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Show . 0 "IjN - ' THE BINGHAM NEWS. BINGHAM. UTAH TRIEDl to unnerve gene sarazen IN BIG MATCH WITH WALTER HAGEN I y ; Jlji.i":J a1 J 'YiT7 V"""' 'Is l I A.V"4i6r:"' . - I -- ?-. I ?-- ; 7 - . - ,, , - vf,atvaai-?w- ! 1 V K '', eH,rvrew-- ' Jk U 1 I, Iv." Gene Sarazen outclassed Walter j , v Hagen in the last lap of the official 1 w& 1 SySJlf- -- ":- world's championship and golf title 1 IA k V on t,,e Westchester-Blltmor- e course ' .1 f A" - --3 Rt Itye. N. Y., by a BCore of 3'2, Photo-jj Xssitfi! . h'4 graph shows Gene Sarazen carefully 4, executing a long putt at the thirteenth ""imiusnir hole. , After the early round of 18 holes over tbe course Gene was eating his lunch at the club house when the gold-coate- d doorman presented him a pink note, highly scented, and marked "Personal." "Dear Gene," ran the epistle, "I am Inclosing a tie which I think will match your complexion. I am coming to see you piny even if I have to get up at 8 o'clock in the morning. You can tell me by my Pomeranian, who Is al-most as cute as you are. Affectionately Jeanette." Witnesses thought there was a twinkle In Hagen's eye, as Gene blushlngly reed the letter, but one shall give away no secrets. At all events, Gene wore the tie and we'll leave It to you whether It brought him luck. Jik and Miserable? J Are-- you dull, tlrad and achy both- - ered with a bad back? Do you lack ambition, suffer headaches and dizzi-ness feel "all worn out"? Likely your kidneys are to blame. Lameness, aharp stabbing pains, backache and annoying urinary disorder are all aymptoma of weakened kidneys. Don't wait for more serious trouble. Get back your health and keep itl Use Doan't Kidney Fills. Thousanda of folks tell their merit. Ask your neighbor I An Idaho Case JCJ. iir. Eva Logan. sSm ' 419 8. Fourteentn iSW 8L, Boise, Idaho, frafrf a a y a: kld-- neya were m a UJsk5 Dai1 condition and ' l hnnA TTsi3r I had nagging i ralu'W aTKrS' palna across my i MkXrfs& ack. I couldn't ' rest nlnt Bnd Y mornings I felt i ' iM. tlred I had nerv- - tlx I '"9 ous' llzy haad- - Yl 1 iiSF aches and my ! & kidneys didn't act ' ""'r regularly. Doan'a ' Kidney Pills wera recommended, so I used some. Doan'a entirely cured ma of the complaint." Get Doan'a at Any Store, 60c a Boa I FOSTER. MILBURN CO.. BUFFALO, N. V. WORKS FOR CHILD HUST KEEP WELL Mothers in a Lake Situation Should Read This Letter from Mrs, Enrico . Chicago, IllinoJa. 1 took Lydia EL " Pinkham'a Vegetabla Compound for fi!lMKMMiMllMllllilllilserious trouble, I I had tried doctors and I" " l 1 all said the same-- aa lit iM Perat")n At first I HV. . 'j only folt the pain oa , Vd I my left side.but later iBeemedtofeeliton n; " ik, 'f both sidea. I am a W i power eewing-ma- -t - n. j chine operator and i J 3upport i work n !" ' , V S tailor shop and that lldL-ijsJlin- e of work has been very alack this year and I am home part of the time. I do not like to take any chances, so I consulted my friends, and one lady said, Take Lydia Pinkham'a medicine,' bo I did. I have folt better rightalong and am in good enough health to eo to work. I recommend your Veg-etable Compound and Sanative Wash to all." Mrs. Mry Enrico, 459 N. Car-penter St., Chicago, Illinois. Often the niother is obliged to support her children and good health is neces-sary. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is just the medicine you can depend upon. It is a medicine for wo-men's ailments and the relief it brought Mrs. Enrico it may bring to you. Keen well by taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg-etable Compound. COCKROACHES I WATER BUGS s ANTS ' EASILY KILLED BY USINO STEARNS' ELECTRIC PASTE It clao kills rata and mlos. It forces thesa pests to run from building for water and fresh air. A IJo bos contains enough to kill t9 to 100 rats or mice. Oet It from Teur druar or general store dealer today. i BEADY rOW USE-BET- THAN TRAPS boated Tongue Natures Warning of . ' Constipation r When you are constipated, not enough of Nature's lubricating liquid is pro-duced in the bowel to keep the food waste soft and moving. Doctors prescribe Nojol because it acts like this natural lubricant and thus replaces it. Nujol ia.a lubricant not 7s.'iM a medicine or tHSfl laxative so tzi cannot gripe. WL.DOUGLAS 567&8 SHOES ft"! W. Ij. Douglaa shoes are actually de-manded year after yeavr by more people titan ny other ahoe in the world. W.LD0UGLA$:hr fx terUI end workiaulili( are i f V nneq Haled (orlUeprloe It Is A,-- PTA worth while for you to know fc that when you buy W. L. Sjt'iy, fffk Douglta shoes you are get-- 4' Sjf Wngtnehenetltof hUyears fj sperleooetaDiakliigtbebest -- ilLtfJ'V, tJ shoe possible for lbs prloe. 