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Show Hammond Heads U. S. Coal Commission John Hays Hammond (portrait herewith) has been appointed by President Pres-ident ITardlng a member of Uie coal commission created by congress as a result of the recent coal strikes. He will ' serve as chairman. This ts the same John Hays Hammond who once bulked so large In the affairs of Cecil Rhodes and was under sentence of death by the British government. The other members of the commission are: Thomas Riley Marshall, Indiana, former vice president of the United States and former governor of Indiana Indi-ana ; Samuel Alscbuler of Illinois, ' Judge of the Seventh United 8tate Circuit Cir-cuit court ; Clark Howell, Atlanta, editor edi-tor of the Atlanta Constitution ; George Otis Smith, Maine, director of the United States geological survey; Dr. Edward T. Devlne, Iowa, now of New ' York, editor, teacher and publicist Charles P. Nell!, Illinois and Washington, Washing-ton, former commissioner of labor In Roosevelt's administration. r ) lltn jjL J Three of the commission, Marshall; Alschnler and Howell, .are Democrats. The commission wiU Investigate all phases of the problems of the coal Industry. The commission is required to submit Its first report and recommendations recom-mendations to congress and the President not later than January 15, 1923. |