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Show I r " - '. ' ' r THE BINGHAM NEWS. BINGHAM, UTAH - , .... , r -- - ' -- f'rL FORMER B1NGHAMITES IN-VESTIGATING BUSINESS CONDITIONS Al Osborne and Art Thayer for several years residents of Bingham are in camp with the idea of securing a business pro-position in the near future. Mr. Osborne was at one time a mem-ber of the town board. Art Thayer was before the strike, connected with the Senate. ThT KITCHEN CABINET (. 1923, Wcatarn Krwcpapwr t'nlon.) Whfw luck In better far than ours? Tbe other fallow's. Whose road sems always lined with (lowers? TUe other fellow's. Who in the man who seems to get Moot Joy in life with least regret. Who always seems to win bis bstT 1'iie other fellow. FOOD THAT'S DIFFERENT Just ordinary food served In an ex-traordinary way is whut epicureans call fancy cook-ery; an art In which the French chef excels. It takes Imagination to serve an egg - so dainty, so tasty, so attrac-tive, that It Is ar-- tistic. Such a dish Is , Planked Ham With Eggs. A slice of ham minced and moistened with cream sauce Is spread on u fireproof platter with depressions for each egg which is to bo placed on It. Drop an i'Kg In each small nest, season, place the dish In a hot oven to set the egfrs. Serve corned beef hash In the same manner and garnish with purs-le- A plunk may be used, but must he very hot when the meat Is placed upon It. Salad Anni. Cut half-Inc- h slices lengthwise of head lettuce. On these sections lay alternately segments of orange, grapefruit and tangerinea from which all tough skin and mem-brane has been removed. Serve with French dressing beaten smooth with a spoonful or two of catsup. Celery With Cheese Sauce. Cook celery cut In small pieces unfll tender. Itctter a buking dish or Individual bak-ing dishes, put In' a poonful of cel-ery, some seasoning, then a spoonful of rich white sauce ; cover with, grated cheese, finish with battered crumbs and buke In a hot oven until thoroughly heated through. French pastry owes ltl charm to Its frivolous appearance, shape, color and decoration. The same Ingredients used In the ordinary way would not ap-peal. We have (the most of tls). not passed from the gingerbread-roa- n stage; we like the taste of food that appeals to the eye, imagination and color sense. The allurement of attrac-tive food draws us to places, and the most popular places where food Is served are those which cater to the magic Influence of well-prepur-and d food. Stafford Sausages Put six ounces of lean beef through the meat ch'npper, add one small onion, two branches of parsley. Add one cupful of cold corn mush, one teaspoonfnl of salt,' a few dashes of cayenne, one-ha- lf teaspoonful of poultry dressing; mix well to blend. Mold Into sausages and fry until a golden brown in hot fat. Oh. wisdom of the cods that mde ust When the dos-ca- rt of life at which we tug mires utterly, we still can slip the collar. Clyde Davis. MORE GOOD THINGS When serving boiled fish, cook It In a steamer or dropped In water tied In a cheese cloth. Re-- ' mm ill i move, drain, bone and skin the fish, divide Into fillets and serve with Fingaree. Take tbe Juice of half a lemon, two tablespoonfuls of butter, one tablespoonful of finely-mince-d onion, two tablespoonfuls of minced parsley, one teaspoonful of salt, one-ha- lf teaspoonful of mustard, one-hal-f teaspoonful of paprika, half a clove of gnriic, the yolk of an egg and three tablespoonfuls of water. Put the butter, lemon Juice and sea-soning Into a saucepan and briug to 9 boll, add the yolk of the egg and water but do not boll; stir until well blended and thick and remove from the heat. Serve at once. braised 6wc. thread- s- Wash the sweetbreads using one-ha- lf pound, cover with cold water and add the Juice of half h lemon. Let stand for two hours, then simmer in hot water for twenty minutes, cool and press iindpr a weight to flatten. Remove the tubes and cut In