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Show Salt Lake and Ogden I P Paragraphs :The low cost of living iu Hn.lt Lake ia attracting many perrcns to Halt Lake as n' place of residence, according accord-ing to statement made by bicat chamber cham-ber of commerce officials. ' , An ordinance passed by the county commissioner prohibits the sale and use of fireworks in Salt tak county, coun-ty, except tinder the supervision of lonieone who may be granted a permit. J. E. Anchondo, business mun of Novates, No-vates, Ariz., bus been appointed Mexican Mexi-can rei resentative for Salt Lake City by the 'Mexican government, according to advc'CM received by the chamber of coim.'erce. The Utah and Idah division of the Salvation Army will establish new headquarters in Salt Lake In the near future. A building in a suitable lo--tlun will be purchased and remodeled to fit the needs of the workers. lleetgrowers of Utah and Idaho who furnished beets to the Amalgamated Sugar company for the month of October Oct-ober will soon receive their portions of checks, amounting to $1,400,000 according ac-cording to 1'resident H. 11. Rolapp. Hearing's in cases against Joseph W. Fox, former crops pests inspector, and Junius Fisher, former chief deputy, accused ac-cused of presenting fraudulent claims to Salt like county, were continued iintll a later date on request of counsel. Frank Ryan, a prisoner tut the Weber We-ber county Jail, has confessed that lie had sawed through a portion of the prisoners tank in an attempt to escape, es-cape, acording to Sheriff Richard P. IMneock. The recent school census taken ill Weber county show there are students between and 17 In the county coun-ty schools this year, according to Supt. 15. A. Fowler. This Is a decrease of 54 over V.Yil. The census report shows 1,835 boys and 1,788 girls. A large American (lag lias been presented pre-sented to The Ogden Central Junior high school Jy the American Institute of Rankers. Tbe presentation wos made by 1. Rtgclow, president of the Ogden clearing house, at a speHal program pro-gram given In' the school. 1 - Enmeshed In a network of cireunt-tantlal cireunt-tantlal evidence In which appear no loopholes for escape. Charles "Hard-ttoiler "Hard-ttoiler Edwards, a nero, was charged by the Suit Lake police with the murder mur-der of Moroni I'eier Keysor the night of August 7. x ; A bonus of .i-0 was handed to each of thirty-seven foremen In the Salt Lake shops f the Denver & Rio rirande Western In recognition of -faithful and efficient services rendered rend-ered during the pant year." This was given to foremen who declined to go on strike with the shopmen last " Hearing In the case of the stats against Harry Rosenthal, charged wltb involuntary nianlaughter in connection connec-tion with the death of Mrs. Mary Tol-mle, Tol-mle, who was knocked down by the car driven by Rosenthal, will be held I before Judge George L Barker at oc-den. oc-den. Salt Lake's fourth annual observance observ-ance of Armistice day began Saturday with a gigantic parade end ended ' Sunday afternoon with fitting ser-1 ser-1 j vices In the Tabernacle that w ere wit-! wit-! nessed by a crowd of more than 5000. In addition to the regular program, Sir (illbert Parker, noted English author and novelist, spoke. Damages of $U"00 are asked by Wll-lard Wll-lard T. Snell In a personal injury suit (lied against the Vtnh Light k Ttsc; Hon ennipany in the district court at Salt I-ake. The plaintiff nllffges that he suffered cuts and bruises anil that his automobile was damaged when hli midline was struck by a street car. j That the Ogden city commission j will not recede from (he position It has i taken on the matter revoking licenses I of .sot'tnlrlnk imrlois whose proprietors have vlo'aied the law wo indicated by Mayor Francis and members of the tmard at the meeting when the proprietors prop-rietors of the Ogden tieer hall, whose license bad been revoked, asked that they be given another chance. The unusual Job of moving a water-f:ill water-f:ill has just been completed in Ogden accordin,' to Information from the Ogden Og-den Khvnnis club. The stream which formed a cataract In Waterfall canyon !s now running over the mountain side east of the city and will be visible from tbe city during the early spring ami summer when a lnr-e stream of water flows over the diiT. The fall is "." feet in the first drop and then splashes cm! sprays to the bottom of the cliff which is about .100 feet in hel.-l.t. Something novel in the way of duck s!io..-iir:g Is reported by air mall officials offi-cials iit Salt !,:'kt. There are some p n.l.s an 1 slo'clia nrtli of (tie field ; wh.-re a number of wild ducks are to i io rein I cve-y niuht. I'u-ly iu tlia ti'.orn'M.: bt IVrc t!n" mail plain takes of!' Mime f tb" I'.i-bl attendant take . ! ! t : i" iron .ii ii in over to llo flats Ut !. tl. d:ic!.v. V.'l.cii the pilot) !! w 'lie ar 1,'nl he circles over tbe ; II. ii t" -r:i: e ;;p I'o' duck, which HTS ( tl.eu i a ;u "y lui' the niodo -ti hunlnrs. i |