3? j wldouglas:''.' H.fA worlli tlta pr ice paid for them. p Wmr them and aava money. 1. Protection Hgalnst aareason f;i W sftv ; able profit Is guaranteed by gyvf, 't lUfrfci v the prloa stamped o afery f famfW L, rvlpQUGLASy: p22Z'iSl& 110 of our owa sturea In tks W.L Ikmotat narnt largeolties sod by shoe deal. ff IT"? "J? rs eTerTwhere.'Ak your i jt in Shoe dealer to show yo W.L. r J. It Umdi lor Douglas shiMis. Only by ituktKnt Hajari amlnli g tbem eaa you p- - ef quality th their value. Refuse '' l"ltcot. Tht substitutes In.l.t apoa bar- - l"fjZ'" Ing W L Douglas shoes with !aTR. there'iiilprlce and thenume j ... . stamped on the sole. The i" a im nuaia retail rtaes are the aama l taskg. irattr i w handli ' ItWiaVTAJ w. U Oouglai i hort, trrttr to-- miMml il tor tsclun rxhli W.L. Umtttrla gh Oe. Itandl (M futet ielilt, J Spark Btrrrt waics (ara-o- er km. KtmAtIm Mmm SQUEEZED TO DEATH When the body begins to stiffen and movement becomes painful ft is usually an indication that the kidneys are out of order. Keep these organs healthy by taking LATHROP'S Tha world's standard remedy tor kidney, Uver, bladder and uric add troubles. Famous since 1686. Take regularly and kaap In good health. Ia three sizes, all druggists. Guaranteed as represented. Laok for the nam Cold MoJal m ererw bea wmA aacept a imitation jggfiiaaaiBBi V&iiiS Are your horses cough-- ing or running at the note If so, give them "SPOHN'S." A valuable remedy for Coughs, Colds, Distemper, Innuenzs, Pink Eye snd Worms among hones and mules. An occasional dote "tone" them up. Sold nt all drug stores. Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION fW 6 Bell-an- s 1 1 Ho water 5C2H Sure Relief PELL-MI- S 254 end 75 Packages. Everywhere. ." ,JV.-- , I ' (tf a-- r 4 vvvfy. M Mrs. J. Stingley Bakersflold, Calif. "Dr. IMerce'a Favorite Prescription has been a great help to me as a tonio and nervine and I am glad to give it toy recommendation. My health kad become very poor; I was suf-fering with Inward weakness, was nervous, could not sleep, and lost my appetite. I was weak and suf-fered with backaches and pains In my Bide and my limbs ached. I was a physical wreck when I began taking the 'Favorite Pre-scription' but it completely cured ; rae of all nry weakness and built ma up into a good healthy, strong con-dition." Mrs J Stlngloy, 2128 Q St. Oo now to your nearest drug store and obtain this wonderful Prescription of Dr. Pierce's in tablets or liquid or send lOo for trial pkg. to Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel, In Buffalo, N. Y, and writ for free medical advice. EVE SAUE bring U llirtm-- eyns. fTn-- J. uliu- -l lulu. tljl. e. A sini,la, i ,i,iilMii.h'luU!lrMfenmwJr. 1c oil drufittiU or hy matl mm tLl&fifprS 14i7iaWi.i. rlRrPrI.g. rNtiwiwV.ork WEAK SORE EYES Refreshes Weary Eyes rppf When Your Eyes feci Dull j K; .: umlvRfllevnelutHmlFMlini . JU --M.kctheroClr. Itrlhl li.J I v, Sparkling. Harnilf. JhiU mud ,' 'i 'I commciKlcd by All Drusglttt. V KAW IS OUTSTANDING FIGURE OF GRIDIRON Stands Out Prominently as Most Finished Player. Comedian in Addition to Sterling Ability at Football Hat Most Al-- luring Way With Him Must Ba Seen to Ba Appreciated. The most outstanding figure of tho gridiron of late years was George Glpp, the wonderful Notre Dame buckfleld man'. Nobody for a year or two has stood out as he did, though Malcolm Aldrlch, too, had a meteoric appeal and was a vivid figure of the Eastern arena whose place Is rot quite filled by anybody this fall, unless Eddie Kaw. Cornell, Is the man to do It. Kaw, his admirers affirm, Is fully as good a man back of the line as Owen of Har-vard and a more colorful player. Aldrlch, Mahan, Ghee, Sprackllng, Lourle, Coy, Barrett, Thorpe, KUUnger, Heston, Mahan