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Show " WASHINGTON ''djgjf : ! I A controversy over the saley-"'"" j 1 1 arets in the lobby of the GraceiydM I hotsl operated by the Young vMien' , . Christian association exclusively for, the accommodation of women, has ,t , I been taken to the courts. ' I. John Emmett Garland, one of the i ' Judges of the United States circuit & court of appeals for the Eighth Judi-. ! clal circuit, comprising Western and Northwestern states, died suddenly of hemorrhage at his home here, ' Arrangements for handling $035,000,- j 000 of war savings certificates of 1918 which mature January 1, were an- f nouneed by Secretary Mellon, who said , : ' they were in the hands of millions of holders. J Preliminary negotiations for the f funding of Rumania's $41,000,000 war debt to this country, . Including $5, . 000,000 Interest due probably will be - j conducted by Secretary Mellon, chair- man of the American debt funding , f commission, pending return to Wash- , ' ngton of other American commissions. ' "1 The retail cost of food has increased about 1 per cent between September 13 and October 15 in all of twenty- 1 six representative cities from which 1 f statistics were compiled, the department depart-ment of labor has announced. The future extensive development of a substantial coal mining industry in the public land arais of certain Western states is forecast in statistics , compiled by the federal bureau of , mines, which Bhhow tuat up to Octo- ber 1, the bureau had issued 203 per- mits for prospecting for coal on government gov-ernment lands. 70 of the permits were ' issued for Wyoming, 27 for Utah and 4 for Idaho. Application has been received by the federal power commission for a permit covering erection of a power dam In the Rio Grande river, five miles abo've Laredo, Texas. ' HEWS HISTORY OF THE JT WEEK A Complete History of What Has Been Happening Throughout the World WESTERN When prohibition enforcement agents entered a shop at San Fran-sicco Fran-sicco they discovered what apparently was only a thirst for literature. A large library of leather-bound books was a conspicuous feature. However, the raiders reported each volume had between covers otherwise hollow a neat bottle. Shortage of cars during the past year has cost the farmer and fruitgrower fruit-grower a great sum of money in the loss of crops which he was unable to move to market. This applies in particular to mountain and coast slates and to see that if the future cannot remedy this n conference of representatives of the farmers, fruit and vegetable growers, shippers, railroad rail-road executives and members of the Interstate commerce commission h is been called to meet In Sacramento, Cul, In December. The call Is signed by Governor William 1). Stephens of California and the convention will he held under the auspices of the California Califor-nia department of agriculture. "The importance of the Odgen livestock live-stock show Is being realized not only locally, hut by interested livestock breeders and record associations all over the United States. Until a livestock live-stock show Is recognized as a permanent perma-nent institution, it is impossible to secure se-cure aid from the record associations. So great was the success of the last Ogflen show that four record associations associa-tions have offered cash prizes for their respective breeds at the coming show, to be held the first week In January.", Ten foreign steamship lines Thurs-, Thurs-, day filed petitions with the United States supreme court asking the court ' to tnke prompt action on their an-pnls an-pnls to test the validity of Attorney trfneral Daugherty's ruling barring liquor from the Amelcran three-mile limit Woodrow Wilson, former president and leader of Democracy was "deeply "deep-ly gratified" by the decision ot the ' American people nt the polls Tuesday is was stated Thursday at his S street home. FOREIGN Oltliens of the Philippines would bt J required to pay on snnuul salariei ranging from $i)00 upward graduated . J Income tax t)y the terms of a bill In- 1 traduced in the Philippine senate. A motion asking the prefect of police po-lice to bar boxing forever from Pari i sian rings has leen introduced and ,will come up for iSscuswlon in the Paris municipal council. J Americans requiring the services ot a Bremen physician or surgeon will hereafter be charged a fee nine time larger than what is ordinarily paid by. the natives. This in accordance with a schedule adop.ed by the medl- cui association. Mrs. (VRahllly and three other women wo-men prisoners at Dublin who have been on hunger strike out of sympathy with Mary M.mSwlney have taken food. One of them having collapsed, Miss