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Show The "Tiger" of France With U3 Again Georges Clemenceau. tlie "Tiger," !s with us again. The former French premier has come to "ask for nothing, to suggest nothing and with the sole pure of stating the case of France." Clemenceau has planned a unique schedule while In this country. He will come here accompanied only by his man servunt, paying his own way and representing no group or faction. He will accept no Invitations of unyi kind and will be visible only during' his addresses or In the course of his movements about the various cities he will visit. Ills American tour will last it K&itr.f about a month and will Include a strenuous round of speeches, In which he hopes "to tell the duties of each people hi the tremendous crisis created hy tlie wur." "It will be a very strnnce experience experi-ence coming back to America," said Clemenceau. "I left It In 1S flftr-bree flftr-bree years ago. And Just the other day I celebrated my elghty-flrst birthday. 1 iimi to live In Seventh stre--New York. 1 suppose It Is all skyscrapers now. "France in not Imperialist, not militarist," be ssld. 'France In not u nation of fools, and only fools would want to burden their country with militarism. I am going to Atncnrn to tell America so. No has spoken for Frui:ce, so I leteruilned, ns a private Individual, to do . It is ooe of th last mid best services I can render my cone try." |