk4 from or we can make p'ompt Tec St sF-j sF-j delivery from the mill, if your yy ! Si room requires an out-of-the- "Zf IHi Come in and let us show you fmjBffy WW": JEg how different Bundhar Wil- wSwFF jyp tons arc from other floor CTPy fH Q L CS At- E-C DB jj ' H j! ' fcfiirb - I 1 Walk-Over WW Here a Bargain IL H7 $3.60 I I j A Popular Dress Shoe. J 2 I This has always been a S. V ready seller. It has a 4 plain toe, short vamp and Itfcv. x5f toP: medium Cuban WBjV heels. It's one of thous- ands of bargains here, re moving, closing SjQyj ' out all our fine shoes a wealth of bargains awaits you see the windows Get your share! yalK- Over Boot 1L Shop Odorvs EbudL-5JHwfl ro Baotery W rtfTe t sc n?mnn MQr |