heroic figures these men are playing football now and one casta about to find such a one for 1922, the spectacular eye filling kind, vo, in addition to sterling ability as Eddie Kaw. i football player, has the spectacular wherewith to take a place In the dis-tinguished galaxy named. I'artlsans could argue until blue in the face the relative value of Kaw and Owen, but there I, about the Cornel-Ha- n what there Is about Rogers Horas-b- y you can't think of anybody else you'd rather see piny, writes W. B. Hanna, in the New York Tribune. His performance at Franklin field last year had more appeal than that of any other single player I saw. For one thing, he did a lot of successful g and had the help of splendid Interference, but, however much of tin-sel and however much of real worth there may have been to his work, his playing on a muddy field hud to be seen to appreciate what ef-fective work a man could do under such vicious and treacherous condi-tions. Western Brevities . from the Many Western States San Francisco. Wtadek Zbyszko, Pollsn wrestling champion, won hla finish match Wednesday with Itenato Gardini, Italian champion, when he broke Gaardlnl's tinkle with a too aold after each grnppler had obtained fall during more thau thirty minutes )f wrestling. Salt Lake City The contract un-le-r which next year's beet crop will he received by the factories will likely be negotiated this fall, according to Fred Mathews, commercial agent of the Utah State Farm bureau. A meeting of the executive committee of the state organization, which has in the past represented the farmers in making beet contracts, will be held n Salt Iake next Friday night It is announced. Billings, Mont. A wild steer cap-air-ed 30 miles from Billings hore had ilx well developed horns. Yakima. So many motorists have passed through Union Gap, near here, without even knowing that there was i town In the vicinity until they were laled Into court on speeding charges, that a number of complaints have been made to the local commercial ?lub bv tourlBts. suggesting that some distinctive marking setting forth the presence of a town there should be posted. Reno. The state hlgway department lent out a state policeman equipped with proper devices and clothed with the necessary authority to make a thorough canvas of overlonded trucks moving over the state highways, Elko. The grading on the Elko-tlallec- k road will be entirely rmplet 9d by the twentieth of the month, ae lording to S. C. Durkee, division en-gineer of the highway. Eugene. In an effort to stock the forests of Oregon with Moose, five jf. these animals, brought from Alaska, were liberated by the state game com-mission In the southern .part of 7ne county and the northern part of Douglas county. Yakima, Wash. The two-da- y pro-frn-of the Washington State Irtlga-tlo- n Institute, which meets here No-rem- 24 and 23, will Include speak-ers of recognized authority in lrrlga-;lo- n work according to It K. Tiffany, f Spokane, president of the Institute. Chicago. if thelpeop'e of the ri ;iflc coast would use the rallronds of the water routes for more shipments from the east the car short-age might be obviated, It, M. Oalkltts, vice president of the Chicago, Mi-lwaukee & St Taul railroad said In discussing the car situation. "Most of the business from the terttory east of Chicago destined for the west Is now going by water and at such low rates that railroads could not moot ex-cept with a heavy loss." Tacomn Dragged from his rowlioat devilfish which he had hy a galnt speared, Albert Games 19. of Sun rise Beach, lost his life in the swift waters of the narrows near Gig Har-bor. Sarramento.