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Show Surely Was Fast Colt When Ed Corrlgan was train-ing train-ing a pretentious string at Haw- ; thorne some years ago ne had a colored stable boy bearing the ! race-track nickname of "Hog." The "Master of Hawthorne" was ' working a two-year-old one morning and told Hog to break her at the half mile and let her run to the stand. She worked the half mile In :51V4. When the boy pulled up Corrlgan said to him : "Did she work easy, Hog," "Yas sab, yas sah." "Could she have worked fast- ' err "Yas sah, yas sah." "How much faster could she " have worked?" Hog scratched his nappy head 4 for a minute, then replied: ; I "'Bout a mlnlt, boss." 5, |