slices. Place two tablespoonfuls of butter in a saucepan, add the sweetbreads and one tablespoonful of chopped onion, one cupful of mushrooms, and when well-hente- d arrange on squares of buttered toast and cover with Supreme Sauce. Take one cupful of cream sauce, the Juice of one lemon, one well-beate- n egg, one tea-spoonful of salt, one-ha- lf teaspoon-ful of paprika, one teaspoonful of onion Juice, pinch of powdered cloves, the same of nutmeg. Heat until hot and very pour over the rweetbresds and toast. Garnish with fluely-mlnce- d parsley and sliced hard-cooke- d egg. Pumpkin Pudding Take one and one-hal-f rnpfuls of well-cooke- d pumpkin, add one cupful of milk, the yolk of two escs, a third of a cupful of susnr. one tablespoonful of melted butter, a teaspoonful of glncer, a few drops of lemon extract and n little Fait. Mix Will, pour Into custard clip- - and bake for an hour (n M s,uv oven. Set tbe cups t, n pun of hot : water. GniTK-- with ,ir!l, ,.r,,M1;, and trated cheese. This inl.p,, ('. hefler for children than il fashioned pumpkin i """I : ?w Jim's Old Place Bakery Restaurant Combination Building - D. Pezzopane Fancy Imported and Domestic Groceries. Foreign Money Or-de- rs and Drafts Notary Public, Steamship Agt. Banco of Naples Correspondent SERVE BREAD j Have you ever sat down. to a table where no Bread was served? How flat arid tasteless the whole meal j seemedl . Bread is the one food indispensable, and the only food of economy to-da- y. , , , GOOD BREADI j is the Bread you eat twice as much of because it's so delicious. Fresh every hour. STANDARD BREAD CO. 536 Main St., Phone 187 BINGHAM CANYON t . . . WALNUT CAFE . ' - aA Little Better Than Good Enough" Private Tablrs For Ladies " t 62 East Second fouth Silt Lake City, Phone Was. 10254 I Dress Making, Plain and Fancy Sewing dene reason-ably. Apply room 17, Mod-ern Hotel. ARTHUR C. COLE Attorney-At-La- w . Bingham Canyon, Utah .... f Awocato practicio in Corte degh Stati Unit! in Corte degh Stat! Utah TN Let MRS. NETTIE L BERRY take your orders for all kinds of cut flowers and potted flowers. Phone 363m - 215 When in Salt Lake City se-cure your room at the NEWWASATCH HOTEL 78 West Broadway, for ac-comodations like home. Jack Curnow and Chas. Uren Proprietors II II T HE MEADOW LARK A Year's Investigation of cylinder-typ- e Electric Washers Proved Its Superiority We have made exhaustive investigation of the leading cylinder-typ- e electric washers, und as a result of our search have selected the Meadow Lark as the very best. The Meadow Lark is best in appearance com-pletely inclosed; best in efficiency, long wear snd general usefulness. No description can do justice to its many merits won't you come in and see it for yourself? You will be just as enthusiastic as we in proclaiming it the very best cylinder-typ- e electric washer for ,f home use. Special Terms for November $5 Down and $10 a Month I Utah Power & Light Co. j j ;:f,'ic:cr.t ruM'.e Service" I Kwrythin-- Electrical for the Horn- - j j il H LOST A Large Round Brooch at American Legion Dance Phone 160 Mrs. Earl Nepple and recieve reward A Thanksgiving Turkey Raffle will be held at the GREEN LIGHT SOFT DRINK PARLOR on November ?.0th Come and gsl a Cheap Turkey Matt Contratto AUTO TRUCK SERVICE Long or Short Haulajre Service you can d,.- -. Ur;., rhon 124 Alain ;W;. L Salt Lake and Ogden I P Paragraphs :The low cost of living iu Hn.lt Lake ia attracting many perrcns to Halt Lake as n' place of residence, accord-ing to statement made by bicat cham-ber of commerce officials. An ordinance passed by the county commissioner prohibits the sale and use of fireworks in Salt tak coun-ty, except tinder the supervision of lonieone who may be granted a permit. J. E. Anchondo, business mun of No-vates, Ariz., bus been appointed Mexi-can rei resentative for Salt Lake City by the 'Mexican government, according to advc'CM received by the chamber of coim.'erce. The Utah and Idah division