-Joverno- r W. D. Ste-phens will be asked to Invite governors 3t eight western states to send repre-tentativ-to the annual convention of California fruit growers and shippers to be held here December 12, 13, and 14, for the purpose of forming a co-operative association to deal with tha Interstate commerce commission on transportation matters. Portland. FrankFlint, of this city, who won the Rhodes scholarship has won the chancellor's prize for an Eng-lls- n essay at the Oxford university. Flint Is the first American to win this honor, which Is considered one of the greatest which can be bestowed upon a etudent of Oxford university. Ixs Angeles All I'nited Sttea will oe broken by California th's year, ac-cording i a statement issued by the Los Angles chamber of commerce. Ueglstratiims nt present total 837,000 !or the state, na-irl- one third of which are in Los Angeles county. San Francisco.' Thirteen-year-ol- d gnntlns Grenera Tuesday confessed, police announced, to having set fire to twenty nine bulldm-- s In the Russian hill district here w'th!n the rsst sev-eral month. Portland. First vlolcace in the longshoromen's Htiike occurred when 100 or more strikers and sympathizers, Including many women, whe bad ga-thered nt A'nsworth flock, clashed with strikebreakers going to nn.1 re-turning from their noon meal. Council Blnffs E'even of the thirty-fon- r rnllay mall clerks who pleaded guilty to larceny from the malls In con-nection with alleged wholesale thefts from th Union Tactile mail terminals liere, were sentenced by Federal Jodge M. J. Wade to vnryln? terms In bortt fwleral and state penal Institu-tions. Twenty-tw- o others wore placed on probation until the next term of court, when they must submit to the court a written report from two die--j Interested persons as to their conduct in the nlteriia. GRIDIRON CHAMPIONS ARt BORN, NOT MADE Player Must Be Blessed With Certain Natural Ability. Head Coach Jones of Yale Says Stars Are Men Who Intuitively Know What to Do Football Is Most Scientific Game. Tad Jones, head coach of, Yale's football eleven, has evolved one fact out of his years of football experi-ence : "Footlv.U players that Is, the really great ones are born, not made. "A man muy have courage, speed and grit, and yet he will be only a mediocre football player, unless he Is blessed with a certain natural ability which might be celled football sense. "I have played with and against many men, and I have trained many others, but I have always noticed that the slars were the men who Intuitive-ly knew what to do. "They are the men who race through a broken field for a touendown, male-- 1 V f ' - y. i f I '""Mfk Tad Jonas. Ing their way according to no set formula, but only as Instinct directs them. "The star of the prep school Is gen-erally a star at college. "The sooner the boy begins to play football, the better chance he has of developing natural ability. A boy is never too young to learn at leust the rudiments of the game. A few knocks will only help him to stand tha Aaraer bumps later on In life. "Football Is the greatest game there is. It Is prohably (he most bctjntlEc game played today. "Some conches have a tendency to spread their formation all ovei? tha field, hoping that something lu kj may happen to penult them to score. "A team should win because It has a well balanced attack based on sound football, together with an adequate de-fense. "A good running attack, with the use of tt few mass plays, should form the basis of any winning team." Unexpected Results. "The phrenologist told Algy so many eloe things " "YeB?" That's how fie has a swelled head.' One kind of diplomat Is a woman who can make a man believe that he knows more thnn she does. Surely Was Fast Colt When Ed Corrlgan was train-in- g a pretentious string at Haw- - thorne some years ago ne had a colored stable boy bearing the race-trac- k nickname of "Hog." The "Master of Hawthorne" was ' working a two-year-o-ld one morning and told Hog to break her at the half mile and let her run to the stand. She worked the half mile In :51V4. When the boy pulled up Corrlgan said to him : "Did she work easy, Hog," "Yas sab, yas sah." "Could she have worked fast- - err "Yas sah, yas sah." "How much faster could she " have worked?" Hog scratched his nappy head 4 for a minute, then replied: "'Bout a mlnlt, boss." 5, They Often Da. ' "There's a fellow who has nothing to do." "Welir "And he gets very tired ef the Job." Busplciens which may be uJut oeod not be stated. Sporting Squibs of All Kind? ; Sport Is booming In the West and on the Coast. a Battling SIkl may or may not be a champion, but he Is not much on looks, a a a Pittsburgh gossip Is that the Pi-rates w ill trade or sell Pitcher Harold Carson. a .a a Tou ;;ldom see