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Show Women Voters League Holds Annual Luncheon Meeting At the annaul meeting d the Ix-ague of Women Voter, of Cedar Ce-dar City, held last werk at the Presbyterian Church, officers were elected, a budget adopted and program also adopted for the coming year. Mrs. Paul Porter, president and Mrs. Eugene P.liss, 2nd vice president of the LAW of Utah from Salt Lr.l e 0y attended at-tended the meeting, and also met with the local board. Officers elected for two year terms were Mrs. Milt Jolley, second se-cond vice president; Mrs. Chester Parry, treasurer; Mrs. Charles R. Hunter, Mrs. Dee Cowan, Mrs. Kenneth Reese, directors; Mrs. Iva H. Ruth, chairman, Mrs. E. F. Stark, and Mamie Eck to the nominating no-minating committee for a one-year one-year term. The program adopted for the coming year was a continuation of the current study on the Financial Fi-nancial Structure of the Cedar City Government. Other program Items adopted were continued support of measures to improve channels of communication between be-tween schools and the public; and to insure adequate supplies for, and the maximum development develop-ment of our youth, and continued support of the council-manager form of government for Cedar City. Airs. Vernon Gras will represent repre-sent the Cedar City League at National Convention April 20-24 in Pittsburg, Pa. She will travel to the convention with delegates Trom other local Leagues and the tional LWV Conventions are held very two years to adopt national programs, budget and elect officers offi-cers . During the past two years, the Leagues all over the country have '..tudied United Nations and Foreign Ecnomic Policy. At unit meetings this week the Cedar City League Is starting the study of State Function and Financing Fi-nancing of Public Schools in Utah. This Item was adopted In April, 1963, at the Convention of the League of Women Voters of Utah by delegates representing Leagues In Bountiful, Brigham City, Cedar City, Ogden and Salt Lake City. The Cedar City League feels that this is a very timely and Important study, and would like to Invite all women of Cedar City and the surrounding areas to participate with them. Time and place of unit meetings will be announced. Officers elected last year for two years and still serving cue Mrs. Wesley Larson, president; Mrs. D. C. Schmutz, first vice president; Mrs. Paul Beck, secretary; sec-retary; Mrs. DcWItte Gordon nad Mrs. Vernon Gras, board members. |