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Show PRESCRIPTION FOR LONG UFE; According to This German Physician,. It Is Easy to Add to One's Year of Usefulness. The gathering of centenarians which ' took place the other day recalled the ' case of the eminent German physician, j Doctor Flschweller, who died recently " at the age of one hundred and nine. He often declared that he possessed'' an infallible rule for securing longevity, longev-ity, which he would reveal to the -world In his will. Upon his death, . then, this formula was disclosed: "Put your bed, orienting It by meansJ of a compass, so that you win Iiavs' your head placed north, and lie in a1 horizontal pvsltlon'. Sleep solldry with closed fists." This Is the whole secret This position, posi-tion, It is assertedt brings the body In communication with the great tellurian currents coming from the north and Insures an extremely happy bloef circulation. |