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Show : ?w Jim's Old Place Bakery Restaurant Combination Building - D. Pezzopane Fancy Imported and Domestic Groceries. Foreign Money Or-ders Or-ders and Drafts Notary Public, Steamship Agt. Banco of Naples Correspondent SERVE BREAD j Have you ever sat down. to a table where no Bread was served? How flat arid tasteless the whole meal j seemedl . .-...,. j Bread is the one food indispensable, and the only I food of economy to-day. , , , GOOD BREADI j is the Bread you eat twice as much of because it's so delicious. ! Fresh every hour. STANDARD BREAD CO. 536 Main St., Phone 187 BINGHAM CANYON t . . . WALNUT CAFE . ' - a A Little Better Than Good Enough" Private Tablrs For Ladies " t 62 East Second f outh Silt Lake City, Phone Was. 10254 Dress Making, Plain and Fancy Sewing dene reasonably. reason-ably. Apply room 17, Modern Mod-ern Hotel. ARTHUR C. COLE Attorney-At-Law . Bingham Canyon, Utah .... f Awocato practicio in Corte degh Stati Unit! in Corte degh Stat! Utah TN Let MRS. NETTIE L BERRY take your orders for all kinds of cut flowers and potted flowers. Phone 363m - 215 When in Salt Lake City secure se-cure your room at the NEW WASATCH HOTEL 78 West Broadway, for accomodations ac-comodations like home. Jack Curnow and Chas. Uren Proprietors II II T HE MEADOW LARK A Year's Investigation of cylinder-type Electric Washers Proved Its Superiority We have made exhaustive investigation of the leading cylinder-type electric washers, und as a result of our search have selected the Meadow Lark as the very best. The Meadow Lark is best in appearance completely com-pletely inclosed; best in efficiency, long wear snd general usefulness. No description can do justice to its many merits won't you come in and see it for yourself? You will be just as enthusiastic as we in proclaiming it the very best cylinder-type electric washer for ,f home use. Special Terms for November $5 Down and $10 a Month I Utah Power & Light Co. j j ;:f,'ic:cr.t ruM'.e Service" I Kwrythin-r Electrical for the Horn- j j il H ! LOST A Large Round Brooch at American Legion Dance Phone 160 Mrs. Earl Nepple and recieve reward A Thanksgiving Turkey Raffle will be held at the GREEN LIGHT SOFT DRINK PARLOR on November ?.0th Come and gsl a Cheap Turkey Matt Contratto AUTO TRUCK SERVICE Long -or Short Haulajre Service you can d,.-. Ur;., rhon 124 Alain ;W;. L |