of the Salvation Army will establish new headquarters in Salt Lake In the near future. A building in a suitable will be purchased and remodeled to fit the needs of the workers. lleetgrowers of Utah and Idaho who furnished beets to the Amalgamated Sugar company for the month of Oct-ober will soon receive their portions of checks, amounting to $1,400,000 ac-cording to 1'resident H. 11. Rolapp. Hearing's in cases against Joseph W. Fox, former crops pests inspector, and Junius Fisher, former chief deputy, ac-cused of presenting fraudulent claims to Salt like county, were continued iintll a later date on request of counsel. Frank Ryan, a prisoner tut the We-ber county Jail, has confessed that lie had sawed through a portion of the prisoners tank in an attempt to es-cape, acording to Sheriff Richard P. IMneock. The recent school census taken ill Weber county show there are students between and 17 In the coun-ty schools this year, according to Supt. 15. A. Fowler. This Is a decrease of 54 over V.Yil. The census report shows 1,835 boys and 1,788 girls. A large American (lag lias been pre-sented to The Ogden Central Junior high school Jy the American Institute of Rankers. Tbe presentation wos made by 1. Rtgclow, president of the Ogden clearing house, at a speHal pro-gram given In' the school. - Enmeshed In a network of cireunt-tantla- l evidence In which appear no loopholes for escape. Charles "Hard-ttoile- r Edwards, a nero, was charged by the Suit Lake police with the mur-der of Moroni I'eier Keysor the night of August 7. x ; A bonus of .i-- 0 was handed to each of thirty-seve- n foremen In the Salt Lake shops f the Denver & Rio rirande Western In recognition of -- faithful and efficient services rend-ered during the pant year." This was given to foremen who declined to go on strike with the shopmen last " Hearing In the case of the stats against Harry Rosenthal, charged wltb involuntary nianlaughter in connec-tion with the death of Mrs. Mary Tol-ml-who was knocked down by the car driven by Rosenthal, will be held before Judge George L Barker at oc-de- n. Salt Lake's fourth annual observ-ance of Armistice day began Saturday with a gigantic parade end ended ' Sunday afternoon with fitting ser-- 1 j vices In the Tabernacle that w ere wit-- ! nessed by a crowd of more than 5000. In addition to the regular program, Sir (illbert Parker, noted English author and novelist, spoke. Damages of $U"00 are asked by Wll-lar- d T. Snell In a personal injury suit (lied against the Vtnh Light k Ttsc; Hon ennipany in the district court at Salt The plaintiff nllffges that he suffered cuts and bruises anil that his automobile was damaged when hli midline was struck by a street car. That the Ogden city commission will not recede from (he position It has taken on the matter revoking licenses I of .sot'tnlrlnk imrlois whose proprietors have vlo'aied the law wo indicated by Mayor Francis and members of the tmard at the meeting when the prop-rietors of the Ogden tieer hall, whose license bad been revoked, asked that they be given another chance. The unusual Job of moving a water-f:il- l has just been completed in Ogden accordin,' to Information from the Og-den Khvnnis club. The stream which formed a cataract In Waterfall canyon !s now running over the mountain side east of the city and will be visible from tbe city during the early spring ami summer when a lnr-- e stream of water flows over the diiT. The fall is "." feet in the first drop and then splashes cm! sprays to the bottom of the cliff which is about .100 feet in hel.-l.t-. Something novel in the way of duck s!io..-iir:- Is reported by air mall offi-cials iit Salt !,:'kt. There are some p n.l.s an 1 slo'clia nrtli of (tie field wh.