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Show Jik and Miserable? J Are -you dull, tlrad and achy both- ered with a bad back? Do you lack ambition, suffer headaches and dizziness dizzi-ness feel "all worn out"? Likely your kidneys are to blame. Lameness, aharp stabbing pains, backache and annoying urinary disorder are all aymptoma of weakened kidneys. Don't wait for more serious trouble. Get back your health and keep itl Use Doan't Kidney Fills. Thousanda of folks tell their merit. Ask your neighbor I An Idaho Case JCJ. iir. Eva Logan. sSm ' 419 8. Fourteentn iSW 8L, Boise, Idaho, frafrf , a a y a: '-'My kld- Jtt-f&Tyfrr neya were m a UJsk5 Dai1 condition and ' l hnnA TTsi3r I had nagging i ralu'W aTKrS' palna across my i MkXrfs& ack. I couldn't ' rest nlnt Bnd i Y mornings I felt ' iM. tlred I had nerv- tlx I '"9 ous' llzy haad- Yl 1 iiSF aches and my ! & kidneys didn't act ' ""'r regularly. Doan'a ' Kidney Pills wera recommended, so I used some. Doan'a entirely cured ma of the complaint." Get Doan'a at Any Store, 60c a Boa I FOSTER. MILBURN CO.. BUFFALO, N. V. WORKS FOR CHILD HUST KEEP WELL Mothers in a Lake Situation Should Read This Letter from Mrs, Enrico . Chicago, IllinoJa. 1 took Lydia EL " Pinkham'a Vegetabla Compound for fi!lMMMMMllllilllilserious trouble, I Kill I had tried doctors and I" " l 1 all said the same-aa lit iM Perat")n At first I HV. . 'j only folt the pain oa . V d I my left side.but later , iBeemedtofeeliton n; " ik, 'f both sidea. I am a W i power eewing-ma-t - n. j chine operator and i J 3upport i work n !" ' , V S tailor shop and that lldL-ijsJline of work has been very alack this year and I am home part of the time. I do not like to take any chances, so I consulted my friends, and one lady said, Take Lydia Pinkham'a medicine,' bo I did. I have folt better rightalong and am in good enough health to eo to work. I recommend your Vegetable Veg-etable Compound and Sanative Wash to all." Mrs. Mry Enrico, 459 N. Carpenter Car-penter St., Chicago, Illinois. Often the niother is obliged to support her children and good health is necessary. neces-sary. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is just the medicine you can depend upon. It is a medicine for women's wo-men's ailments and the relief it brought Mrs. Enrico it may bring to you. Keen well by taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Veg-etable Compound. COCKROACHES I WATER BUGS s ANTS ' EASILY KILLED BY USINO STEARNS' ELECTRIC PASTE It clao kills rata and mlos. It forces thesa pests to run from building for water and fresh air. A IJo bos contains enough to kill t9 to 100 rats or mice. Oet It from Teur druar or general store dealer today. i BEADY rOW USE-BETTER THAN TRAPS boated Tongue Natures Warning of . ' Constipation r When you are constipated, not enough of Nature's lubricating liquid is produced pro-duced in the bowel to keep the food waste soft and moving. Doctors prescribe Nojol because it acts like this natural lubricant and thus replaces it. Nujol ia.a lubricant not 7s.'iM a medicine or tHSfl laxative so tzi cannot gripe. WL.DOUGLAS 567&8 SHOES ft"! W. Ij. Douglaa shoes are actually demanded de-manded year after yeavr by more people titan ny other ahoe in the world. W.LD0UGLA$:hr fx terUI end workiaulili( are i f V nneq Haled (orlUeprloe It Is A,-. PTA worth while for you to know ! fc that when you buy W. L. Sjt'iy, fffk Douglta shoes you are get- 4' Sjf Wngtnehenetltof hUyears fj sperleooetaDiakliigtbebest -ilLtfJ'V, tJ shoe possible for lbs prloe. 3? j wldouglas:''.' H.fA worlli tlta pr ice paid for them. p Wmr them and aava money. '-A 1. Protection Hgalnst aareason f ;i W sftv ; able profit Is guaranteed by gyvf, 't lUfrfci v the prloa stamped o afery f famfW L, rvlpQUGLASy: p22Z'iSl& 110 of our owa sturea In tks W.L Ikmotat narnt largeolties sod by shoe deal. ff IT"? "J? rs eTerTwhere.'Ak your i jt in Shoe dealer to show yo W .L. r J. It Umdi lor Douglas shiMis. Only by ituktKnt Hajari amlnli g tbem eaa you p- ef quality th tt-preoiate tt-preoiate their value. Refuse '' l"ltcot. Tht substitutes In.l.t apoa bar- l"fjZ'" Ing W L Douglas shoes with !aTR. there'iiilprlce and thenume j ... , , . stamped on the sole. The i" a im nuaia retail rtaes are the aama l taskg. irattr i w handli ' ItWiaVTAJ 1 w. U Oouglai i hort, trrttr to- miMml il tor tsclun rxhli W.L. Umtttrla gh Oe. Itandl (M futet ielilt, J Spark Btrrrt waics (ara-oer km. KtmAtIm Mmm SQUEEZED TO DEATH When the body begins to stiffen and movement becomes painful ft is usually an indication that the kidneys are out of order. Keep these organs healthy by taking LATHROP'S Tha world's standard remedy tor kidney, Uver, bladder and uric add troubles. Famous since 1686. Take regularly and kaap In good health. Ia three sizes, all druggists. Guaranteed as represented. Laok for the nam Cold MoJal m ererw bea wmA aacept a imitation jggfiiaaaiBBi V&iiiS Are your horses cough- ing or running at the note If so, give them "SPOHN'S." A valuable remedy for Coughs, Colds, Distemper, Innuenzs, Pink Eye snd Worms among hones and mules. An occasional dote "tone" them up. Sold nt all drug stores. Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION fW 6 Bell-ans 1 1 Vney-SLl Ho water 5C2H Sure Relief PELL-MIS 254 end 75 Packages. Everywhere. ." ,JV.-. , I ' (tf a- r 4 vvvfy. M Mrs. J. Stingley Bakersflold, Calif. "Dr. IMerce'a Favorite Prescription has been a great help to me as a tonio and nervine and I am glad to give it toy recommendation. My health kad become very poor; I was suffering suf-fering with Inward weakness, was nervous, could not sleep, and lost my appetite. I was weak and suffered suf-fered with backaches and pains In my Bide and my limbs ached. I was a physical wreck when I began taking the 'Favorite Prescription' Pre-scription' but it completely cured ; rae of all nry weakness and built ma up into a good healthy, strong condition." con-dition." Mrs J Stlngloy, 2128 Q St. Oo now to your nearest drug store and obtain this wonderful Prescription of Dr. Pierce's in tablets or liquid or send lOo for trial pkg. to Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel, In Buffalo, N. Y, and writ for free medical advice. EVE SAUE bring r-ilaf U llirtm-d eyns. fTn- J. uliu-l lulu. tljl. e. A sini,la, i ,i,iilMii.h'luU!lrMfenmwJr. 1c oil drufittiU or hy matl mm Lffr iiai.i. Rrrgrtiiw. tl&ipS 147 Wrl PI.. Nw Vork WEAK SORE EYES Refreshes Weary Eyes rppf When Your Eyes feci Dull j K; .: umlvRfllevnelutHmlFMlini . JU -M.kctheroClr. Itrlhl li.J I v, ' Sparkling. Harnilf. JhiU mud ,' 'i 'I commciKlcd by All Drusglttt. V |