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Show Jap or Chines. The eldest son of the mayor of .Tef-fersonville, .Tef-fersonville, who Is about nine yean old, Is a shrewd observer and no doubt marks what his elders say. He can, however, find his own way of express' Ing himself. He was In a newspaper office a few days ago when an eastern "drummer" came In, showed his wares, ' and said he would call again. A discussion dis-cussion ensued In the office whether the visitor v. as a Chinese or Japanese, when Hiram spoke up: "He said h would come back. If he does, he Is a Chinese, but If he doesn't come back you can know lie Is a Japanese." Evidently Evi-dently the Chinese have an enviable reputation. In Hiram's judgment, for "truth and veracity." IndlanapolU News. |