-r- a number of wild ducks are to i io rein I cve-- y niuht. I'u-l- iu tlia ti'.orn'M.: bt IVrc t!n" mail plain takes of!' Mime f tb" l attendant take t i" iron .ii ii in over to llo flats Ut !. tl. d:ic!.v. V.'l.cii the pilot) !! w 'lie ar 1,'nl he circles over tbe ; II. ii t" r:i: e ;;p I'o' duck, which HTS ( tl.eu i a ;u "y lui' the niodo ti hunlnrs. : . Stealing and Proud of It , " Representative John W. , Longtey, from h entucky, tells this one In Wash-- ! Ington, ays Everybody's : J A youig attoniey in l'lkeville, who .sought county honors, was on an elec-- j iloneering tour In his district when he I called at house where the head of j the family happened to be absent. He i told the mistress who he was and that ! lie was a candidate seeking voles at the coining election. And It's you I" she exclaimed. "Why, of course my husband will vote :' for you. beln' It was you that got hlto cleared, of Mlealin' that meat." "Say ou the charge of stealing the meat," the attorney corrected her. "Charge nothin'!" said the woman.; "Why, part of" that meat is hangln' up In (he house yet." : , Chips and Shavings &i From Lark 1 x Mr and Mrs. Fred Turner Jr. y attended the Legion dance at the I high sschool gym. in Bingham on I Saturday last. I Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey Green i have moved to Lark and are ; making their home at one of the Ohio Copper Co.'s burfgalows. Mr. Green has secured a position with the above company as as-say- ' The Lark Mercantile Co. un-der the supervision of W. J. Fahrni have this week opened a first class butcher shop, in con-nection with his gerieml mer-cantile, business. Mr. Fahrni will use his every endenvor to furnish the people of Lark with the best meats procurable, which j will be received daily by express j from Salt Lake City. ' ; The county commissioners may, think the people of Lark prefer darkness rather than light but we say otherwise. Let thej county lipht shine before men at your request gentlemen. Mrs. Lovella Blanpied, after spending several days here visit-ing with her parents, Mr. and ,,- - Mrs. Louis Peterson has left for ' California where she will spend - the winter months. Mrs. E. W. Moore and Mrs. A. . Ilcmmingsen motored to Salt Lake v... on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. James Wight and family of American Fork were Lark visitors on Sunday. Mrs. Fred Turner Jr. spent the week end at Bingham visiting with ner parents Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gerrans. Try Asbestos. In the Friend Itiehardson guberna-torial camp they are still laughing over the letter of a man who lives in Mojave, who war.f?d to know what Itlchnrdson really stood for, before he cast his vote. Among other matters taken tip' was that of the state roads, which Rlch-.ardso- n made one of the prime Issues of his campaign. Regarding this sub-ject the gentleman from Mojave wrote : "Our minister says the road to hell Is paved with good Intentions, flense don't tfet your locations mixed and try in ;.''i away with that kind of a ronrt In mil- - district." Los Angeles ( Christmas Fire's Significance. According t an old belief, if the fire burns brightly on Christmas mcrn-l- n It betokens prosperity during the year; If It smolders, adverdty. Furnishing the Home. When you start furnishing any nmu In the house, It Is necessary to begit with a delinite idea of what effect li wanted, what type of furniture will In used to "determine general effect, t. obtain a harmonizing whole. You would not want to copy you; friend's or neighbor's scheme becaust yon are necking Individuality for you own home. So Ji;t take time and thlnl up your own which would be bette, suited to your taste, But He May Hear That Many. They claim the average man speaks, , 11,000.000 words a year, but you can't ' ' y irove that to uny average married l. tnn. Dallas News. Number pf Stars Eestimntrd A-- t rononcrs have counted the. stars! t pa-n- l districts and from these; , rti'il cmir.tsi hero and there we get j o ne ii'ea of the total number of stars! H 'i lip-r- arc estimated to be. between l.vo and t'iree thousand mill'.'on stars.) A- Tbiim-o- in "The uutlln.. of' S' i lire." |