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Show fy'--': THE BINGHAM NEWS. BINGHAM, UTAH " ' iffljgr I f I. .I.. . i I OUR COMIC SECTION (.-- .' I . ; flomeTovm I p On the Road of Good intentions V HI Mtm PITV5) I : (m I 5UPPc& I I ' ir I Wfwtetn: tt. - y-r- ( j T "" ( J':V Few of us chew our food enough. Hasty meals are harmful, but Wrigley's stimulates the flow ot saliva that Helps the stomach take care of its load Eat less, chew It were n and use Wrifllcys alter . every meal. Jffi A It keeps teeth white, V breath sweet and com-t-W bats acid mouUui 1 1 t !jjJxj&l II JKr Tht U WHf1oyi Bnr II HSUt'ti" fl1 S CZZZHZ pepiwrmiji ehvwlnr rwt, Mm'!11." !ni3tIVtl fcruijlBB the Wrislry d ltifck. TrrTTli tl llxht and benaHta t Toa SPf. gpila lu uw form. ' j ggl rAe Flavor Lasts flffl - Makes Old Waists Like New U viy Vi7 Putnam Fadeless Dyes dyes or tints as you wish Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTOItIA, that famous old for Infants and remedy children, nnd see that It Bears the J? n Signature of Clffl&& In Use for Over SO Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria WOMEN NEED SWAMP-ROO- T v Thousands of women have kidney and bladdsr trouble and never suspect it. Women's complaints of tea prove to be nothing else but kidney trouble, or tbe result of kidney or bladder disease. If the kidneys are not in healthy con-dition, they may cause the other organs to become diseased. Pain in the back, headache, lots of am-bition, nervousness, are often times symp-toms of kidney trouble. Don't delay starting treatment. Dr. Milmer's Swamp-Root- , a physician's pre-scription, obtained at any drug store, may be just the remedy needed to overcome sack conditions. Get a medium or large size bottle im-mediately from any drug store. However, if you wish fiint to test this t preparation send ten cent to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Ilinghamton, N. Y, for a sample bottle. When writing be sura and meatioa this paper. Advertisement. Cuticura for Sore Hands. Soak hands on retiring-I- the hot suds of Cuticura Soap, dry and rub In Cu-ticura Ointment Remove surplus Ointment wltn tissue paper. This Is only one of the things Cuticura will do If Soap, Ointment and Talcum are used for all toilet purpose Advertisement in flic Kitchen Use The BAMING POWDER A Big Time and Money Saver When you bake. e4 with Calumet you f nlflTifTTfl know there will be ( -- I - 1 . VLAiUlMJi no loss or failures. aMjJ That's why. it is far mW&Mm less expensive than .fSS some other brands 7 St selIins for Iess- - i T PD, The sale of Calumet is KTld bZXZZti over 150 greater v. s than that of any other Brw best bt test brand. Qtjvj Don't be led lata taking Quantity for Quality Calumet has proven to be best by test in million nf home, every bake-day- . world Contains only such ingredients officially approved by U. S. Pure Food Au?horiUes THE HOLLOS it It I'ATEST flAK-frJgp- g . i J ROCK MAPLE FIRST CHOICE Good Reasons for Its Being the Fa-vorite Tree "for Streets of the 4 Small Town. Roughly speaking, trees ure used for one of three purposes. The first, street planting, Is tliut which Is most apt lo come within our ken. Fre-quently, especially In new towns and '"developments,"' certain trees are to be planted along certain streets; and householders are asked to "do their bit" by purchasing and setting out trees to stand before their homes. The selection Is generally made by a com-mittee, often upon a slight knowledge of the subject, based, perhaps, upon other plantings which have been made elsewhere under their observation, perhaps not particularly successful plantings. The argument is that one must have something, and as there are not so very many kinds of trees one must stick to those one has seen, since anything out of the common probably will not grow. And so the decision Is made. This method of selection, perhaps, may account for the widespread plant-ing of the rock maple In American small-tow- n treets. The choice of this tree is one against which the tree lov-er should, and the tree knower will protest. The rock maple Is, not par tlculnrly fast growing. It is awkward In Its habit, and is brittle and frail It Is not as decorative as many of Its sturdier brethren, and when so many, better trees may be had at no greater trouble and expense, Its popularity is difficult to understand. For streets there Is no tree superior to the Norway maple. With its sym-metrical form and luxuriant foliage, which turns so beautiful in the fall, no other maple surpasses It. It grows with fair rapidity and It is sturdy and resistant. Amelia Hill . In Art aad Decoration. ARTISTIC GATE liiin i The garden gate may be as artistic as a front door, even if gates are tucked away at the foot of the flower garden. The design from the Build-ers' Age offers ninny suggestions. It Is, perhaps, better looking without the pergola effect If used for the small garden. You might call a man a rolling stone, but don't Insinuate that he Isn't on the level. Safety First. & rugllist "I'd rather not take gas." Dentist "I dare sayl But I won't risk attending yon without" OkMlckiel j'fit&K- - Gotta Go vshW tbAN, 4 SCHoou MO SCHOOL ! - ' StCK AUO CAMT COMB tO SCHOOU TOOAV I (US VS YKi 1 , 7) ?M)K v-- ' y; Some men think they know enough If they know where they can borrow money. While It Is true that this Is a hurry, np world, nobody likes to see his finish. Look up, not down especially when you have a blacked eye; then yoa can't see !t Conceit is a weed that grows best lu barren soil I Apple Trees In Parkways. In Flossmoor, III., apple trees were planted In the parkways when the sub-division was laid out years ago. The trees have been neglected both as to spraying and pruning, but they have grown well and are now bearing. When the suburb Is built up the horns owners will be able to take cure of the trees and reap a harvest each year from their parkway space. ' While the ornamental value of an ppple re- - !" such a place may be oMn to debate, there Is no question about Its being superior to the Car-olina poplars which most suhdl. v!ders plant, and the apple trees ought tt he a better selling point. They are good for 50 years, and begin to bear fruit Just about the time the Caro-lina poplar Is ready to cut down, Chicago Dully News. Surprised at You, Mother """ IV GIAT To bEE REPAIRING II I IwHAT THAT TT ' THE ROATtt -T- HE1 CEKTAiMW MACHINE , FREDDIE f j a HEED IT C ' a j I how ijoej ii ) j ( TT7 1 riw ,T VJ0RK y I r know werv P; V; 'c- - New Roofs for New Houses. New Ideas In roofs are being adopt-ed everywhere. No longer do we see two or three types or roofs, to the exclusion of others. The Cnthlr, pelnted uni? daring, with long sloping roof with Its appearance of being thatched; the low dinner with its n:an.v tuulliened windows; the roof with a Wuch of Moorish in Its lines these ae only a few of the types seen in the new houses. "Dall Eireann." The meaning of "Ketsire Pal; Klrennn" (or F. I). '..). , ntnonl. 'ailed "Iall Klrennn" neenrdlni! to i statement made In one of the new voi nines of the Kncyeloiedt nritimnie,. I! 'Members of the Assembly of In ImikI." a title given to iheniseUes Ii members of the Irlxh reinliM-- uirty. With the sl.-nin- g of Hie Iii r'r.e State treiity. ho ' ever, reimh!, anlsm h.'is been dropped lv n inn hi ity of the memi.prx. The pn.nuin'i thin of "D-ji- l Kireunn" In .),, . eetabn.1 |