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Show UTAH MUST BE TRUE TO HERSELF Do not fail to pUH thp lever so as to vote for Reed Smoot as your choice for United States Senator, when you enter the election booth tomorrow to-morrow It would be a state misfortune were the senior senator lo be rejected by hi6 own people, because Utah thereby would fall back and be lost sight of In national affairs in Washington. Senator Smoot has become recognized recog-nized as one of the most prominent statesmen In the country and he has gained more for Utah than nn man we have ever had in the halls of I Congress, in fnet he lias taken a I higher iosltlon and has accomplished more good than any other senator in the entire west. We hope to live to see the day when Heed Smoot will bp a cabinet otneer, and. ii the next president is a Republican, Repub-lican, we feel confident our wish will be gratified In the meantime, let us sustain him, so that if the opportunity oppor-tunity is presented for a further exaltation ex-altation of the Utah man, that great advancement will not be denied him by reason of Utah's own shortsightedness shortsight-edness Reed Smoot is too faithful a servant, ser-vant, he is too energetic, too resourceful resource-ful and capable to fail to receive the endorsement of the voters of this state. |