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Show Sporting Squibs of All Kind? ; Sport Is booming In the West and on the Coast. a Battling SIkl may or may not be a champion, but he Is not much on looks, a a a . Pittsburgh gossip Is that the Pirates Pi-rates w ill trade or sell Pitcher Harold Carson. a .a a Tou ;;ldom see a savings account book and a racing form shset in tbe same pocket a e a Argentina won the Mitre cup, emblematic em-blematic of the South American tennis ten-nis chumpionshlp. eaa Battling Slkl has a number of enemies ene-mies in Paris. They want to match hlrn with Jack Dempsey. a a a The Yankees, says a dispatch, will again be piloted by Mr. Hugglns. IIow do they mean, "piloted?" a a a Frank Moran Is the one pugilist who was licked by Joe Beckett. Which makes him a pugilistic novelty, e e e Tom Lleb, Notre Dame tackle and national college discus champion, sustained sus-tained a broken, leg in the Purdue game. a a a The St. Louis Americans have obtained ob-tained Homer Kzell from Shreveport. ' of the Texas league. Ezell Is a third baseman. e a On looking at the picture of Battling Slkl, a ringside character said he was ugly enough to frighten his opponents Into defeat. 1 see Baseball will never attain its full vigor In Japan until the natives have learned to heave sake bottles at the center fielder. eaa For an Infallible method of picking h world's scries winner, first read what the experts predict and then bet on the other team. a a a One of the really startling things of the nntumn Rpurtlng season Is when some professional goes out and breaks the record of a golf course. a a e Have you started to bowl yet? Golf Is the rage In the Hummer, put In the colder months the ulley game seems to get those athletically and sporting!)' Inclined. a a a Arthur N. Xehf and George L. Kelly, star pitcher and first baseman with the New York Giants, declined offers to go to Japan with the baseball tourists tour-ists this winter. eaa The knockers who talk about Manager Man-ager Hugslns beleg all through, fur-that fur-that he wus able to pilot his team :o ic;nry in a strenuous contest In the Aiuerlcun league. |