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Show ThT KITCHEN CABINET (. 1923, Wcatarn Krwcpapwr t'nlon.) Whfw luck In better far than ours? Tbe other fallow's. Whose road sems always lined with (lowers? TUe other fellow's. Who in the man who seems to get Moot Joy in life with least regret. Who always seems to win bis bstT 1'iie other fellow. FOOD THAT'S DIFFERENT Just ordinary food served In an extraordinary ex-traordinary way is whut epicureans call fancy cookery; cook-ery; an art In which the French chef excels. It . takes Imagination to serve an egg - so dainty, so tasty, so attractive, attrac-tive, that It Is ar- tistic. Such a dish Is , Planked Ham With Eggs. A slice of ham minced and moistened with cream sauce Is spread on u fireproof platter with depressions for each egg which is to bo placed on It. Drop an i'Kg In each small nest, season, place the dish In a hot oven to set the egfrs. Serve corned beef hash In the same manner and garnish with purs-ley. purs-ley. A plunk may be used, but must he very hot when the meat Is placed upon It. Salad Anni. Cut half-Inch slices lengthwise of head lettuce. On these sections lay alternately segments of orange, grapefruit and tangerinea from which all tough skin and membrane mem-brane has been removed. Serve with French dressing beaten smooth with a spoonful or two of catsup. Celery With Cheese Sauce. Cook celery cut In small pieces unfll tender. Itctter a buking dish or Individual baking bak-ing dishes, put In' a poonful of celery, cel-ery, some seasoning, then a spoonful of rich white sauce ; cover with, grated cheese, finish with battered crumbs and buke In a hot oven until thoroughly heated through. French pastry owes ltl charm to Its frivolous appearance, shape, color and decoration. The same Ingredients used In the ordinary way would not appeal. ap-peal. We have (the most of tls). not passed from the gingerbread-roan stage; we like the taste of food that appeals to the eye, imagination and color sense. The allurement of attractive attrac-tive food draws us to out-of-the-way places, and the most popular places where food Is served are those which cater to the magic Influence of well-prepured well-prepured and well-garnished food. Stafford Sausages Put six ounces of lean beef through the meat ch'npper, add one small onion, two branches of parsley. Add one cupful of cold corn mush, one teaspoonfnl of salt,' a few dashes of cayenne, one-half one-half teaspoonful of poultry dressing; mix well to blend. Mold Into sausages and fry until a golden brown in hot fat. Oh. wisdom of the cods that mde ust When the dos-cart of life at which we tug mires utterly, we still can slip the collar. Clyde Davis. MORE GOOD THINGS When serving boiled fish, cook It In a steamer or dropped In water tied In a cheese cloth. Re- ' mm ill i move, drain, bone and skin the fish, divide Into fillets and serve with Fingaree. Take tbe Juice of half a lemon, two tablespoonfuls of butter, one tablespoonful of finely-minced onion, two tablespoonfuls of minced parsley, one teaspoonful of salt, one-half teaspoonful of mustard, one-half teaspoonful of paprika, half a clove of gnriic, the yolk of an egg and three tablespoonfuls of water. Put the butter, lemon Juice and seasoning sea-soning Into a saucepan and briug to 9 boll, add the yolk of the egg and water but do not boll; stir until well blended and thick and remove from the heat. Serve at once. braised 6wc. threads- Wash the sweetbreads using one-half pound, cover with cold water and add the Juice of half h lemon. Let stand for two hours, then simmer in hot water for twenty minutes, cool and press iindpr a weight to flatten. Remove the tubes and cut In slices. Place two tablespoonfuls of butter in a saucepan, add the sweetbreads and one tablespoonful of chopped onion, one cupful of mushrooms, and when well-hented arrange on squares of buttered toast and cover with Supreme Sauce. Take one cupful of cream sauce, the Juice of one lemon, one well-beaten egg, one teaspoonful tea-spoonful of salt, one-half teaspoonful teaspoon-ful of paprika, one teaspoonful of onion Juice, pinch of powdered cloves, the same of nutmeg. Heat until very hot and pour over the rweetbresds and toast. Garnish with fluely-mlnced parsley and sliced hard-cooked egg. Pumpkin Pudding Take one and one-half rnpfuls of well-cooked pumpkin, add one cupful of milk, the yolk of two escs, a third of a cupful of susnr. one tablespoonful of melted butter, a teaspoonful of glncer, a few drops of lemon extract and n little Fait. Mix Will, pour Into custard clip- and bake for an hour (n M s,uv oven. Set tbe cups t, n pun of hot : water. GniTK-h with ,ir!l, ,.r,,M1;, I and trated cheese. This inl.p,, ('. hefler for children than il fashioned pumpkin i """I |