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Show Western Brevities . from the Many i Western States San Francisco. Wtadek Zbyszko, Pollsn wrestling champion, won hla finish match Wednesday with Itenato Gardini, Italian champion, when he broke Gaardlnl's tinkle with a too aold after each grnppler had obtained fall during more thau thirty minutes )f wrestling. Salt Lake City The contract un-ler un-ler which next year's beet crop will he received by the factories will likely be negotiated this fall, according to Fred Mathews, commercial agent of the Utah State Farm bureau. A meeting of the executive committee of the state organization, which has in the past represented the farmers in making beet contracts, will be held n Salt Iake next Friday night It is announced. Billings, Mont. A wild steer cap-aired cap-aired 30 miles from Billings hore had ilx well developed horns. Yakima. So many motorists have passed through Union Gap, near here, without even knowing that there was i town In the vicinity until they were laled Into court on speeding charges, that a number of complaints have been made to the local commercial ?lub bv tourlBts. suggesting that some distinctive marking setting forth the presence of a town there should be posted. Reno. The state hlgway department lent out a state policeman equipped with proper devices and clothed with the necessary authority to make a thorough canvas of overlonded trucks moving over the state highways, Elko. The grading on the Elko-tlalleck Elko-tlalleck road will be entirely rmplet 9d by the twentieth of the month, ae , lording to S. C. Durkee, division engineer en-gineer of the highway. Eugene. In an effort to stock the forests of Oregon with Moose, five jf. these animals, brought from Alaska, were liberated by the state game commission com-mission In the southern .part of 7ne county and the northern part of Douglas county. Yakima, Wash. The two-day pro-frnm pro-frnm of the Washington State Irtlga-tlon Irtlga-tlon Institute, which meets here No-rember No-rember 24 and 23, will Include speakers speak-ers of recognized authority in lrrlga-;lon lrrlga-;lon work according to It K. Tiffany, f Spokane, president of the Institute. ' Chicago. if thelpeop'e of the ri ;iflc coast would use the rallronds in-Head in-Head of the water routes for more shipments from the east the car shortage short-age might be obviated, It, M. Oalkltts, vice president of the Chicago, Milwaukee Mil-waukee & St Taul railroad said In discussing the car situation. "Most of the business from the terttory east of Chicago destined for the west Is now going by water and at such low rates that railroads could not moot except ex-cept with a heavy loss." Tacomn Dragged from his rowlioat hy a galnt devilfish which he had speared, Albert Games 19. of Sun rise Beach, lost his life in the swift waters of the narrows near Gig Harbor. Har-bor. Sarramento.-Jovernor W. D. Stephens Ste-phens will be asked to Invite governors 3t eight western states to send repre-tentativps repre-tentativps to the annual convention of California fruit growers and shippers to be held here December 12, 13, and 14, for the purpose of forming a cooperative co-operative association to deal with tha Interstate commerce commission on transportation matters. Portland. FrankFlint, of this city, who won the Rhodes scholarship has won the chancellor's prize for an Eng-llsn Eng-llsn essay at the Oxford university. Flint Is the first American to win this honor, which Is considered one of the greatest which can be bestowed upon a etudent of Oxford university. Ixs Angeles All I'nited Sttea will oe broken by California th's year, according ac-cording i a statement issued by the Los Angles chamber of commerce. Ueglstratiims nt present total 837,000 !or the state, na-irly one third of which are in Los Angeles county. San Francisco.' Thirteen-year-old gnntlns Grenera Tuesday confessed, police announced, to having set fire to twenty nine bulldm-s In the Russian hill district here w'th!n the rsst several sev-eral month. Portland. First vlolcace in the longshoromen's Htiike occurred when 100 or more strikers and sympathizers, Including many women, whe bad gathered ga-thered nt A'nsworth flock, clashed with strikebreakers going to nn.1 returning re-turning from their noon meal. Council Blnffs E'even of the thirty-fonr thirty-fonr rnllay mall clerks who pleaded guilty to larceny from the malls In connection con-nection with alleged wholesale thefts from th Union Tactile mail terminals liere, were sentenced by . Federal Jodge M. J. Wade to vnryln? terms In bortt fwleral and state penal Institutions. Institu-tions. Twenty-two others wore placed on probation until the next term of court, when they must submit to the i court a written report from two die-j die-j Interested persons as to their conduct in the nlteriia. |