MncEwlnoy urged the women not to continue their fust. Miss ilacSwiney, however refuses to accept food. "Quick'' medicines are under governmental gov-ernmental attack In the tiny South American republic of Uruguay, according accord-ing to reports reaching the department of commerce, and If legislation now pending before the Uruguayan con- 1 wees Is enacted, their continued Bale Is threatened. The United States"battleshlp Pitts-bur? Pitts-bur? left (ilbmlier Thursday for Constantinople Con-stantinople to protect American interests in-terests in the Near Eastern crisis. Premier Mussolini has telegraphed t" the Italian high commissioner in Constantinople stating that ho favored fav-ored a united front hy the Allies regarding re-garding Turkey. The premier announced an-nounced the sending of this message Development of a new Industry in Uinta county that promises to rival the shecf) industry Is now on. Thi is the raising of alfalfa seed. With this Industry goes dairying, hogs, bees and turkeys. The manager of the Sunshine ranch in that country, according to advices ad-vices received, at the capital, declares that; the growing of alfalfa seed has passed that of the sheep Industry in the county. The death of J. II. Maryott. Seattle engineer makes four lives lost by the derailment of two engines drawing a fast silk train east over the Great Northern railroad. The wreck occurred near Fold liar, Wash.Thursday.' Mary Elizabeth Berry of Portland was instantly killed when an automobile automo-bile driven by Charles F. Bennett, skidded on the wet pavement. The child was crossing the street in from, of the auto. Bennett applied the brakes but the machine swerved around hitting hit-ting her. GENERAL Three automobile bandits secured $2-000 $2-000 from officials of the Central State bank at Kansas City on one of the alongside the automobile In which the principal streets when they drove bank offlcinls were riding. An explosion believed to have been caused by gas, in the tanker J. N. Pew, under repairs at Chster. Pa., killed two workmen, Injured two others, wrecked the vessel amldBhlp with n loss estimated at nearly ?T)00,000, and threw a part of the city into a state of excitement. Farmers of i'ennsytvanla own 13S,-000 13S,-000 cars and trucks, according to a survey sur-vey of the department of agriculture of that state. Oespite a drizzling rain the cornerstone corner-stone of Nebraska's new cnpltol at Lincoln, a memorial to those of Xcbra-ska's Xcbra-ska's sons who fell In the service of their country in the late war, was put In plar-e here Armistice day nmld fitting fit-ting ceremonies. Ti e farmer of today hns on an r.rcr-age r.rcr-age Just .?1H0 left at the end of the yenr to pay for education, doctor's bills, recreation, repairs and other incidentals, in-cidentals, President J. It. Howard of the American Farm Bureau federation declared. at a' recent cabinet meeting. Owing to on enormous Increase of truancy, several Yorkshire, New Lon-don Lon-don towns have forbidden moving pic- i tore theatres to open during school hours. To commit sulcido nt bis birthplace. ' Countances, Anton Segules walked "" miles from the soutn of France. f Sir William Horwood chief of Scot- 1 land Yard and comisslnner of London police, Is suffering from the elTe.-ts of an Inslduous attempt on his life, it became known Saturday. Chilled ment from the Argentine s(wid will compete with Ami-((nn meat in the latter's m:irl;ei if the ve-om-I mendrion of Minister of Airrlcr'.u-ro ! l.e r.i: tnti to c;ittl( in ::. 9 ;,.t:n. hii inti.!sls are c; ;! i 1 out. I r--i , r i ut J,tr'!:'.i -, S " f t i f 'V r I I vj-.n iVl t ;r 1 t 1 1 "7.; t f t:. iin'.n . ; - , i'-.i -lav -u d' j. -i. , . ... 'sift .'(: .... t Plans to mortorlze the Chicago police po-lice department In Its war on cr me were announced hy chief of police. ' 'he modern crook has pradlcally ellnln-ated ellnln-ated toe plollceman on foot as a fa' tor In suppression of crime, Chief I itz-morris itz-morris sai l. Lleutonants OaklTy Kelly and John MacKeady nre phinning to mane their next attempt to Hy across the continent contin-ent In an airplane without a stop shortly after the first of the year. The route will be from New Yor u San kleiro. Lieutenant John Il.aney, army filer from Mitihcl r.-ld, Lon,' Island, was Instcntly ur.'d it Umlnalrd Mnn!cl;nl Meld lipi-e whil t:if.lng port In md airphino relay 'n the Hartford aviation moM. Ills pi-ins struck a tree ami crashed when a'.ont to bind. j An engraved lestinioulnl preparon I by lmpri-int't a-tl-tn i-nd evrns!n. j the r.r,.r Intiun of Sin,- S r.j 1 ri..n- : f.r the 'ntccv. t n ) . hon in ii,r- r ' we'faro '.vai forwn rrfe,j : sir Tlx-mi ; Llp!''U tr the '.;. :::: V.'elfar-) h'nv.c i |