a savings account book and a racing form shset in tbe same pocket a e a Argentina won the Mitre cup, em-blematic of the South American ten-nis chumpionshlpe. aa Battling Slkl has a number of ene-mies in Paris. They want to match hlrn with Jack Dempsey. a a a The Yankees, says a dispatch, will again be piloted by Mr. Hugglns. IIow do they mean, "piloted?" a a a Frank Moran Is the one pugilist who was licked by Joe Beckett. Which makes him a pugilistic novelty, e e e Tom Lleb, Notre Dame tackle and national college discus champion, sus-tained a broken, leg in the Purdue game. a a a The St. Louis Americans have ob-tained Homer Kzell from Shreveport. ' of the Texas league. Ezell Is a third baseman. e a On looking at the picture of Battling Slkl, a ringside character said he was ugly enough to frighten his opponents Into defeat. see Baseball will never attain its full vigor In Japan until the natives have learned to heave sake bottles at the center fielder. eaa For an Infallible method of picking h world's scries winner, first read what the experts predict and then bet on the other team. a a a One of the really startling things of the nntumn Rpurtlng season Is when some professional goes out and breaks the record of a golf course. a a e Have you started to bowl yet? Golf Is the rage In the Hummer, put In the colder months the ulley game seems to get those athletically and sporting!)' Inclined. a a a Arthur N. Xehf and George L. Kelly, star pitcher and first baseman with the New York Giants, declined offers to go to Japan with the baseball tour-ists this winter. eaa The knockers who talk about Man-ager Hugslns beleg all through, fur-th-he wus able to pilot his team :o ic;nry in a strenuous contest In the Aiuerlcun league. Har Choice. Rastus (to his girl) Ah's gwlna lown to dat new sto' to get some candy. Dey's got candied cherries, trivlerrles Hn' 1 don't know wliut all. His Girl Man, bring me a chocolate 'oated watuhmelon an' Ah's yo's for life. Roston Evening Transcript EXECUTE FIRST DOUBLE PLAY Mads In. Game Between Old Cincln-na- tl Red Stockings and Attan-tic- s of Brooklyn. The first double play of which tfiere is any record was made In a game played between the old Cincinnati Bed Stockings and the Atlantics of Brooklyn. The game was played June 14, 1870. Here la how the play was accom-plished: It wus in the tenth inuing and McDonald of the Atlnntlcs was on second. Pierce was on first, and no one was out. Smith hit a little pop fly to George Wright at short. lr.stead of catching the ball ns the base runner bud anticipated, he trapped the ball by scooping It up on the first bound, snd he threw It to Waterman, who was covering third br.se for Cincinnati. The latter passed It to Stvoasy at second and the two runners were retired. This was the gitme In which Cincin-nati met the first d 'eat in the two seasons that It had be.-- playing. In the eleventh Inning Cincinnati scored two runs, but the Atlantics made three in their half which gave them the game. If given three guesses could you ues why a married man seldom hue my use for a phonograph? It Is said that political graveyards ire never robbed, yet there are a lot if dead ones In politics. J Sold His Prize Watches ' Bill Bingham, who coached t the Harvard track team last J i season, tells n story about Bill McVlcar, the old track conch. t McVlcar used to be an amateur athlete of note before be took J t up coaching. Before one race t t Bingham asked McVIcur how , t many watches he had won In ( amateur meets. "About seventeen," said Mc- - Vicar. t "What do you do with ail of them?" ar'ked Bingham, lnno- - t cently. J t "I sell thorn, of course," an- - swered the athlete. "What did J t you think I did sit up all night ' J und wind them?" NEW HAVEN SETS H!0H. MARK Eastern Leaooe Pennant Winners Capture Even Hundrad Vic-tories During Season. New Haven, winning the Eastern league pennant, made a new record for number of games won In (he league by copping an even hundred victories. !ew Haven finished thir-teen and a hslf games hoad of Wn terhury. Worcester was a poor last, thanks to the vrecWw: nperntlons of Joht Mack, who herpi!." as ntmi't the la-- t of the old ri"'"'I In New Eng-land uluor league teseVaU. |