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Show American Woman Weds British War Hero :Vi' v -rY l.' , ; - . Mrs. bgden L. Mills, the former Margaret Rutherford, stepdaughter of the late William K. Vanderbllt, and Sir Paul Dukes, British war hero, were married In Nyack, N. Y and Immediately sailed for Europe. Every Ev-ery effort was made to keep the marriage mar-riage secret Little could be learned beyond the fact that' both Mrs. Mills and Sir Paul had for some time resided at the Braehurn club, Nyack, the home of Dr. Pierre A. Bernard, leader of spiritualistic cult, whose followers call hlra "Tlie Omnipotent Oom." Mrs. Mills was married to Congressman Con-gressman Mills In France, where he served as a captain In the United States army. She Inter obtained a Paris divorce. With her sister, Mrs. Hatch, she received a large share of the estate of her stepfuther, William K. Vanderbllt. Mrs. Mills is said to have met Sir Paul Dukes first In retroe-md. whpr he was in the war secret service work. He Is reported to have won his way Into the confidence of the soviet officials, to have worked In a Russian munition mu-nition plant and even to have Joined the Red army in his work for the British Brit-ish secret service. His successes were said to have so Incensed the Bolshevik! Bol-shevik! that orders were given that lie be shot on sight. |