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Show PIANOS and PLAYERS Columbia, Sonor and Edison Phonographs-On rery easy ter mi Snd for Catalogue DAYNES-BEEBE MUSIC CO. 61 South Main 8. Salt Lake City FIIR 'or highest market priie fr furs and I-UIO hld;. wr,tefr , pr,,.. list r ,"", . us We can nmke up your fura snd h'rles Into rib. s, oven-eats r oilier garment. Wrlls for ratl"g. Arrricaa Hide Fur Co, Farriers & Tanners 1 53 West South Tempi Salt Lake City BUSINESS COLLEGES U D. 8. BUSINESS COLLEGE. School of Efficiency. All commercial branches. Catalog free. 60 N. Main St., Salt Lak City PLEATING eV BUTTONS 'AecordnTldToCW Buttons, Buttonhole. Kid Corset P.,J,' 44 E. Broadway. Salt Lake City. SEE YOUIt PUBUSHKR Tske your Book Binding -any kind to your local lo-cal printer 1eith's Trade Bindery Sslt Laks. WAMT.IJ-Kxperlenoed hrdnV7nc1 nsfdntimt for puro-hper dairy and breeding tnrd. (Jlya r-f erenoe and details of cxperlonre. Opportunity to o'lt.'iln Interest In herd. AdilreNS Weptwrn Newspaper Union. Suit Ijka City. GOOD FBKLS, JUST WEIGHT AND QU.CiC RETURNS GUARANTEED .7. W. SUMMICKHAYS & SONS CO. Sail Lnke Cl y, Utah Wool, Hides, Furs, Sheer f k-'5. Tnllcw, Elccswax, Etc, DOUG! IT IN ANY QUANTITY Cortetpvnitnce nr.J Shipments Solicited |