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Show : , Chips and Shavings &i From Lark 1 x Mr and Mrs. Fred Turner Jr. y ' attended the Legion dance at the I high sschool gym. in Bingham on I Saturday last. I Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey Green i have moved to Lark and are ; making their home at one of the : . : Ohio Copper Co.'s burfgalows. Mr. Green has secured a position with the above company as as-sayer, as-sayer, ' The Lark Mercantile Co. under un-der the supervision of W. J. Fahrni have this week opened a first class butcher shop, in connection con-nection with his gerieml mercantile, mer-cantile, business. Mr. Fahrni i will use his every endenvor to furnish the people of Lark with i the best meats procurable, which j will be received daily by express j from Salt Lake City. ' ; . The county commissioners may, think the people of Lark prefer darkness rather than light I but we say otherwise. Let thej county lipht shine before men at your request gentlemen. Mrs. Lovella Blanpied, after spending several days here visiting visit-ing with her parents, Mr. and ,,- Mrs. Louis Peterson has left for ' California where she will spend - the winter months. Mrs. E. W. Moore and Mrs. A. . Ilcmmingsen motored to Salt Lake v... on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. James Wight and family of American Fork were Lark visitors on Sunday. " Mrs. Fred Turner Jr. spent the week end at Bingham visiting with ner parents Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gerrans. |