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Show Apple Trees In Parkways. In Flossmoor, III., apple trees were planted In the parkways when the subdivision sub-division was laid out years ago. The trees have been neglected both as to spraying and pruning, but they have grown well and are now bearing. When the suburb Is built up the horns owners will be able to take cure of the trees and reap a harvest each year from their parkway space. ' While the ornamental value of an ppple re- !" such a place may be oMn to debate, there Is no question about Its being superior to the Carolina Car-olina poplars which most suhdl. v!ders plant, and the apple trees ought tt he a better selling point. They are good for 50 years, and begin to bear fruit Just about the time the Carolina Caro-lina poplar Is ready to cut down, Chicago Dully News. |